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Multiple Starting Occasion

2012-04-26 02:33 85 查看
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BPMN Sample <Multiple Start>

"1a. Task" screen


  • Title

-Process Data-

  • Data Input (string: text box 3 lines)
  • Correspondence (discussion)
In Workflow above, someone in Accountancy or Development or Sales has processed [1x. Task], it goes to [2. Task] of Accountancy. Truly Multiple Trigger is settled. But it seems strange to you as there is "join sign" (we call it Join Gate) without "Split."

There also are some cases not started by human.

  • Automatically a duty be allocated to someone in certain time.
  • Data transfer from external device (like sensors) make duty. 
In Workflow below, for example, Accountancy proceeds [1a. Task] every Monday morning. (There's a possibility of proceeding at other timing by his own judgment.) And [2. Task] will be directly allocate by Message Start Event in some case.

By the way, when the first task is input work by human, data transfer from external device may be supposed for simplification and labor saving. If you can trust your external devices, the first task by human could be omitted in Workflow.

BPMN Sample <Multiple Start>

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息