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on the web appear:"No data returned for this view.This might be because the applied filter excludes

2011-10-06 17:15 423 查看
Detail header is not hidden when 'Hide if Empty' is set to True in MicroStrategy Web 8.1.1

Detail header is not hidden when 'Hide if Empty' is set to True and the dataset is empty using MicroStrategy Web 8.1.1.

Follow the steps below to reproduce this issue:

Create a report with the attribute Category and the metric Profit.
Use filter profit is less than 0.
Create a Report Services document.
Place the report in the Detail Header section.
In the Detail Header property, set Hide If Empty to True as shown below:

Save and run the report in Interactive Mode or Exported to PDF. Notice that the bottom section of the Detail Header displays the following error or displays an empty report in PDF Mode:

No data returned for this view. This might be because the applied filter excludes all data.

This is a known issue with MicroStrategy Web 8.1.1.
This issue has been fixed in 9.0 GA. Please upgrade to take advantage of this fix.
Follow the steps below to work around this issue:
1.Right click on Document Header section.

2.Select conditional formatting.

3.Create a new condition that when profit is null, hide the object, as shown below:

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