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囚徒困境 For BBasic

2014-11-05 22:07 274 查看




双方都合作 各得3分

双方都背叛 各得1分

一方合作一方背叛 背叛的5分 合作的0分








const SYS_WaitMessage = &h00
const SYS_GameOver = 	&h01
const SYS_GameWin = 	&h02
const SYS_GameFailed = 	&h03
const SYS_GameDraw = 	&h04
const SYS_GameING = 	&h05
const SYS_GameQuit =	&h06

const Menu_gameStart = 	&h101
const Menu_help = 	&h102
const Menu_about = 	&h103
const Menu_quit = 	&h104
const User_Event = 	&h200
const User_cooperate = 	&h201
const User_defect = 	&h202

const User_Change_Times = &h203

const Text_Clean = &hffffffff	'-1
const Text_AnyKeyReturn = 0
const Text_AnyKeyStart = 1
const Text_SetTimes = 2
const Text_SetConfirm = 3
const Text_QuitConfirm = 4
const Text_ReStartConfirm = 5
const Text_WaitPlayer = 6

dim g_pic_bg, g_pic_Point, g_pic_Times, g_pic_gameHelp, g_pic_gameAbout, g_pic_text, g_pic_SelectedBox

dim g_pg_ZK '战况的页面
dim g_pg_buff, g_pg_temp

dim G_User_Inkey
dim g_gameState

Dim G_key_x, G_key_y
Dim G_key_up, G_key_down, G_key_left, G_key_right
DIM G_key_escape, G_key_enter
Dim G_touch_x, G_touch_y	'触摸点的X Y
Dim G_touch_ID	'返回区域的id值

Dim G_Event_Id
DIM G_User_points, G_Wen_points, G_CurrentGate, G_AllGate, G_User_CurPoints, G_Wen_CurPoints, G_User_LastChoice
Dim G_User_Choice, G_Wen_Choice, G_str_OP$( 2)'操作字符串定义
Dim G_ShowText_ID
Dim G_User_ChoiceCount( 2)

dim fe$, res_file_name$, temp_data, temp_Boolean
declare function ShowNum( hPage, hImg, x, y, num)
declare function getInput()
declare function calTouchId()

declare function random( range)
declare function TriggerEvent( probability)

declare function ShowPlayerPoints( num)
declare function ShowWenPoints( num)
declare function ShowCurrentGate( num)
declare function ShowAllGate( num)
declare function ShowText( hPage, num)

declare function render()
declare function setTimes()
declare function Confirm( num)
declare function GameProcess()
declare function ZKDeal( ZKStr$, ShowPoint) '处理战况的显示
declare function ZKClean()

declare function WenProcess() 'AI过程
declare function PointProcess()
'declare function GateProcess()
declare function TimesOut()

declare function iSTRETCHBLTPAGEEX(X,Y,WID,HGT,CX,CY,DEST,SRC) '一个用来应付bug的函数 缓存页面用的 iSTRETCHBLTPAGEEX_Buff

iSTRETCHBLTPAGEEX_Buff = createpage()

setlcd( 240, 320)

IF GetEnv!() = Env_SIM Then
fe$ = ".rlb"
fe$ = ".lib"
End IF

res_file_name$ = "囚徒困境\res" + fe$
g_pic_bg = Loadres( res_file_name$, 1)
g_pic_Times = Loadres( res_file_name$, 2)
g_pic_Point = Loadres( res_file_name$, 3)
g_pic_gameHelp = Loadres( res_file_name$, 4)
g_pic_gameAbout = Loadres( res_file_name$, 5)
g_pic_text = Loadres( res_file_name$, 6)
g_pic_SelectedBox = Loadres( res_file_name$, 7)
g_pic_Click = Loadres( res_file_name$, 8)

g_pg_ZK = createpage()
g_pg_buff = createpage()
g_pg_temp = createpage()

G_User_points = 0
G_Wen_points = 0
G_CurrentGate = 1
G_AllGate = 5

G_User_LastChoice = User_cooperate

G_str_OP$( 0) = "合作"
G_str_OP$( 1) = "背叛"

G_ShowText_ID = Text_AnyKeyStart

'字体设置 103 48


g_gameState = SYS_WaitMessage
while 1


ShowText( g_pg_buff, G_ShowText_ID)

if g_gameState = SYS_GameING or g_gameState = SYS_GameOver then
STRETCHBLTPAGEEX( 100, 48, 140, 195, 0, 0, g_pg_buff, G_PG_ZK)
end if

flippage( g_pg_buff)

