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推荐算法之Slope One Java 及 PHP实现

2013-08-14 10:08 330 查看

import java.util.*;

 * Daniel Lemire A simple implementation of the weighted slope one algorithm in
 * Java for item-based collaborative filtering. Assumes Java 1.5.
 * See main function for example.
 * June 1st 2006. Revised by Marco Ponzi on March 29th 2007

public class SlopeOne {

  public static void main(String args[]) {
    // this is my data base
    Map<UserId, Map<ItemId, Float>> data = new HashMap<UserId, Map<ItemId, Float>>();
    // items
    ItemId item1 = new ItemId("       candy");
    ItemId item2 = new ItemId("         dog");
    ItemId item3 = new ItemId("         cat");
    ItemId item4 = new ItemId("         war");
    ItemId item5 = new ItemId("strange food");

    mAllItems = new ItemId[] { item1, item2, item3, item4, item5 };

    // I'm going to fill it in
    HashMap<ItemId, Float> user1 = new HashMap<ItemId, Float>();
    HashMap<ItemId, Float> user2 = new HashMap<ItemId, Float>();
    HashMap<ItemId, Float> user3 = new HashMap<ItemId, Float>();
    HashMap<ItemId, Float> user4 = new HashMap<ItemId, Float>();
    user1.put(item1, 1.0f);
    user1.put(item2, 0.5f);
    user1.put(item4, 0.1f);
    data.put(new UserId("Bob"), user1);
    user2.put(item1, 1.0f);
    user2.put(item3, 0.5f);
    user2.put(item4, 0.2f);
    data.put(new UserId("Jane"), user2);
    user3.put(item1, 0.9f);
    user3.put(item2, 0.4f);
    user3.put(item3, 0.5f);
    user3.put(item4, 0.1f);
    data.put(new UserId("Jo"), user3);
    user4.put(item1, 0.1f);
    // user4.put(item2,0.4f);
    // user4.put(item3,0.5f);
    user4.put(item4, 1.0f);
    user4.put(item5, 0.4f);
    data.put(new UserId("StrangeJo"), user4);
    // next, I create my predictor engine
    SlopeOne so = new SlopeOne(data);
    System.out.println("Here's the data I have accumulated...");
    // then, I'm going to test it out...
    HashMap<ItemId, Float> user = new HashMap<ItemId, Float>();
    System.out.println("Ok, now we predict...");
    user.put(item5, 0.4f);
    user.put(item4, 0.2f);

  Map<UserId, Map<ItemId, Float>> mData;
  Map<ItemId, Map<ItemId, Float>> mDiffMatrix;
  Map<ItemId, Map<ItemId, Integer>> mFreqMatrix;

  static ItemId[] mAllItems;

  public SlopeOne(Map<UserId, Map<ItemId, Float>> data) {
    mData = data;

   * Based on existing data, and using weights, try to predict all missing
   * ratings. The trick to make this more scalable is to consider only
   * mDiffMatrix entries having a large (>1) mFreqMatrix entry.
   * It will output the prediction 0 when no prediction is possible.
  public Map<ItemId, Float> predict(Map<ItemId, Float> user) {
    HashMap<ItemId, Float> predictions = new HashMap<ItemId, Float>();
    HashMap<ItemId, Integer> frequencies = new HashMap<ItemId, Integer>();
    for (ItemId j : mDiffMatrix.keySet()) {
      frequencies.put(j, 0);
      predictions.put(j, 0.0f);
    for (ItemId j : user.keySet()) {
      for (ItemId k : mDiffMatrix.keySet()) {
        try {
          float newval = (mDiffMatrix.get(k).get(j).floatValue() + user.get(j)
              .floatValue()) * mFreqMatrix.get(k).get(j).intValue();
          predictions.put(k, predictions.get(k) + newval);
          frequencies.put(k, frequencies.get(k)
              + mFreqMatrix.get(k).get(j).intValue());
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
    HashMap<ItemId, Float> cleanpredictions = new HashMap<ItemId, Float>();
    for (ItemId j : predictions.keySet()) {
      if (frequencies.get(j) > 0) {
        cleanpredictions.put(j, predictions.get(j).floatValue()
            / frequencies.get(j).intValue());
    for (ItemId j : user.keySet()) {
      cleanpredictions.put(j, user.get(j));
    return cleanpredictions;

