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About Relation

2012-04-13 14:54 76 查看
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org.structr.common.error  各种错误处理


* Defines a class of relations between a source class and a target class with a direction and a cardinality.
public class RelationClass

public static final int DELETE_BOTH = 3;
public static final int DELETE_INCOMING = 2;
public static final int DELETE_NONE = 0;
public static final int DELETE_OUTGOING = 1;
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RelationClass.class.getName());

//~--- fields ---------------------------------------------------------

private Cardinality cardinality = null;
private Class destType = null;
private Direction direction = null;
private Notion notion = null;
private RelationshipType relType = null;
private int cascadeDelete = DELETE_NONE;

//~--- constant enums -------------------------------------------------

public enum Cardinality
OneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToOne, ManyToMany

//~--- constructors ---------------------------------------------------

public RelationClass(Class destType, RelationshipType relType, Direction direction, Cardinality cardinality, Notion notion, int cascadeDelete)

this.cascadeDelete = cascadeDelete;
this.cardinality = cardinality;
this.direction = direction;
this.destType = destType;
this.relType = relType;
this.notion = notion;

//~--- methods --------------------------------------------------------

public void createRelationship(final SecurityContext securityContext, final AbstractNode sourceNode, final Object value) throws FrameworkException
createRelationship(securityContext, sourceNode, value, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);

public void createRelationship(final SecurityContext securityContext, final AbstractNode sourceNode, final Object value, final Map properties) throws FrameworkException

// create relationship if it does not already exist
final Command createRel = Services.command(securityContext, CreateRelationshipCommand.class);
final Command deleteRel = Services.command(securityContext, DeleteRelationshipCommand.class);
AbstractNode targetNode;

if (value instanceof AbstractNode)

targetNode = (AbstractNode) value;


targetNode = (AbstractNode) Services.command(securityContext, FindNodeCommand.class).execute(value);


if ((sourceNode != null) && (targetNode != null))

final AbstractNode finalTargetNode = targetNode;
StructrTransaction transaction = new StructrTransaction()

public Object execute() throws FrameworkException

switch (cardinality)

case ManyToOne:
case OneToOne:

String destType = finalTargetNode.getType();

// delete previous relationships to nodes of the same destination type and direction
List<AbstractRelationship> rels = sourceNode.getRelationships(relType, direction);

for (AbstractRelationship rel : rels)

if (rel.getOtherNode(sourceNode).getType().equals(destType))






case OneToMany:

// Here, we have a OneToMany with OUTGOING Rel, so we need to remove all relationships
// of the same type incoming to the target node
List<AbstractRelationship> rels = finalTargetNode.getRelationships(relType, Direction.INCOMING);

for (AbstractRelationship rel : rels)

if (rel.getOtherNode(finalTargetNode).getType().equals(sourceNode.getType()))





AbstractRelationship newRel;

if (direction.equals(Direction.OUTGOING))

newRel = (AbstractRelationship) createRel.execute(sourceNode, finalTargetNode, relType);


newRel = (AbstractRelationship) createRel.execute(finalTargetNode, sourceNode, relType);



// set cascade delete value
if (cascadeDelete > 0)

newRel.setProperty(AbstractRelationship.HiddenKey.cascadeDelete, cascadeDelete);


return newRel;

// execute transaction
Services.command(securityContext, TransactionCommand.class).execute(transaction);


String type = "unknown";

if (sourceNode != null)

type = sourceNode.getType();

else if (targetNode != null)

type = targetNode.getType();


throw new FrameworkException(type, new IdNotFoundToken(value));


public void removeRelationship(final SecurityContext securityContext, final AbstractNode sourceNode, final Object value) throws FrameworkException

final Command deleteRel = Services.command(securityContext, DeleteRelationshipCommand.class);
AbstractNode targetNode = null;

if (value instanceof AbstractNode)

targetNode = (AbstractNode) value;


targetNode = (AbstractNode) Services.command(securityContext, FindNodeCommand.class).execute(value);


if ((sourceNode != null) && (targetNode != null))

final AbstractNode finalTargetNode = targetNode;
StructrTransaction transaction = new StructrTransaction()

public Object execute() throws FrameworkException

switch (cardinality)

case ManyToOne:
case OneToOne:

