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2014-12-08 10:18 218 查看
[gesture velocityInView:self.view]  判断左滑右滑

[gesture translationInView:self.view]  取得滑动距离(有方向)

self.title = @"首页";设置各个页面的标题  然后用它的UINavigationController push下个页面   返回按钮也就默认了title

I have an tab bar application with navigation controllers on certain tabs. If I set a title in initWithNib, that title appears on both the navigation and on the tab.

Both the navigation controller and the tab bar item use that title.

Is it possible to have a different title on the navigation and the tab bar item? Or, more specifically, not to display the title on the navigation bar (I am using a graphic there and don't want the text displayed over my graphic).


Setting self.title specifies the tab title, specifying self.navigationItem.title will override the self.title and set the navigation title. In my case, I set it to nil so no title would show in the navigation bar.


内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息