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2014-01-13 10:18 513 查看
本文是对Tool Interface Standard (TIS) Executable and Linking Format (ELF) Specification Version 1.2的翻译

工具接口标准(TIS)可执行链接格式(ELF)规范版本 1.2


Program Interpreter


An executable file that participates in dynamic linking shall have one PT_INTERP program header element. During exec (BA_OS), the system retrieves a path name from the PT_INTERP segment and creates the initial process image from the interpreter file's segments.
That is, instead of using the original executable file's segment images, the system composes a memory image for the interpreter. It then is the interpreter's responsibility to receive control from the system and provide an environment for the application program.


The interpreter receives control in one of two ways. First, it may receive a file descriptor to read the executable file, positioned at the beginning. It can use this file descriptor to read and/or map the executable file's segments into memory. Second, depending
on the executable file format, the system may load the executable file into memory instead of giving the interpreter an open file descriptor. With the possible exception of the file descriptor, the interpreter's initial process state matches what the executable
file would have received. The interpreter itself may not require a second interpreter. An interpreter may be either a shared object or an executable file.


• A shared object (the normal case) is loaded as position-independent, with addresses that may vary from one process to another; the system creates its segments in the dynamic segment area used by mmap(KE_OS) and related services. Consequently, a shared object
interpreter typically will not conflict with the original executable file's original segment addresses.

• An executable file is loaded at fixed addresses; the system creates its segments using the virtual addresses from the program header table. Consequently, an executable file interpreter's virtual addresses may collide with the first executable file; the interpreter
is responsible for resolving conflicts.


Dynamic Linker


When building an executable file that uses dynamic linking, the link editor adds a program header element of type PT_INTERP to an executable file, telling the system to invoke the dynamic linker as the program interpreter.


NOTE. The locations of the system provided dynamic linkers are processor—specific.


The executable file and the dynamic linker cooperate to create the process image for the program, which entails the following actions:

• Adding the executable file's memory segments to the process image;

• Adding shared object memory segments to the process image;

• Performing relocations for the executable file and its shared objects;

• Closing the file descriptor that was used to read the executable file, if one was given to the dynamic linker;

• Transferring control to the program, making it look as if the program had received control directly from the executable file.



The link editor also constructs various data that assist the dynamic linker for executable and shared object files. As shown above in "Program Header,'' these data reside in loadable segments, making them available during execution. (Note that the exact segment
contents are processor-specific.)

• A .dynamic section with type SHT_DYNAMIC holds various data. The structure residing at the beginning of the section holds the addresses of other dynamic linking information.

• The .hash section with type SHT_HASH holds a symbol hash table.

• The .got and .plt sections with type SHT_PROGBITS hold two separate tables: the global offset table and the procedure linkage table. Programs use the global offset table for position-independent code. Sections below explain how the dynamic linker uses and
changes the tables to create memory images for object files.





Because every UNIX System V conforming program imports the basic system services from a shared object library, the dynamic linker participates in every TIS ELF-conforming program execution.

由于每个符合UNIX System V的程序从一个共享对象库导入基本的系统服务,动态链接器参与了每个兼容TIS ELF的程序执行。

As "Program Loading" explains in the appendix at the end of this book, shared objects may occupy virtual memory addresses that are different from the addresses recorded in the file's program header table. The dynamic linker relocates the memory image, updating
absolute addresses before the application gains control. Although the absolute address values would be correct if the library were loaded at the addresses specified in the program header table, this normally is not the case.


If the process environment contains a variable named LD_BIND_NOW with a non-null value, the dynamic linker processes all relocation before transferring control to the program. For example, all the following environment entries would specify this behavior.




Otherwise, LD_BIND_NOW either does not occur in the environment or has a null value. The

dynamic linker is permitted to evaluate procedure linkage table entries lazily, thus avoiding

symbol resolution and relocation overhead for functions that are not called.



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