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2013-01-22 13:44 405 查看

2) H264网络传输过程中丢包造成马赛克问题?



1. 接收网络数据包后没有调整包的顺序,譬如说接受包的顺序是1,3,4,2,如果没有调整顺序的话,发送给解码器的顺序也是1,3,4,2,这样肯定会出现马赛克 ;

2. 接收网络数据包后没有没有合并数据包,众所周知,一个Video帧可能被分割成多个网络数据包传送,譬如说是1,2,3,如果在接受端没有将这三个包合并成一个Video帧发送给解码器,而是当成三个Video帧发送给解码器,也肯定会出现马赛克 ;

3. 没有正确处理好网络丢包的情况,如果所丢的数据包正好传送的是另外一个帧所参考的的数据,这样也会出现马赛克 ;

4. 解码器有问题,如果播放本地文件也出现马赛克的话。



(3)发送线程:用RTP socket把封装好的数据包发给客户端。此socket是点对多点、单向 有根方式的组播套接字,实际上是基于UDP派生的,但他用到了RTP和RTCP(实时传输 协议和实时传输控制协议),如果你传输的不是实时数据,直接用UDP就行了。



(1)主线程:接收网络数据包的线程,优先级最高,可以尽量保证不丢数据,也采用RTP协 议,用网络事件来触发。主线程接收到视频数据包后,将数据放入一个链表中,然后用事件对象触发组装线程。

(2)组装线程:从链表中读出数据包,要进行帧确认、排序等工作,当把一帧图象的所有 包都取到时,再调用组装模块(可以是一个函数),将这些数据包组装成完整的一个帧,然后送到解压线程。

(3)若干解压播放线程。主要考虑到如果你客户端软件想同时播放多画面,比如说4画面图 象,就要用4个解压播放线程。

(4)至于图象存储,要看你的客户需要怎么存了,如果是手工存当然不需要单开线程,如果 是规定定时存或在某个事件发生时自动存盘,就需要单开一个线程,由定时器到时消息或此事件发生来触发。


(1)Winsock传输部分最好不要用MFC提供的类,自己用API做,但是应用 程序可以用MFC做,

(2)在局域网上用点对多点的组播方式传输时,基于RTP和RTCP协议来做。 服务器方得拆包传,每包最好不要大于2K,以我去年做的项目经验, 用1.5K比较好,每包间隔1-2毫秒。发送方给每包打上时间戳和序列 号,接收方重新排序和组装。

(3)如果是点对点传,应该基于UDP协议,可以一帧一帧的传,我最大传过 30K。没问题,我已经在实际项目中试过,JPEG格式的视频流在局域网 中1秒15帧,一帧12K;在广域网中1秒中4帧,一帧15K。

(4) 如果你传输的是监控的告警数据,要求准确性,你必须基于TCP协议,用点对点方式传输。
VLC 对应的解决策略:
static inline uint16_t rtp_seq (const block_t *block)


    assert (block->i_buffer >= 4);

    return GetWBE (block->p_buffer + 2);


#define GetWBE( p )     U16_AT( p )

/* MSB (big endian)/LSB (little endian) conversions - network order is always

 * MSB, and should be used for both network communications and files. */


static inline uint16_t U16_AT( const void * _p )


    const uint8_t * p = (const uint8_t *)_p;

    return ( ((uint16_t)p[0] << 8) | p[1] );


/** State for a RTP session: */

struct rtp_session_t


    rtp_source_t **srcv;

    unsigned       srcc;

    uint8_t        ptc;

    rtp_pt_t      *ptv;


/** State for an RTP source */

struct rtp_source_t


    uint32_t ssrc;

    uint32_t jitter;  /* interarrival delay jitter estimate */

    mtime_t  last_rx; /* last received packet local timestamp */

    uint32_t last_ts; /* last received packet RTP timestamp */

    uint32_t ref_rtp; /* sender RTP timestamp reference */

    mtime_t  ref_ntp; /* sender NTP timestamp reference */

    uint16_t bad_seq; /* tentatively next expected sequence for resync */

    uint16_t max_seq; /* next expected sequence */

    uint16_t last_seq; /* sequence of the next dequeued packet */

    block_t *blocks; /* re-ordered blocks queue */

    void    *opaque[0]; /* Per-source private payload data */



 * Destroys an RTP source and its associated streams.


static void

rtp_source_destroy (demux_t *demux, const rtp_session_t *session,

                    rtp_source_t *source)


    msg_Dbg (demux, "removing RTP source (%08x)", source->ssrc);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < session->ptc; i++)

        session->ptv[i].destroy (demux, source->opaque[i]);

    block_ChainRelease (source->blocks);

    free (source);



 * Receives an RTP packet and queues it. Not a cancellation point.


