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[Yii Framework] how to add additional data to the user session

2012-09-07 14:01 661 查看
From the code generated by the yiic, as we know, using these code can only get id and username from Yii::app()->user after logined:

$identity = new UserIdentity($_POST['LoginForm']['username'], $_POST['LoginForm']['password']);

but how about adding some additional data to the user session? Here is the example.

1. implement the method "getPersistentStates()" in UserIdentify, for example:

public function getPersistentStates()
return array(
'roleId' => $this->_user->role_id,
}then, you can get the data via Yii::app()->user->roleId after logined.

2. add the data wherever you want, just use these code:

Yii::app()->user->setState('mykey', 'myvalue');then, you can get the data via Yii::app()->user->mykey.

Have fun with Yii!
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