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2012-05-18 12:20 169 查看

1. 修复listview换location时crash的BUG。

2. 完成postitem界面visit显示不准确问题。

3. 调整postitem界面图片显示大小不统一问题。

4. 修复toast时按后退键产生的crash bug.

5. 列表增加显示short address功能。

6. Adjusting gui of postitem.xml. Making map to be displayed normally , single line for detailed address.

7. Fixing quit while loading crash bugs . Partially. Not done yet.


1. Redesigned post ad screens and work flows.

2. Developed post page and functions (1/3 done)


1. Post page, selecting categories from expanded popup menus done.

2. Doing adding photos and adding to the below of the button on the screen.

3. Done taking pictures and display them on screen.


1. Updated sdk and adt.

2. Did search on android support api.

3. DroidDraw tool downloaded for rerparing gui improvement develepemenn.


1. Done the post page1

2. stuck in getting detailed city name.


keep going log in and sign up at eoe android, note down the things i have done today. Yep, keep goin~~

1. Done the bookmarks page. But minor bugs not fixed yet.

2. Moved cities page and displayed flag and city on the tab .


1. added loading screen when app is starting .

2. Changed toast to custom toast to display better effect.

3. done actionbar tab style..

4. changed app stayle theme from dark to holo light.

2012-6-23 sat

1. fixed minor interface bugs

2. fixed pictures added can not be deleted from the post page.

2012-6-24 sun

1. Added list watch by 1 for each view

2012-6-26 Tue

1. Done the tabs divider .

2. Added icons to categories.


goals :1. finish the images uploading funtion

2. finish the find near loacation function and set the device to the location when starting the app.

done: 1 . Done the find near location and set it to the default when the app starts.

2. Done the thumbnail image upload function(Finally!!!!!!!!! spend 3 days on doing this .. WTF!!)

3. Finally! Both they two work fine. but by using two different ways to upload images. Both work.

2012-7-6: Fri

break for morning

goals: 1. finish the delete function . Do as much as i can the list comment and report abuse functions.

done: 1. delete post function is done. based on whether the post is belongs to the user. If yes, the delete button is shown, else, the contact linearlayout is shown .

not done: 1. Done nothing about comment and report abuse fuctions.

2012-7-9: Mon

goals: 1. to update buttons pressed effect

2. Finish the report abuse function.

3. Start to do list comment and comment function.

done: 1. fixed bug, when posting a post which does not contain any photo crashes error.

2. Added buttons pressed effects.

3. Added spinner pressed effect.

4. Added report frame to the activity.


goals: 1. finish the report abuse function.

2. Finish the comment function.

3. Do as many as possible listing comments function.

done: 1. Report abuse function done.

2. Submit comment function done.、

3. Listing comments is done more than half.

2012-7-11 :

goals: 1. finish the improved ui

2. Finish the comments function and new comment lists ui page.

done: 1. done all the golas made today.


golas: 1. Fix bugs and prepare for releasing.

done: 1. Added inserting comment and immediate displaying on the textView.

2. Fixed bug which when press BACK from comment page to post item page, the DELETE button disappear .(for owner only)

2013-7-16 mon

goals: Fix all bugs which can cause crashes.

done: 1. done key BACK to quit from the app

2. fixed when clicking on the loading bar causes crashes.

3. Fixed loading bar wrongly displays when nothing more to be loaded problem.


Had rest and went to immigration for further process.

2013-7-18 wed

goals: To done fix the layout in 8000* 480

done: fixed a lots of bugs ,and signed to be ready to release.

2012 - 7 - 19 Thur

Gals: Fix location service not turned on and internet not connected issues. And , Release.

Done: Done and released . ClassifiedsV1.1

2012-7-20 Fri

Maybe half day of working

golas: Fix some small problems and be ready for the next release version

done: Fixed bugs

2012-7-21 Sat

Extra work

gloas: Fixed the release bug, supported by 0 devices

Add more if statements to justfy if the device has the feature.

done: Fixed the release bug, found that need to add more uses-feature filters.

2012-7-24 Tue

Goals: 1. start to do the new proj, and finishe the most frame part.

2012-7-30 mon

Goals: Finish the Private Browser app. Relaease.

done:Done most parts.
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息