 * @param demux VLC demux object

 * @param session RTP session receiving the packet

 * @param block RTP packet including the RTP header



rtp_queue (demux_t *demux, rtp_session_t *session, block_t *block)


    demux_sys_t *p_sys = demux->p_sys;

    /* RTP header sanity checks (see RFC 3550) */

    if (block->i_buffer < 12)   //如果RTP包的长度小于12,说明包传输有错误

        goto drop;

    if ((block->p_buffer[0] >> 6 ) != 2) /* RTP version number(rtp版本号必须为2) */

        goto drop;

    /* Remove padding if present (判断RTP数据包是否有填充字节,如果有填充字节,解析数据包时,必须将填充字节去掉)*/

    if (block->p_buffer[0] & 0x20)


        uint8_t padding = block->p_buffer[block->i_buffer - 1];

        if ((padding == 0) || (block->i_buffer < (12u + padding)))

            goto drop; /* illegal value */

        block->i_buffer -= padding;


    mtime_t        now = mdate ();   //获取精确的时钟信息

    rtp_source_t  *src  = NULL;

    const uint16_t seq  = rtp_seq (block); //获取序列号

    const uint32_t ssrc = GetDWBE (block->p_buffer + 8); //获取SSRC

    /* In most case, we know this source already 找到相同的SSRC*/

    for (unsigned i = 0, max = session->srcc; i < max; i++)


        rtp_source_t *tmp = session->srcv[i];

        if (tmp->ssrc == ssrc)


            src = tmp;



        /* RTP source garbage collection */

        if ((tmp->last_rx + p_sys->timeout) < now)    //超时了


            rtp_source_destroy (demux, session, tmp);

            if (--session->srcc > 0)

                session->srcv[i] = session->srcv[session->srcc - 1]; //将最后一个赋值给删除的那个ssrc



    if (src == NULL)  //在原来的会话中没有找到同样的ssrc,说明是新来的ssrc


        /* New source */

        if (session->srcc >= p_sys->max_src)  //判断是不是到达了最大的ssrc数的极限值(max)


            msg_Warn (demux, "too many RTP sessions");

            goto drop;


        rtp_source_t **tab;

        tab = realloc (session->srcv, (session->srcc + 1) * sizeof (*tab));

        if (tab == NULL)

            goto drop;

        session->srcv = tab;

        src = rtp_source_create (demux, session, ssrc, seq); //创建ssrc

        if (src == NULL)

            goto drop;

        tab[session->srcc++] = src;

        /* Cannot compute jitter yet */




        const rtp_pt_t *pt = rtp_find_ptype (session, src, block, NULL);

        if (pt != NULL)


            /* Recompute jitter estimate.

             * That is computed from the RTP timestamps and the system clock.

             * It is independent of RTP sequence. */

            uint32_t freq = pt->frequency;

            int64_t ts = rtp_timestamp (block);

            int64_t d = ((now - src->last_rx) * freq) / CLOCK_FREQ;

            d        -=    ts - src->last_ts;

            if (d < 0) d = -d;

            src->jitter += ((d - src->jitter) + 8) >> 4;



    src->last_rx = now;

    block->i_pts = now; /* store reception time until dequeued */

    src->last_ts = rtp_timestamp (block);

    /* Check sequence number */

    /* NOTE: the sequence number is per-source,

     * but is independent from the payload type. */

    int16_t delta_seq = seq - src->max_seq;

    if ((delta_seq > 0) ? (delta_seq > p_sys->max_dropout)

                        : (-delta_seq > p_sys->max_misorder))


        msg_Dbg (demux, "sequence discontinuity"

                 " (got: %"PRIu16", expected: %"PRIu16")", seq, src->max_seq);

        if (seq == src->bad_seq)


            src->max_seq = src->bad_seq = seq + 1;

            src->last_seq = seq - 0x7fffe; /* hack for rtp_decode() */

            msg_Warn (demux, "sequence resynchronized");

            block_ChainRelease (src->blocks);

            src->blocks = NULL;




            src->bad_seq = seq + 1;

            goto drop;




    if (delta_seq >= 0)

        src->max_seq = seq + 1;

    /* Queues the block in sequence order,

     * hence there is a single queue for all payload types. */

    block_t **pp = &src->blocks;

    for (block_t *prev = *pp; prev != NULL; prev = *pp)  //将接收到的数据插入到队列中


        int16_t delta_seq = seq - rtp_seq (prev);

        if (delta_seq < 0)


        if (delta_seq == 0)


            msg_Dbg (demux, "duplicate packet (sequence: %"PRIu16")", seq);

            goto drop; /* duplicate */


        pp = &prev->p_next;


    block->p_next = *pp;

    *pp = block;

    /*rtp_decode (demux, session, src);*/



    block_Release (block);



 * @file input.c

 * @brief RTP packet input



 * Copyright 漏 2008 R茅mi Denis-Courmont


 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License

 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1

 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


 * GNU General Public License for more details.


