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[LeetCode]Unique Binary Search Trees

2013-05-28 12:08 387 查看
class Solution {
//a combinatorial mathematics problem
//Firstly, this kind of problem generally can be modeled as famous number, here is catalan number
//Secondly, If we do not have such a background, I think it will be totally fine if we can find
//the transform equation or the regular pattern.

//we pick a node i as a root in the BST, then the size of left subtree is i-1, and the size of
//right tree is n-i, though the number in right tree may be different from 1 2 ... n-i, but actually
//it is equal to the sequence of that in such a problem.
//Now we should figure out that, if j is not equal to i, is there any duplicate(same) case?
//I think there will be no same case, because the root is different that will be enough to prove this.
//So, the equation will be f(size)=sum of f(i-1)*f(size-i), where 1<=i<=size.
//initialize: f(0)=1, f(1)=1
int DP(int n)
if(n <= 1)
return 1;
vector<int> f(n+1, 0);
f[0] = f[1] = 1;
for (int size = 2; size <= n; ++size)
for (int i = 1; i <= size; ++i)
f[size] += f[i-1]*f[size-i];
return f
int numTrees(int n) {
// Start typing your C/C++ solution below
// DO NOT write int main() function
return DP(n);

second time

class Solution {
int numTrees(int n) {
// Start typing your C/C++ solution below
// DO NOT write int main() function
vector<vector<int> > f(n, vector<int>(n, 0));
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) f[i][i] = 1;

for(int len = 2; len <= n; ++len)
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
int j = len-1+i;
if(j >= n) break;
for(int k = i; k <= j; ++k)
if(k == i) f[i][j] += f[k+1][j];
else if(k == j) f[i][j] += f[i][k-1];
else f[i][j] += (f[i][k-1]*f[k+1][j]);
return f[0][n-1];
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