G_User_Inkey = waitkey()

'ZKDeal( "NOW:" + gettick() )


if G_touch_ID <> - 1 then

if G_touch_ID < &h200 and G_touch_ID > &h100 then
if G_touch_ID = Menu_gameStart then

if g_gameState <> SYS_GameING then

g_gameState = SYS_GameING

G_User_points = 0
G_Wen_points = 0
G_CurrentGate = 1

ZKDeal( "开始游戏,共" + G_AllGate + "局", 0)

G_ShowText_ID = Text_WaitPlayer
else if confirm( Text_ReStartConfirm) then

g_gameState = SYS_GameING
G_User_points = 0
G_Wen_points = 0
G_CurrentGate = 1


ZKDeal( "开始游戏,共" + G_AllGate + "局", 0)

G_ShowText_ID = Text_WaitPlayer

end if

else if G_touch_ID = Menu_help  then
showpic( -1, g_pic_gameHelp, 99, 48, 141, 157, 0, 0, 1)

ShowText( - 1, Text_AnyKeyReturn)
else if G_touch_ID = Menu_about then
showpic( -1, g_pic_gameHelp, 99, 47, 141, 159, 0, 0, 1)

ShowText( - 1, Text_AnyKeyReturn)
else if G_touch_ID = Menu_quit then
if confirm( Text_QuitConfirm) then
g_gameState = SYS_GameQuit

color( &h5167fb, 0, 0)

ZKDeal( "游戏作者:Mayuko", 0)
ZKDeal( "论坛Id:mayuko2012", 0)
ZKDeal( "欢迎访问", 0)
ZKDeal( "   club.eebbk.com", 0)
ZKDeal( "   o_O  期待您的来到", 0)

msdelay( 1500)

end if

end if
else if G_touch_ID < &h300 and G_touch_ID > &h200 then

if G_touch_ID = User_cooperate or G_touch_ID = User_defect and g_gameState = SYS_GameING then
'如果减了User_Event 就是合作为1 背叛为2
G_User_Choice = G_touch_ID '- User_Event



ZKDeal( "", 1)


'次数完毕 包括玩家胜利判断

else if G_touch_ID = User_Change_Times then


end if
end if

end if



'//Wen的处理过程 AI计算
function WenProcess()
DIM shared G_User_points, G_Wen_points, G_CurrentGate, G_AllGate, G_User_CurPoints, G_Wen_CurPoints
Dim shared G_User_Choice, G_Wen_Choice, G_User_LastChoice

Dim shared G_User_ChoiceCount( 2)

dim shared WenProcess_CoTime, WenProcess_DeTime, WenProcess_Pro

WenProcess_CoTime = G_User_ChoiceCount( 0)
WenProcess_DeTime = G_User_ChoiceCount( 1)

if ( WenProcess_DeTime > WenProcess_CoTime and TriggerEvent( 30 )) then

G_Wen_Choice = User_cooperate

else if ( WenProcess_DeTime < WenProcess_CoTime and TriggerEvent( 50 )) then

G_Wen_Choice = User_Defect

G_Wen_Choice = G_User_LastChoice

end if

' - User_cooperate 是为了保证 合作为0 背叛为1
'这里 最后才知道用户选择的,所以本次处理的时候并不知道用户选择
G_User_ChoiceCount( G_User_Choice - User_cooperate) = G_User_ChoiceCount( G_User_Choice - User_cooperate)  + 1

G_User_LastChoice = G_User_Choice

end function

function PointProcess()

'wen背叛 玩家合作
if G_Wen_Choice > G_User_Choice then

G_User_CurPoints = 0
G_Wen_CurPoints  = 5
else if G_Wen_Choice = G_User_Choice then

if G_Wen_Choice = User_cooperate then

G_User_CurPoints = 3
G_Wen_CurPoints  = 3
else if G_Wen_Choice = User_Defect then

G_User_CurPoints = 1
G_Wen_CurPoints  = 1
ZKDeal( "程序异常 积分过程出错", 0)
end if
'玩家背叛 wen合作
G_User_CurPoints = 5
G_Wen_CurPoints  = 0

end if

G_User_points = G_User_points + G_User_CurPoints
G_Wen_points = G_Wen_points + G_Wen_CurPoints

end function

function TimesOut()

