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[Yii Framework] export / import sql file with PHP in Yii Framework

2011-12-30 00:03 405 查看
That is just a simple example here:

* Export & import sql
* @author davidhhuan
class DLDatabaseHelper
* Export the sql to a file
* @author davidhhuan
* @param bool $withData: Whether to export the insert-data at the same time
* @param bool $dropTable: Add to drop the table or not
* @param string $saveName: the saved file name
* @param string $savePath
* @return mixed
public static function export($withData = true, $dropTable = false, $saveName = null, $savePath = false)
$pdo = Yii::app()->db->pdoInstance;
$mysql = '';
$statments = $pdo->query("show tables");
foreach ($statments as $value)
$tableName = $value[0];
if ($dropTable === true)
$mysql.="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$tableName`;\n";
$tableQuery = $pdo->query("show create table `$tableName`");
$createSql = $tableQuery->fetch();
$mysql.=$createSql['Create Table'] . ";\r\n\r\n";
if ($withData != 0)
$itemsQuery = $pdo->query("select * from `$tableName`");
$values = "";
$items = "";
while ($itemQuery = $itemsQuery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
$itemNames = array_keys($itemQuery);
$itemNames = array_map("addslashes", $itemNames);
$items = join('`,`', $itemNames);
$itemValues = array_values($itemQuery);
$itemValues = array_map("addslashes", $itemValues);
$valueString = join("','", $itemValues);
$valueString = "('" . $valueString . "'),";
$values.="\n" . $valueString;
if ($values != "")
$insertSql = "INSERT INTO `$tableName` (`$items`) VALUES" . rtrim($values, ",") . ";\n\r";

echo $mysql;
$content = ob_get_contents();
$content = gzencode($content, 9);

if (is_null($saveName))
$saveName = date('YmdHms') . ".sql.gz";

if ($savePath === false)
header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Type: application/download");
header("Content-Description: Download SQL Export");
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$saveName);
echo $content;
$filePath = $savePath ? $savePath . '/' . $saveName : $saveName;
file_put_contents($filePath, $content);
echo "Database file saved: " . $saveName;

* import sql from a *.sql file
* @author davidhhuan
* @param string $file: with the path and the file name
* @return mixed
public static function import($file = '')
$pdo = Yii::app()->db->pdoInstance;
if (file_exists($file))
$sqlStream = file_get_contents($file);
$sqlStream = rtrim($sqlStream);
$newStream = preg_replace_callback("/\((.*)\)/", create_function('$matches', 'return str_replace(";"," $$$ ",$matches[0]);'), $sqlStream);
$sqlArray = explode(";", $newStream);
foreach ($sqlArray as $value)
if (!empty($value))
$sql = str_replace(" $$$ ", ";", $value) . ";";
//echo "succeed to import the sql data!";
return true;
catch (PDOException $e)
echo $e->getMessage();

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