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本文是对Tool Interface Standard (TIS) Executable and Linking Format (ELF) Specification Version 1.2的翻译

工具接口标准(TIS)可执行链接格式(ELF)规范版本 1.2


Hash Table


A hash table of Elf32_Word objects supports symbol table access. Labels appear below to help explain the hash table organization, but they are not part of the specification.


Figure2-8. Symbol Hash Table





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The bucket array contains nbucket entries, and the chain array contains nchain entries; indexes start at 0. Both bucket and chain hold symbol table indexes. Chain table entries parallel the symbol table. The number of symbol table entries should equal nchain;
so symbol table indexes also select chain table entries. A hashing function (shown below) accepts a symbol name and returns a value that may be used to computea bucket index. Consequently, if the hashing function returns the value x for some name, bucket[x%nbucket]
gives an index, y, into both the symbol table and the chain table. If the symbol table entry is not the one desired, chain[y] gives the next symbol table entry with the same hash value. One can follow the chain links until either the selected symbol table
entry holds the desired name or the chain entry contains the value STN_UNDEF.


Figure 2-9. Hashing Function


unsigned long elf_hash(const unsigned char *name)


unsigned long h = 0, g;

while (*name)


h = (h << 4) + *name++;

if (g = h & 0xf0000000)

h ^= g >> 24;

h &= ~g;


return h;


Initialization and Termination Functions


After the dynamic linker has built the process image and performed the relocations, each shared object gets the opportunity to execute some initialization code. All shared object initializations happen before the executable file gains control.


Before the initialization code for any object A is called, the initialization code for any other objects that object A depends on are called. For these purposes, an object A depends on another object B, if B appears in A’s list of needed objects (recorded in
the DT_NEEDED entries of the dynamic structure). The order of initialization for circular dependencies is undefined.


The initialization of objects occurs by recursing through the needed entries of each object. The initialization code for an object is invoked after the needed entries for that object have been processed. The order of processing among the entries of a particular
list of needed objects is unspecified.


NOTE. Each processor supplement may optionally further restrict the algorithm used to determine the order of initialization. Any such restriction, however, may not conflict with the rules described by this specification.


The following example illustrates two of the possible correct orderings which can be generated for the example NEEDED lists. In this example the a.out is dependent on b, d, and e. b is dependent on d and f, while d is dependent on e and g. From this information,
a dependency graph can be drawn. The above algorithm on initialization will then allow the following specified initialization orderings among others.


Figure 2-10. Initialization Ordering Example

Similarly, shared objects may have termination functions, which are executed with the at exit(BA_OS) mechanism after the base process begins its termination sequence. The order in which the dynamic linker calls termination functions is the exact reverse order
of their corresponding initialization functions. If a shared object has a termination function, but no initialization function, the termination function will execute in the order it would have as if the shared object's initialization function was present.
The dynamic linker ensures that it will not execute any initialization or termination functions more than once.


Shared objects designate their initialization and termination functions through the DT_INIT and DT_FINI entries in the dynamic structure, described in "Dynamic Section'' above. Typically, the code for these functions resides in the .init and .fini sections,
mentioned in "Sections" of Chapter 1.


NOTE. Although the atexit(BA_OS) termination processing normally will be done, it is not guaranteed to have executed upon process death. In particular, the process will not execute the termination processing if it calls _exit[see exit (BA_OS)] or if the process
dies because it received a signal that it neither caught nor ignored.


The dynamic linker is not responsible for calling the executable file's .init section or registering the executable file's .fini section with atexit(BA_OS). Termination functions specified by users via the atexit(BA_OS) mechanism must be executed before any
termination functions of shared objects.

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