G_CurrentGate = G_CurrentGate + 1
if G_AllGate = G_CurrentGate - 1 then

color( &h5167fb, 0, 0)

if G_Wen_Points > G_User_Points then

ZKDeal( "失败了,再试一次吧!", 0 )
g_gameState = SYS_WaitMessage

else if G_Wen_Points < G_User_Points then

ZKDeal( "胜利啦!你好厉害哦!", 0 )
g_gameState = SYS_WaitMessage


ZKDeal( "平手耶,再试一次吧!", 0 )
g_gameState = SYS_WaitMessage

end if

color( &hffffff, 0, 0)
G_CurrentGate = G_CurrentGate - 1
g_gameState = SYS_GameOver

G_ShowText_ID = Text_AnyKeyStart
end if

end function

function random( range)
RANDOMIZE( gettick())
random = rnd( range)
msdelay( 10)
end function

'probability 为 100以内  触发了返回1 否则返回0
function TriggerEvent( probability)
if random( 100) < probability then
TriggerEvent = 1
TriggerEvent = 0
end if
end function

function ShowPlayerPoints( num)
ShowNum( g_pg_buff, g_pic_Point, 55, 34, num)
end function
function ShowWenPoints( num)
ShowNum( g_pg_buff, g_pic_Point, 55, 97, num)
end function
function ShowCurrentGate( num)
ShowNum( g_pg_buff, g_pic_Times, 54, 215, num)
end function
function ShowAllGate( num)
ShowNum( g_pg_buff, g_pic_Times, 78, 215, num)
end function

function render()
showpic( g_pg_buff, g_pic_bg, 0, 0, 240, 320, 0, 0, 1)
ShowPlayerPoints( G_User_points)
ShowWenPoints( G_Wen_points)

ShowCurrentGate( G_CurrentGate)
ShowAllGate( G_AllGate)

end function
function setTimes()

ShowText( - 1, Text_SetTimes )
showpic( - 1, g_pic_SelectedBox, 61, 214, 18, 18, 0, 0, 1)
ShowNum( -1, g_pic_Times, 78, 215, G_AllGate)

temp_data = G_AllGate
temp_Boolean = 1

while temp_Boolean
G_User_Inkey = waitkey()

if G_User_Inkey > 0 then

if G_key_up or G_key_down then
temp_data = temp_data + G_key_up - G_key_down
else if G_key_left or G_key_right then
temp_data = temp_data + G_key_left * 3 - G_key_right * 3

else if G_key_escape or G_key_enter then
if G_key_enter then
G_AllGate = temp_data
end if

temp_Boolean = 0

end if

'局次界定 G_CurrentGate-30  g_gameState = SYS_GameING
if temp_data < G_CurrentGate + 1 then
temp_data = G_CurrentGate + 1
else if temp_data > 30 then
temp_data = 30
end if

showpic( - 1, g_pic_bg, 62, 215, 16, 13, 62, 215, 1)
ShowNum( -1, g_pic_Times, 78, 215, temp_data)

'==//点击屏幕其他位置的时候确认  不是点之前的那个位置 所以有个判断
else if G_touch_ID <> User_Change_Times then
temp_Boolean = 0

if confirm( Text_SetConfirm) then
G_AllGate = temp_data
end if
ShowText( - 1, Text_SetConfirm)

end if


end function

function ShowNum( hPage, hImg, x, y, num)

dim shared ShowNum_at_x, ShowNum_at_y, ShowNum_pic_wid, ShowNum_pic_heg, ShowNum_cur_num, ShowNum_num
dim shared ShowNum_hPage, ShowNum_hImg, ShowNum_i

ShowNum_hPage = hPage
ShowNum_hImg = hImg

ShowNum_at_x = x
ShowNum_at_y = y

ShowNum_pic_wid = getpicwid( himg) / 10
ShowNum_pic_heg = getpichgt( himg)

ShowNum_num = num
if ShowNum_num = 0 then
showpic( ShowNum_hPage, ShowNum_hImg, ShowNum_at_x, ShowNum_at_y, ShowNum_pic_wid, ShowNum_pic_heg, 0, 0, 1)
while ShowNum_num

ShowNum_cur_num =  ShowNum_num mod 10
ShowNum_at_x = ShowNum_at_x - ShowNum_pic_wid

showpic( ShowNum_hPage, ShowNum_hImg, ShowNum_at_x, ShowNum_at_y, ShowNum_pic_wid, ShowNum_pic_heg, ShowNum_cur_num * ShowNum_pic_wid, 0, 1)