   * Based on existing data, and not using weights, try to predict all missing
   * ratings. The trick to make this more scalable is to consider only
   * mDiffMatrix entries having a large (>1) mFreqMatrix entry.
  public Map<ItemId, Float> weightlesspredict(Map<ItemId, Float> user) {
    HashMap<ItemId, Float> predictions = new HashMap<ItemId, Float>();
    HashMap<ItemId, Integer> frequencies = new HashMap<ItemId, Integer>();
    for (ItemId j : mDiffMatrix.keySet()) {
      predictions.put(j, 0.0f);
      frequencies.put(j, 0);
    for (ItemId j : user.keySet()) {
      for (ItemId k : mDiffMatrix.keySet()) {
        // System.out.println("Average diff between "+j+" and "+ k +
        // " is "+mDiffMatrix.get(k).get(j).floatValue()+" with n = "+mFreqMatrix.get(k).get(j).floatValue());
        float newval = (mDiffMatrix.get(k).get(j).floatValue() + user.get(j)
        predictions.put(k, predictions.get(k) + newval);
    for (ItemId j : predictions.keySet()) {
      predictions.put(j, predictions.get(j).floatValue() / user.size());
    for (ItemId j : user.keySet()) {
      predictions.put(j, user.get(j));
    return predictions;

  public void printData() {
    for (UserId user : mData.keySet()) {
    for (int i = 0; i < mAllItems.length; i++) {
      System.out.print("\n" + mAllItems[i] + ":");

  private void printMatrixes(Map<ItemId, Float> ratings,
      Map<ItemId, Integer> frequencies) {
    for (int j = 0; j < mAllItems.length; j++) {
      System.out.format("%10.3f", ratings.get(mAllItems[j]));
      System.out.print(" ");
      System.out.format("%10d", frequencies.get(mAllItems[j]));

  public static void print(Map<ItemId, Float> user) {
    for (ItemId j : user.keySet()) {
      System.out.println(" " + j + " --> " + user.get(j).floatValue());

  public void buildDiffMatrix() {
    mDiffMatrix = new HashMap<ItemId, Map<ItemId, Float>>();
    mFreqMatrix = new HashMap<ItemId, Map<ItemId, Integer>>();
    // first iterate through users
    for (Map<ItemId, Float> user : mData.values()) {
      // then iterate through user data
      for (Map.Entry<ItemId, Float> entry : user.entrySet()) {
        if (!mDiffMatrix.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
          mDiffMatrix.put(entry.getKey(), new HashMap<ItemId, Float>());
          mFreqMatrix.put(entry.getKey(), new HashMap<ItemId, Integer>());
        for (Map.Entry<ItemId, Float> entry2 : user.entrySet()) {
          int oldcount = 0;
          if (mFreqMatrix.get(entry.getKey()).containsKey(entry2.getKey()))
            oldcount = mFreqMatrix.get(entry.getKey()).get(entry2.getKey())
          float olddiff = 0.0f;
          if (mDiffMatrix.get(entry.getKey()).containsKey(entry2.getKey()))
            olddiff = mDiffMatrix.get(entry.getKey()).get(entry2.getKey())
          float observeddiff = entry.getValue() - entry2.getValue();
          mFreqMatrix.get(entry.getKey()).put(entry2.getKey(), oldcount + 1);
              olddiff + observeddiff);
    for (ItemId j : mDiffMatrix.keySet()) {
      for (ItemId i : mDiffMatrix.get(j).keySet()) {
        float oldvalue = mDiffMatrix.get(j).get(i).floatValue();
        int count = mFreqMatrix.get(j).get(i).intValue();
        mDiffMatrix.get(j).put(i, oldvalue / count);

class UserId {
  String content;

  public UserId(String s) {
    content = s;

  public int hashCode() {
    return content.hashCode();

  public String toString() {
    return content;

class ItemId {
  String content;

  public ItemId(String s) {
    content = s;

  public int hashCode() {
    return content.hashCode();

  public String toString() {
    return content;

# This is the code in plain text out of the technical report.
# Daniel Lemire, Sean McGrath, Implementing a Rating-Based Item-to-Item
# Recommender System in PHP/SQL, Technical Report D-01, January 2005.
# http://www.ondelette.com/lemire/abstracts/TRD01.html #
# This code is in the public domain, use at your own risks.
# It is assumed that you looked at the report and know some SQL and PHP.
# Daniel Lemire, February 3rd 2005
# First part is sample SQL code.
#########CUT HERE####################

    itemID INT NOT NULL,
    ratingValue INT NOT NULL,
    datetimestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL

  itemID1 int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  itemID2 int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  count int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  sum int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (itemID1,itemID2)