String destType = finalTargetNode.getType();

// delete previous relationships to nodes of the same destination type and direction
List<AbstractRelationship> rels = sourceNode.getRelationships(relType, direction);

for (AbstractRelationship rel : rels)

if (rel.getOtherNode(sourceNode).getType().equals(destType))






case OneToMany:

// Here, we have a OneToMany with OUTGOING Rel, so we need to remove all relationships
// of the same type incoming to the target node
List<AbstractRelationship> rels = finalTargetNode.getRelationships(relType, Direction.INCOMING);

for (AbstractRelationship rel : rels)

if (rel.getOtherNode(finalTargetNode).getType().equals(sourceNode.getType()))




case ManyToMany:

// In this case, remove exact the relationship of the given type
// between source and target node
List<AbstractRelationship> rels = finalTargetNode.getRelationships(relType, Direction.BOTH);

for (AbstractRelationship rel : rels)

if (rel.getOtherNode(finalTargetNode).equals(sourceNode))





return null;

// execute transaction
Services.command(securityContext, TransactionCommand.class).execute(transaction);


String type = "unknown";

if (sourceNode != null)

type = sourceNode.getType();

else if (targetNode != null)

type = targetNode.getType();


throw new FrameworkException(type, new IdNotFoundToken(value));


public AbstractNode addRelatedNode(final SecurityContext securityContext, final AbstractNode node) throws FrameworkException

return (AbstractNode) Services.command(securityContext, TransactionCommand.class).execute(new StructrTransaction()

public Object execute() throws FrameworkException

AbstractNode relatedNode = (AbstractNode) Services.command(securityContext,
CreateNodeCommand.class).execute(new NodeAttribute(AbstractNode.Key.type.name(), getDestType().getSimpleName()));

// Create new relationship between facility and location nodes
Command createRel = Services.command(securityContext, CreateRelationshipCommand.class);
AbstractRelationship newRel = (AbstractRelationship) createRel.execute(node, relatedNode, getRelType());

if (cascadeDelete > 0)

newRel.setProperty(AbstractRelationship.HiddenKey.cascadeDelete, cascadeDelete);


return relatedNode;


//~--- get methods ----------------------------------------------------

public Class getDestType()
return destType;

public Direction getDirection()
return direction;

public Cardinality getCardinality()
return cardinality;

public RelationshipType getRelType()
return relType;

public Notion getNotion()
return notion;

// ----- public methods -----
public List<AbstractNode> getRelatedNodes(final SecurityContext securityContext, final AbstractNode node)

if (cardinality.equals(Cardinality.OneToMany) || cardinality.equals(Cardinality.ManyToMany))

// return getTraversalResults(securityContext, node, StringUtils.toCamelCase(type));
return getTraversalResults(securityContext, node);

logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Requested related nodes with wrong cardinality {0} between {1} and {2}", new Object[]{cardinality.name(), node.getClass().getSimpleName(),


return null;

public AbstractNode getRelatedNode(final SecurityContext securityContext, final AbstractNode node)

if (cardinality.equals(Cardinality.OneToOne) || cardinality.equals(Cardinality.ManyToOne))

List<AbstractNode> nodes = getTraversalResults(securityContext, node);

if ((nodes != null) && nodes.iterator().hasNext())

return nodes.iterator().next();



logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Requested related node with wrong cardinality {0} between {1} and {2}", new Object[]{cardinality.name(), node.getClass().getSimpleName(),


return null;

// ----- private methods -----
private List<AbstractNode> getTraversalResults(final SecurityContext securityContext, final AbstractNode node)

// final Class realType              = (Class) Services.command(securityContext, GetEntityClassCommand.class).execute(StringUtils.capitalize(destType));
final NodeFactory nodeFactory = new NodeFactory<AbstractNode>(securityContext);
final List<AbstractNode> nodeList = new LinkedList<AbstractNode>();