ShowNum_num = ShowNum_num / 10
end if

end function

function ShowText( hPage, num)

if num >= 0 then
showpic( hPage, g_pic_text, 0, 258, 240, 20, 0, 20 * num, 1)
showpic( hPage, g_pic_bg, 0, 258, 240, 20, 0, 258, 1)
end if
end function

function GameProcess()

dim shared GameProcess_state

end function
'//战况的处理 如果ShowPoint 为真则是显示分数 此时ZKstr$值无效
function ZKDeal( ZKstr$, ShowPoint)

dim shared ZKDeal_PrintLine, ZKDeal_scrollMode, ZKDeal_Temp_Str$, G_PG_temp

if ZKDeal_scrollMode then

'STRETCHBLTPAGEEX( 0, - 13, 140, 195, 0, 0, G_PG_ZK, G_PG_ZK)
'STRETCHBLTPAGEEX( 100, 48, 140, 182, 0, 0, - 1, G_PG_ZK)
iSTRETCHBLTPAGEEX( 0, - 5, 140, 195, 0, 0, G_PG_temp, G_PG_ZK)
iSTRETCHBLTPAGEEX( 100, 48, 140, 182, 0, 0, - 1, G_PG_temp)
msdelay( 100)
iSTRETCHBLTPAGEEX( 0, - 9, 140, 195, 0, 0, G_PG_temp, G_PG_ZK)
iSTRETCHBLTPAGEEX( 100, 48, 140, 182, 0, 0, - 1, G_PG_temp)
msdelay( 100)
iSTRETCHBLTPAGEEX( 0, - 12, 140, 195, 0, 0, G_PG_temp, G_PG_ZK)
iSTRETCHBLTPAGEEX( 100, 48, 140, 182, 0, 0, - 1, G_PG_temp)
msdelay( 100)
iSTRETCHBLTPAGEEX( 0, - 13, 140, 195, 0, 0, G_PG_ZK, G_PG_ZK)
iSTRETCHBLTPAGEEX( 100, 48, 140, 182, 0, 0, - 1, G_PG_ZK)
end if

pixlocate( 100 , 48 + 13 * ZKDeal_PrintLine )

'分数显示 用汇编是不想搞繁杂的定位
if ShowPoint = 1 then
ZKDeal_Temp_Str$ = "玩家"
vasm(" out 2, [ Vstr_ZKDeal_Temp_Str]")

color( &h8eeff8, 0, 0)
ZKDeal_Temp_Str$ = g_str_OP$( G_User_Choice - User_cooperate)
vasm(" out 2, [ Vstr_ZKDeal_Temp_Str]")

color( &hffffff, 0, 0)
ZKDeal_Temp_Str$ = ",文"
vasm(" out 2, [ Vstr_ZKDeal_Temp_Str]")

color( &h3ec68b, 0, 0)

ZKDeal_Temp_Str$ = g_str_OP$( G_Wen_Choice - User_cooperate)

vasm(" out 2, [ Vstr_ZKDeal_Temp_Str]")

color( &hffffff, 0, 0)

else if ShowPoint = 2 then

ZKDeal_Temp_Str$ = "玩家得分"
vasm(" out 2, [ Vstr_ZKDeal_Temp_Str]")

color( &h8eeff8, 0, 0)
ZKDeal_Temp_Str$ = g_str_OP$( G_User_Choice - User_cooperate)
vasm(" out 3, [ Vint_g_User_CurPoints]")

color( &hffffff, 0, 0)
ZKDeal_Temp_Str$ = ",文得分"
vasm(" out 2, [ Vstr_ZKDeal_Temp_Str]")

color( &h3ec68b, 0, 0)

ZKDeal_Temp_Str$ = g_str_OP$( G_Wen_Choice - User_cooperate)

vasm(" out 3, [ Vint_g_Wen_CurPoints]")

color( &hffffff, 0, 0)

'本来下面这样写也是正确的 但是不知道为什么编译的时候有时会出错~
'	print "玩家得分:";

'	color( &h3ec68b, 0, 0)
'	print g_User_CurPoints;

'	color( &hffffff, 0, 0)
'	print "文得分";

'	color( &h3ec68b, 0, 0)
'	print g_Wen_CurPoints;

'	color( &hffffff, 0, 0)


print ZKstr$

end if

if ZKDeal_scrollMode then

iSTRETCHBLTPAGEEX( 0, 169, 140, 26, 100, 217, G_PG_ZK, -1)

iSTRETCHBLTPAGEEX( 0, 0, 140, 195, 100, 48, G_PG_ZK, -1)
ZKDeal_PrintLine = ZKDeal_PrintLine + 1

if ZKDeal_PrintLine > 13 then

iSTRETCHBLTPAGEEX( 0, 169, 140, 26, 100, 217, G_PG_ZK, -1)