# simple query to output 10 most liked items
# by people who rated item 1
SELECT itemID2, ( sum / count ) AS average
FROM dev
WHERE count > 2 AND itemID1 = 1
ORDER  BY ( sum / count ) DESC

# Next part is sample PHP code.
#########CUT HERE####################

// This code assumes $itemID is set to that of 
// the item that was just rated. 
// Get all of the user's rating pairs
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT r.itemID, r2.ratingValue - r.ratingValue 
            as rating_difference
            FROM rating r, rating r2
            WHERE r.userID=$userID AND 
                    r2.itemID=$itemID AND 
$db_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($db_result);
//For every one of the user's rating pairs, 
//update the dev table
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($db_result)) {
    $other_itemID = $row["itemID"];
    $rating_difference = $row["rating_difference"];
    //if the pair ($itemID, $other_itemID) is already in the dev table
    //then we want to update 2 rows.
    if (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT itemID1 
    FROM dev WHERE itemID1=$itemID AND itemID2=$other_itemID",
    $connection)) > 0)  {
        $sql = "UPDATE dev SET count=count+1, 
	sum=sum+$rating_difference WHERE itemID1=$itemID 
	AND itemID2=$other_itemID";
        mysql_query($sql, $connection);
	//We only want to update if the items are different                
        if ($itemID != $other_itemID) {
            $sql = "UPDATE dev SET count=count+1, 
	    WHERE (itemID1=$other_itemID AND itemID2=$itemID)";
            mysql_query($sql, $connection);
    else { //we want to insert 2 rows into the dev table
        $sql = "INSERT INTO dev VALUES ($itemID, $other_itemID,
        1, $rating_difference)";
        mysql_query($sql, $connection); 
	//We only want to insert if the items are different       
        if ($itemID != $other_itemID) {         
            $sql = "INSERT INTO dev VALUES ($other_itemID, 
	    $itemID, 1, -$rating_difference)";
            mysql_query($sql, $connection);

function predict($userID, $itemID) {
    global $connection;    
    $denom = 0.0; //denominator
    $numer = 0.0; //numerator    
    $k = $itemID;    
    $sql = "SELECT r.itemID, r.ratingValue 
    FROM rating r WHERE r.userID=$userID AND r.itemID <> $itemID";
    $db_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection);        
    //for all items the user has rated
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($db_result))  {
        $j = $row["itemID"];
        $ratingValue = $row["ratingValue"];        
        //get the number of times k and j have both been rated by the same user
        $sql2 = "SELECT d.count, d.sum FROM dev d WHERE itemID1=$k AND itemID2=$j";
        $count_result = mysql_query($sql2, $connection);        
        //skip the calculation if it isn't found
        if(mysql_num_rows($count_result) > 0)  {
            $count = mysql_result($count_result, 0, "count");
            $sum = mysql_result($count_result, 0, "sum");            
            //calculate the average
            $average = $sum / $count;            
            //increment denominator by count
            $denom += $count;            
            //increment the numerator
            $numer += $count * ($average + $ratingValue);
    if ($denom == 0)
        return 0;
        return ($numer / $denom);

function predict_all($userID ) {
    $sql2 = "SELECT d.itemID1 as 'item', sum(d.count) as 'denom', 
    sum(d.sum + d.count*r.ratingValue) as 'numer' FROM rating r,
    dev d WHERE r.userID=$userID 
    AND d.itemID1 NOT IN 
    (SELECT itemID FROM rating WHERE userID=$userID)  
    AND d.itemID2=r.itemID GROUP BY d.itemID1";
    return mysql_query($sql2, $connection);

function predict_best($userID, $n ) {
    $sql2 = "SELECT d.itemID1 as 'item', 
    sum(d.sum + d.count*r.ratingValue)/sum(d.count) as 'avgrat' 
    FROM  rating r, dev d 
    WHERE r.userID=$userID 
    AND d.itemID1 NOT IN 
    (SELECT itemID FROM rating WHERE userID=$userID)  
    AND d.itemID2=r.itemID 
    GROUP BY d.itemID1 ORDER BY avgrat DESC LIMIT $n";
    return mysql_query($sql2, $connection);



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