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How to insert a resource image, as embedded image in email?

2013-06-19 16:05 441 查看






var attach = new Attachment(@"D:\test.jpg", MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg);
attach.ContentId = "pic";
var attach2 = new Attachment(@"D:\test.zip", "application/x-zip-compressed");


mail.SubjectEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
mail.Body = "<img src=\"cid:pic\"/><p>设置图片。</p>";


LinkedResource Class for Sending HTML E-mail in .NET 2.0

To create an embedded image we will need to first create an HTML view of the email using AlternateView class. Within that alternate view we need to create a tag that
points to the ContentId (cid) of the LinkedResource of the image view as shown below.
[b]Listing 1 – Sample for HTML view[/b]
// to embed images, we need to use the prefix 'cid' in the img src value
string htmlBody = "<b>This is the embedded image file.</b><DIV> </DIV>";
htmlBody += "<img alt=\"\" hspace=0 src=\"cid:uniqueId\" align=baseline border=0 >";
htmlBody += "<DIV> </DIV><b>This is the end of Mail...</b>";
AlternateView htmlView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(htmlBody,
null, "text/html");

Then we need to create a LinkedResource object and add it to the AlternateView's LinkedResources Collection. Again, before adding this be sure to set the ContentId property of LinkedResource class as
that unique value set in the HTML tag of AlternateView (i.e. cid). Here we need to set the TransferEncoding property of LinkedResource to Base64 which is the default for the image.
[b]Listing 2 – Sample for Image resource[/b]
// create the image resource from image path using LinkedResource class..
LinkedResource imageResource = new LinkedResource("c:\\attachment\\image1.jpg" ,
imageResource.ContentId = "uniqueId";
imageResource.TransferEncoding = TransferEncoding.Base64;
Here "uniqueId" is the common unique cid value. Let us add the above "imageResource" to "htmlView."
Listing 3 – Sample for adding Image in HTML part

// adding the imaged linked to htmlView...
Then we have to add this htmlView (AlternateView object) to the MailMessage object.
Listing 4 – Setting the mail message
// add the view

第三种方式,还是使用LinkedResource,不过是从stream中读出附件,然后添加进去,这个附件Build Action是Embedded Resource形式的:

MemoryStream ms = null;

strFile = "Modules.Resources.images.test.png";
using (Stream stream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream(strFile))
byte[] bs = new byte[stream.Length];
stream.Read(bs, 0, (int)stream.Length);
ms = new MemoryStream(bs);
LinkedResource lr = new LinkedResource(ms, "image/png");

其他和第二种方式类似,另外,背景图的添加类似于在代码里面加CSS style,
//NO body += "</HEAD><BODY style=\"background: url(c:\\\\tt\\\\1.jpg) no-repeat fixed center;\">";
//NO body += "</HEAD><BODY style=background-image:url(cid:backgroudpic);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:fixed;background-position:center;>";
//NO body += "</HEAD><BODY style=\"background-image:url(cid:backgroudpic) background-repeat:no-repeat;\">";
//NO body += "</HEAD><BODY style=\"background-image:url(cid:backgroudpic);background-repeat:no-repeat;\">";
//NO body += "</HEAD><BODY style=background-image:url(cid:backgroudpic);background-repeat:no-repeat;>";
//NO body += "</HEAD><BODY style=\"background-repeat:no-repeat;background-image:url(cid:backgroudpic);\">";
//NO body += "</HEAD><BODY style=\"background: no-repeat fixed center url(cid:backgroudpic);\">";
//OK body += "</HEAD><BODY style=background-image:url(cid:backgroudpic);><FONT face=Arial size=3>";
//OK body += "</HEAD><BODY style=\"background-image:url(cid:backgroudpic);\"><FONT face=Arial size=3>";
//OK body += "</HEAD><BODY style=\"background: url(cid:backgroudpic);\"><FONT face=Arial size=3>";
经测试,发现在C#代码中加入style,而且使用cid的形式,还不尽如人意,代码中NO的形式,是不能工作的形式,为什么不能加入no-repeat, fixed, center,原因还没找到。


CDO.Message msg = new CDO.Message();
CDO.IConfiguration configuration = msg.Configuration;
ADODB.Fields fields = configuration.Fields;

ADODB.Field field = fields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver"];
field.Value = mailOptions.Server;

其中fields可以参考: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/exchange/ms872853(v=exchg.65).aspx
那么,如何添加类似于<img src="cid:uniqueId">呢?可以参看CDO
Support for MHTML:
If you want more control over constructing the MIME hierarchy itself, you can
use the AddRelatedBodyPart method in conjunction with the IMessage.HTMLBody property. AddRelatedBodyPart automatically correlates the resource added as a body part to the message with the HTML that references it. This method creates the multipart/related hierarchy
if required, and, depending upon your preference, associates the referenced resource in the HTML with the related body part using Content-Location or Content-ID headers.

an image in CDO e-mail

I had the need to generate nicely formatted e-mails from a website (IIS, ASP), which meant using images. Often times linked images are blocked from view by default in mail clients. Embedded images in HTML e-mail are more difficult to block within the client,
but may be blocked at the SPAM/Filtering gateway level, especially if there are more than one embedded images, or if there is no other content except images. If you want more reliable delivery, use linked images. As a courtesy, it is common to provide a link
at the top of the e-mail that says something like “If you can’t see the images in this e-mail, click here” which will load the same content from your web server in a browser. It can become tedious to manage, though. If you want better presentation, but risk
less than 100% delivery, use embedded images.

Here’s a simple example of how to embed an image using CDO from ASP vbscript.bed an image in CDO e-mail

Set CDO = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
CDO.MimeFormatted = True
CDO.To = "test@test.com"
CDO.From = """Test User"" test@test.com"
CDO.Subject = "E-mail with embedded image"
CDO.HTMLBody = "<html>Check this out: <img src=""cid:test.gif""></html>"
Set RBP = CDO.AddRelatedBodyPart(Server.MapPath("/images/test.gif"), "test.gif", 1)
RBP.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Content-ID") = "<test.gif>"
经本人实验,其实也蛮简单的。在<img src="cid:uniqueId">中
CDO.Message msg = new CDO.Message();
msg.AddAttachment(@"c:\tt\1.jpg", null, null);
msg.AddRelatedBodyPart(@"c:\tt\test.png", "uniqueId", CDO.CdoReferenceType.cdoRefTypeId, null, null);

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