 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA



# include <config.h>


#include <vlc_common.h>

#include <vlc_demux.h>

#include <vlc_block.h>

#include <vlc_network.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#ifdef HAVE_POLL

# include <poll.h>


#include "rtp.h"

#ifdef HAVE_SRTP

# include <srtp.h>


static bool fd_dead (int fd)


    struct pollfd ufd = { .fd = fd, };

    return (poll (&ufd, 1, 0) > 0) && (ufd.revents & POLLHUP);



 * Gets a datagram from the network.

 * @param fd datagram file descriptor

 * @return a block or NULL on fatal error (socket dead)


static block_t *rtp_dgram_recv (vlc_object_t *obj, int fd)


    block_t *block = block_Alloc (0xffff);

    ssize_t len;

    block_cleanup_push (block);



        len = net_Read (obj, fd, NULL,

                        block->p_buffer, block->i_buffer, false);

        if (((len <= 0) && fd_dead (fd)) || !vlc_object_alive (obj))

        {   /* POLLHUP -> permanent (DCCP) socket error */

            block_Release (block);

            block = NULL;




    while (len == -1);

    vlc_cleanup_pop ();

    return block ? block_Realloc (block, 0, len) : NULL;



 * Gets a framed RTP packet.

 * @param fd stream file descriptor

 * @return a block or NULL in case of fatal error


static block_t *rtp_stream_recv (vlc_object_t *obj, int fd)


    ssize_t len = 0;

    uint8_t hdr[2]; /* frame header */

    /* Receives the RTP frame header */



        ssize_t val = net_Read (obj, fd, NULL, hdr + len, 2 - len, false);

        if (val <= 0)

            return NULL;

        len += val;


    while (len < 2);

    block_t *block = block_Alloc (GetWBE (hdr));

    /* Receives the RTP packet */

    for (ssize_t i = 0; i < len;)


        ssize_t val;

        block_cleanup_push (block);

        val = net_Read (obj, fd, NULL,

                        block->p_buffer + i, block->i_buffer - i, false);

        vlc_cleanup_pop ();

        if (val <= 0)


            block_Release (block);

            return NULL;


        i += val;


    return block;


static block_t *rtp_recv (demux_t *demux)


    demux_sys_t *p_sys = demux->p_sys;

    for (block_t *block;; block_Release (block))


        block = p_sys->framed_rtp

                ? rtp_stream_recv (VLC_OBJECT (demux), p_sys->fd)

                : rtp_dgram_recv (VLC_OBJECT (demux), p_sys->fd);

        if (block == NULL)


            msg_Err (demux, "RTP flow stopped");

            break; /* fatal error */


        if (block->i_buffer < 2)


        /* FIXME */

        const uint8_t ptype = rtp_ptype (block);

        if (ptype >= 72 && ptype <= 76)

            continue; /* Muxed RTCP, ignore for now */

#ifdef HAVE_SRTP

        if (p_sys->srtp)


            size_t len = block->i_buffer;

            int canc, err;

            canc = vlc_savecancel ();

            err = srtp_recv (p_sys->srtp, block->p_buffer, &len);

            vlc_restorecancel (canc);

            if (err)


                msg_Dbg (demux, "SRTP authentication/decryption failed");



            block->i_buffer = len;



        return block; /* success! */


    return NULL;


static void timer_cleanup (void *timer)


    vlc_timer_destroy ((vlc_timer_t)timer);


static void rtp_process (void *data);

void *rtp_thread (void *data)


    demux_t *demux = data;

    demux_sys_t *p_sys = demux->p_sys;

    bool autodetect = true;

    if (vlc_timer_create (&p_sys->timer, rtp_process, data))

        return NULL;

    vlc_cleanup_push (timer_cleanup, (void *)p_sys->timer);

    for (;;)


        block_t *block = rtp_recv (demux);

        if (block == NULL)


        if (autodetect)

        {   /* Autodetect payload type, _before_ rtp_queue() */

            /* No need for lock - the queue is empty. */

            if (rtp_autodetect (demux, p_sys->session, block))


                block_Release (block);



            autodetect = false;


        int canc = vlc_savecancel ();

        vlc_mutex_lock (&p_sys->lock);

        rtp_queue (demux, p_sys->session, block);

        vlc_mutex_unlock (&p_sys->lock);

        vlc_restorecancel (canc);

        rtp_process (demux);


    vlc_cleanup_run ();

    return NULL;



 * Process one RTP packet from the de-jitter queue.


static void rtp_process (void *data)


    demux_t *demux = data;

    demux_sys_t *p_sys = demux->p_sys;

    mtime_t deadline;

    vlc_mutex_lock (&p_sys->lock);

    if (rtp_dequeue (demux, p_sys->session, &deadline))

        vlc_timer_schedule (p_sys->timer, true, deadline, 0);

    vlc_mutex_unlock (&p_sys->lock);


内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息