// use traverser
Iterable<Node> nodes = Traversal.description().uniqueness(Uniqueness.NODE_PATH).breadthFirst().relationships(relType, direction).evaluator(new Evaluator()

public Evaluation evaluate(Path path)

int len = path.length();

if (len <= 1)

if (len == 0)

// do not include start node (which is the
// index node in this case), but continue
// traversal
return Evaluation.EXCLUDE_AND_CONTINUE;


AbstractNode abstractNode = (AbstractNode) nodeFactory.createNode(securityContext, path.endNode());

// use inheritance
if ((destType != null) && destType.isAssignableFrom(abstractNode.getClass()))


return Evaluation.INCLUDE_AND_CONTINUE;


return Evaluation.EXCLUDE_AND_CONTINUE;


catch (FrameworkException fex)
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to instantiate node", fex);



return Evaluation.EXCLUDE_AND_PRUNE;


// iterate nodes to evaluate traversal
for (Node n : nodes)

return nodeList;

//~--- set methods ----------------------------------------------------

public void setDestType(Class destType)
this.destType = destType;

public void setDirection(Direction direction)
this.direction = direction;

public void setCardinality(Cardinality cardinality)
this.cardinality = cardinality;

public void setRelType(RelationshipType relType)
this.relType = relType;

public void setNotion(Notion notion)
this.notion = notion;




* Describes a relation type between two node classes,
* defined by source and destination type (node entity classes) and the
* relationship type.
* <p/>
* Direction is always OUTGOING from source to destination by definition.
* <p/>
* A @see RelationshipMapping is marked with a combined key with name "type" of the form
* "SourceType RELTYPE DestType".
public class RelationshipMapping

private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RelationshipMapping.class.getName());

//~--- fields ---------------------------------------------------------

private Class destType = null;
private String name = null;
private RelationshipType relType = null;
private Class sourceType = null;

//~--- constructors ---------------------------------------------------

public RelationshipMapping(String name, Class sourceType, Class destType, RelationshipType relType)

this.sourceType = sourceType;
this.destType = destType;
this.relType = relType;
this.name = name;

//~--- methods --------------------------------------------------------

public AbstractRelationship newEntityClass()

AbstractRelationship rel = null;
Class type = getEntityClass();

rel = (AbstractRelationship) type.newInstance();
catch (Throwable t)
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to instantiate relationship entity class", t);

return rel;

//~--- get methods ----------------------------------------------------

public RelationshipType getRelType()
return relType;

public Class getSourceType()
return sourceType;

public Class getDestType()
return destType;

public String getName()
return name;

public Class getEntityClass()
return EntityContext.getNamedRelationClass(sourceType.getSimpleName(), destType.getSimpleName(), relType.name());

public List<AbstractRelationship> getRelationships(AbstractNode obj) throws FrameworkException

Class combinedRelType = getEntityClass();
List<AbstractRelationship> relsFilteredByType = new LinkedList<AbstractRelationship>();

if (!(obj instanceof AbstractNode))

logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Requested relationships of a non-node object");

throw new FrameworkException(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, new ErrorBuffer());


AbstractNode node = (AbstractNode) obj;

// filter relationships for correct combined relationship type
for (AbstractRelationship rel : node.getRelationships(relType, getDirectionForType(obj.getStringProperty(AbstractNode.Key.type.name()))))

if (rel.getClass().equals(combinedRelType))




return relsFilteredByType;

// ----- private methods -----
private Direction getDirectionForType(String type) throws FrameworkException

if (type.equals(sourceType.getSimpleName()))

return Direction.OUTGOING;


if (type.equals(destType.getSimpleName()))

return Direction.INCOMING;


throw new FrameworkException(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, new ErrorBuffer());

//~--- set methods ----------------------------------------------------

public void setRelType(RelationshipType relType)
this.relType = relType;

public void setSourceType(Class sourceType)
this.sourceType = sourceType;

public void setDestType(Class destType)
this.destType = destType;

public void setName(String name)
this.name = name;


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