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最近 关于 Time Managment 的培训 -2013

2013-08-19 15:06 267 查看
Some task management skills:

1: Distinguish between tasks:

When can you start?

what is the deadline?

Is the task dependent on someone else?

How long will the task take?

2: prioritize the tasks:

urgent and important

not urgent and important

urgent and not important

not urgent and not important


Prioritize tasks by:

1: place in line

deal with tasks by using the place in line method simply means that you deal with your tasks

on a "first come, first served" basis.

This method is practical in a customer-facing environment. For instance, in the case of a restaurant

where customers quence to be seated, It's best to use the place in line method.

That way customers are seated according to the order in which they arrived at the restarant.

2: Customer status

using the customer status method means you consider the requirement or needs of the person

who is making the request and then respond to the most urgent requirements or needs first.

The customer status method is useful in a health or social care environment. But it dose

involve you in detailed assessment of customer needs.

In other industries, such as the restaurant business, this status-driven approach could be

viewed as "ranking customers" and so lead to conflict.

3: Processing time.

The Processing time method involes completing the easiest and quickly jobs first,

because they have the shortest processing times. Bying doing this, you clear a large

amount of tasks in a short period of time.

Queuing tasks according to their processing times may give you immediate satisfaction of completing

serveral short tasks. It's most effective when you have lots of routine tasks to perform.

however, you may find that you're not making effective use of your available time by foucing

on the easiest tasks. It could be that you're putting off more important tasks.

4: Due date:

Using the due date method, you process tasks based solely on their due dates.

As such, the task with the closed deadline will be completed first.

Working according to the closest deadline or due date is reactive method.

This method works best if you have fixed deadline - for instance, in logistics.


Below sample can show how to use above methods to process daily tasks:

1: Tina:

Tina works as a receptionist, in the emergency unit if a hospital.

The emergency unit is always bysy and, although most patients demand to see a doctor right way.

Tina has first to assess the specific needs of each patient.

She can't refer patients to doctors on a first come, first served basis because

certain patient injurieds are more life-threatening than others.

As such, Tina makes use of the customer status method to prioritize and manage all patients who

come into the emergency room.

2: Sally:

Sally manages a very busy, upmarket clothing store.

Every day, she deals with customers who have questions regarding sizing,fabric care, styling,

and new rangs of clothing. She dosen't have an assistant, so at times, customer demands can be overwhelming.

For this reason, Sally deals with customer queries using the place in line method.

This way, customer are served on a fair, first come, first served basis.

3: Adam:

Adam work as a help desk agent for an internet service provider.

He provides support via-email to customers who are experiencing difficulties with the service provider.

His company assures all clients with quick and quality service. So Adam prioritize all

his queries according to their processing time. He deals with problems that are the quickest to resolve first.

4: Ted

Ted works for a busy radio station. He's a senior producer, which means he must make sure that

serveral programs make it to air on time each week.

He works with very strict deadline. As a result, he queues his work on the basis of eariest deadline first.

He gives priority to the programs that have the nearest deadline, although he has other programs to work on.

So those programs that come later in the week are put back in the queue.


Below is the details about how to schedule work efficiently:

1: Accuurate estmimates about how long tasks will take to complete make scheduling a lot easier.

They ensure that you won't have to keep changing your schedule.

If you have a task that you accurately estimate will take six hours, for example,

you can allot that time in your schedule and be reasonably confident you wo;t have to change the schedule.

But what if you didn't accurately estimate the time for that task and alloted it only three hours?

It would throw your schedule off, and you'd better need to rework it.

2: Meet deadlines

if you are accurate in estimating the time it will take to complete tasks,

you will be better able to meet your deadlines.

If your estimates are not accurate, you may need to ask to change deadlines or disappoint other who

are replying on you to complete certain tasks.

With accurate time estimates, you will also be more confident about setting deadline because you know that

the time you assign for completing each of your tasks is realistic.


Shortest possible time:

1: Likely time.

The likely time is the time that the task normally takes you to complete.

It helps to consider the time it takes to complete that task witout interruption.

You should also think about a time frame you would be conformtable with based on

your workload, the task, and any external factors that may delay or speed up the completion of

the task.

2: Shortest time

The shortest time is the least amount of time that you have taken to complete the task in the past.

It may also refer to the shortest time in which you think you can complete the task if

there are no interruptions or distractions.

3: Longest time

You can estimate the longest time by consideration what may go wrong when performing the task

and then adding this extra time to the task's likely duration.

This estimate should be based on your experience of this type of activity in the past,

as well as on any foreseeable difficulties.

Shortest possible time = [(likely time * 4) + shortest time + longest time ]/ 6
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