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DSS Source Code Analyse (10) - RTPSession::Run

2013-06-05 13:57 363 查看
SInt64 RTPSession::Run()





EventFlags events = this->GetEvents();

QTSS_RoleParams theParams;

theParams.clientSessionClosingParams.inClientSession = this; //every single role being invoked now has this

//as the first parameter


qtss_printf("RTPSession %"_S32BITARG_": In Run. Events %"_S32BITARG_"\n",(SInt32)this, (SInt32)events);


// Some callbacks look for this struct in the thread object

OSThreadDataSetter theSetter(&fModuleState, NULL);

//if we have been instructed to go away, then let's delete ourselves

if ((events & Task::kKillEvent) || (events & Task::kTimeoutEvent) || (fModuleDoingAsyncStuff))


if (!fModuleDoingAsyncStuff)


if (events & Task::kTimeoutEvent)

fClosingReason = qtssCliSesCloseTimeout;

//deletion is a bit complicated. For one thing, it must happen from within

//the Run function to ensure that we aren't getting events when we are deleting

//ourselves. We also need to make sure that we aren't getting RTSP requests

//(or, more accurately, that the stream object isn't being used by any other

//threads). We do this by first removing the session from the session map.


qtss_printf("RTPSession %"_S32BITARG_": about to be killed. Eventmask = %"_S32BITARG_"\n",(SInt32)this, (SInt32)events);


// We cannot block waiting to UnRegister, because we have to

// give the RTSPSessionTask a chance to release the RTPSession.

OSRefTable* sessionTable = QTSServerInterface::GetServer()->GetRTPSessionMap();

Assert(sessionTable != NULL);

if (!sessionTable->TryUnRegister(&fRTPMapElem))


this->Signal(Task::kKillEvent);// So that we get back to this place in the code

return kCantGetMutexIdleTime;


// The ClientSessionClosing role is allowed to do async stuff

fModuleState.curTask = this;

fModuleDoingAsyncStuff = true; // So that we know to jump back to the

fCurrentModule = 0; // right place in the code

// Set the reason parameter

theParams.clientSessionClosingParams.inReason = fClosingReason;

// If RTCP packets are being generated internally for this stream,

// Send a BYE now.

RTPStream** theStream = NULL;

UInt32 theLen = 0;

if (this->GetPlayFlags() & qtssPlayFlagsSendRTCP)


SInt64 byePacketTime = OS::Milliseconds();

for (int x = 0; this->GetValuePtr(qtssCliSesStreamObjects, x, (void**)&theStream, &theLen) == QTSS_NoErr; x++)

if (theStream && *theStream != NULL)

(*theStream)->SendRTCPSR(byePacketTime, true);



//at this point, we know no one is using this session, so invoke the

//session cleanup role. We don't need to grab the session mutex before

//invoking modules here, because the session is unregistered and

//therefore there's no way another thread could get involved anyway

UInt32 numModules = QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kClientSessionClosingRole);


for (; fCurrentModule < numModules; fCurrentModule++)


fModuleState.eventRequested = false;

fModuleState.idleTime = 0;

QTSSModule* theModule = QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kClientSessionClosingRole, fCurrentModule);

(void)theModule->CallDispatch(QTSS_ClientSessionClosing_Role, &theParams);

// If this module has requested an event, return and wait for the event to transpire

if (fModuleState.eventRequested)

return fModuleState.idleTime; // If the module has requested idle time...



return -1;//doing this will cause the destructor to get called.


//if the stream is currently paused, just return without doing anything.

//We'll get woken up again when a play is issued

if ((fState == qtssPausedState) || (fModule == NULL))

return 0;

//Make sure to grab the session mutex here, to protect the module against

//RTSP requests coming in while it's sending packets


OSMutexLocker locker(&fSessionMutex);

//just make sure we haven't been scheduled before our scheduled play

//time. If so, reschedule ourselves for the proper time. (if client

//sends a play while we are already playing, this may occur)

theParams.rtpSendPacketsParams.inCurrentTime = OS::Milliseconds();

if (fNextSendPacketsTime > theParams.rtpSendPacketsParams.inCurrentTime)


RTPStream** retransStream = NULL;

UInt32 retransStreamLen = 0;


// Send retransmits if we need to

for (int streamIter = 0; this->GetValuePtr(qtssCliSesStreamObjects, streamIter, (void**)&retransStream, &retransStreamLen) == QTSS_NoErr; streamIter++)

if (retransStream && *retransStream)


theParams.rtpSendPacketsParams.outNextPacketTime = fNextSendPacketsTime - theParams.rtpSendPacketsParams.inCurrentTime;





qtss_printf("RTPSession %"_S32BITARG_": about to call SendPackets\n",(SInt32)this);


if ((theParams.rtpSendPacketsParams.inCurrentTime - fLastBandwidthTrackerStatsUpdate) > 1000)


theParams.rtpSendPacketsParams.outNextPacketTime = 0;

// Async event registration is definitely allowed from this role.

fModuleState.eventRequested = false;

Assert(fModule != NULL);

(void)fModule->CallDispatch(QTSS_RTPSendPackets_Role, &theParams);


qtss_printf("RTPSession %"_S32BITARG_": back from sendPackets, nextPacketTime = %"_64BITARG_"d\n",(SInt32)this, theParams.rtpSendPacketsParams.outNextPacketTime);


//make sure not to get deleted accidently!

if (theParams.rtpSendPacketsParams.outNextPacketTime < 0)

theParams.rtpSendPacketsParams.outNextPacketTime = 0;

fNextSendPacketsTime = theParams.rtpSendPacketsParams.inCurrentTime + theParams.rtpSendPacketsParams.outNextPacketTime;




// Make sure the duration between calls to Run() isn't greater than the

// max retransmit delay interval.

UInt32 theRetransDelayInMsec = QTSServerInterface::GetServer()->GetPrefs()->GetMaxRetransmitDelayInMsec();

UInt32 theSendInterval = QTSServerInterface::GetServer()->GetPrefs()->GetSendIntervalInMsec();


// We want to avoid waking up to do retransmits, and then going back to sleep for like, 1 msec. So,

// only adjust the time to wake up if the next packet time is greater than the max retransmit delay +

// the standard interval between wakeups.

if (theParams.rtpSendPacketsParams.outNextPacketTime > (theRetransDelayInMsec + theSendInterval))

theParams.rtpSendPacketsParams.outNextPacketTime = theRetransDelayInMsec;

Assert(theParams.rtpSendPacketsParams.outNextPacketTime >= 0);//we'd better not get deleted accidently!

return theParams.rtpSendPacketsParams.outNextPacketTime;

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