ZKDeal_scrollMode = 1
ZKDeal_PrintLine = 13
end if

end if

if ShowPoint = 1 then
ZKDeal( "", 2)
end if

end function

function ZKClean()
dim shared ZKDeal_PrintLine, ZKDeal_scrollMode

ZKDeal_PrintLine = 0
ZKDeal_scrollMode = 0

showpic( G_PG_ZK, g_pic_bg, 0, 0, 140, 195, 100, 48, 1)
showpic( -1, g_pic_bg, 100, 48, 140, 195, 100, 48, 1)

end function

function getInput()

if G_User_Inkey < 0 then
G_touch_x = getpenposx( G_User_Inkey)
G_touch_y = getpenposy( G_User_Inkey)
G_touch_id = -1
calTouchId() '计算触摸

G_touch_x = -1
G_touch_y = -1
G_touch_id = -1
end if
'==/////=========== 方向键
VASM("LD INT r3,38") '//==UP
VASM("OUT 34,0")
VASM("LD INT [VINT_G_key_up],r3")

VASM("LD INT r3,40") '//==DOWN
VASM("OUT 34,0")
VASM("LD INT [VINT_G_Key_Down],r3")

VASM("LD INT r3,37") '//==left
VASM("OUT 34,0")
VASM("LD INT [VINT_G_Key_Left],r3")

VASM("LD INT r3,39") '//==right
VASM("OUT 34,0")
VASM("LD INT [VINT_G_Key_Right],r3")
VASM("LD INT r3,13") '//==ENTER
VASM("OUT 34,0")
VASM("LD INT [VINT_G_Key_Enter],r3")

VASM("LD INT r3,27") '//==ESCAPE
VASM("OUT 34,0")
VASM("LD INT [VINT_G_Key_Escape],r3")

end function

function calTouchId()

if G_touch_y > 297 and G_touch_x > 10 and G_touch_x < 126 and G_touch_y < 311 then

if G_touch_x < 34 then
G_touch_id = Menu_gameStart

showpic( - 1, g_pic_Click, 8, 296, 28, 14, 8, 16, 1)

else if G_touch_x < 64 then
G_touch_id = Menu_help

showpic( - 1, g_pic_Click, 40, 296, 26, 14, 40, 16, 1)

else if G_touch_x < 94 then
G_touch_id = Menu_about

showpic( - 1, g_pic_Click, 70, 296, 26, 14, 70, 16, 1)

else if G_touch_x < 126 then
G_touch_id = Menu_quit

showpic( - 1, g_pic_Click, 101, 296, 26, 14, 101, 16, 1)

end if

else if G_touch_y > 280 and G_touch_x > 145 then

if G_touch_x < 192 then
G_touch_id = User_cooperate

showpic( - 1, g_pic_Click, 143, 280, 50, 40, 143, 0, 1)

G_touch_id = User_defect

showpic( - 1, g_pic_Click, 194, 280, 56, 40, 194, 0, 1)
end if
else if G_touch_x > 63 and G_touch_y > 215 and G_touch_x < 79 and G_touch_y < 228 then

G_touch_id = User_Change_Times

end if

end function

function Confirm( num)

dim shared SetConfirm_inkey, SetConfirm_inkey_x, SetConfirm_inkey_y, SetConfirm_return

ShowText( - 1, num)

SetConfirm_return = -1

while SetConfirm_return = -1

SetConfirm_inkey = waitkey()

if SetConfirm_inkey < 0 then

SetConfirm_inkey_x = getpenposx( SetConfirm_inkey)
SetConfirm_inkey_y = getpenposy( SetConfirm_inkey)
if SetConfirm_inkey_y > 258 and SetConfirm_inkey_y < 278 then

if SetConfirm_inkey_x > 141 and SetConfirm_inkey_x < 182 then

SetConfirm_return = 1

else if SetConfirm_inkey_x > 188 and SetConfirm_inkey_x < 229 then

SetConfirm_return = 0

end if

end if

else if SetConfirm_inkey = KEY_ENTER then

SetConfirm_return = 1

else if SetConfirm_inkey = KEY_ESCAPE then

SetConfirm_return = 0

end if


Confirm = SetConfirm_return

end function



if SRC = - 1 then

end if

end function

@ Mayuko
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息