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MEMS 之重力加速传感器mma7660,与陀螺仪

2011-09-22 10:07 330 查看

这两天调好了3轴g-sensor ,mma7660, 可以用了. 倾斜晃动或改变板子的方向(水平或垂直), mma7660就会产生中断, 并给出当前板子的姿态(水平/垂直, 上下,左右等).

         这两天调好了3轴g-sensor ,mma7660, 可以用了. 倾斜晃动或改变板子的方向(水平或垂直), mma7660就会产生中断, 并给出当前板子的姿态(水平/垂直, 上下,左右等).

       1. 重力加速度计 mma7660  

       1.1 作用:

            mma7660只是一个3轴g-sensor, 它主要用于测量倾斜角,惯性力,冲击力及震动. 

       1.2 工作原理:
          mma7660是一种电容式g-sensor. 电容式g-sensor大多为欧美厂商, 其技术是在wafer的表面做出梳状结构, 当产生动作时,由侦测电容差来判断变形量, 反推出加速度的值.

        与压阻式不同的是, 电容式很难在同一个结构中同时感测到三个轴(X,Y,Z)的变化, 通常都是X,Y和Z分开来的, (这也就是为什么当板子水平放置时,无论如何改变X,Y的位置,都不会有中断产生,因为这时它只能检测Z轴的变化,X,Y的变化它检测不到, 只有当我们将板子倾斜一个角度后才能检测X,Y的变化) . 而压阻式在同一个结构就能感测到三个轴的变化. 

       1.3 工作模式:


         1).  Standby(待机)模式

               此时只有I2C工作,接收主机来的指令. 该模式用来设置寄存器. 也就是说, 要想改变mma7660的任何一个寄存器的值,必须先进入Standby模式. 设置完成后再进入Active或Auto-Sleep模式.

         2). Active and Auto-Sleep (活动并且Auto-Sleep) 模式 

               mma7660的工作状态分两种, 一种是高频度采样, 一种是低频度采样. 为什么这样分呢, 为了节省功耗,但是在活动时又保持足够的灵敏度. 

               所以说mma7660的Active模式其实又分两种模式,一种是纯粹的Active模式, 即进了Active模式后一直保持高的采样频率,不变. 还有一种是Active & Auto-Sleep模式, 就是说系统激活后先进入高频率采样,经过一定时间后,如果没检测到有活动,它就进入低频率采样 ,所以就叫做Auto-Sleep, Sleep并不是真的Sleep , 只是说降低采样频率.

低频率采样模式又叫Auto-Wake摸式, 即自动唤醒模式.它不是睡眠模式, 它只是降低采样频率.


         3). Auto-Wake (自动唤醒) 模式

              Auto-Sleep后就进入低频率采样模式,这种模式就叫做Auto-Wake摸式, 即自动唤醒模式.它不是睡眠模式, 它只是降低采样频率.

           1.4 初始化:



                                       |   MODE=(0)

                                进入  Standby 模式,设置寄存器


                                      | SRST=0x03,  SR=(2,2,1),  INTSU中,asint=1,plint=1,fbint=1

                                      | MODE=(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1)


                      Active & Auto-Sleep   (64 Samples/Sec)    

                       ^                                              |

                        | state changes                         |  SPCNT=0xA0 timeout

                        | interrupt                                |

                        |                                             v

                   Auto-Wake ( = Half Sleep)  (8 Samples/Sec) 


          也就是说,系统初始化时先进入Standby模式,通过I2C设置寄存器, 设好后进入Active &Auto Sleep模式, 当定时器计数超时后,进入Auto-Wake(低频采样模式),在Auto-Wake模式下,只有板子状态改变(比如改变水平/垂直方向,拍打等),由此产生中断后才会唤醒,重新进入Active & Auto-Sleep模式.

           2. 陀螺仪


               在动作感应方面, 加速度计对有变化量的动作感应还不错, 但是对均匀的动作变化, 精度就不够了,陀螺仪则刚好弥补了这一点. 

              陀螺仪的原理是, 对一个旋转的物体, 旋转轴所指的方向在不受外力影响时, 是不会改变的. 人们根据这个原理,用它来保持方向.  陀螺仪在工作时要给它一个力, 使它快速旋转起来, 然后用多种方法读取轴所指的方向,并自动将数据信号传给系统.



            2.1 模型直升机上陀螺仪的功用

              直升机飞行的基本原理是利用主旋翼可变角度产生反向推力而上升, 但对机身会产生扭力作用, 于是需要加设一个尾旋翼来抵消扭力,平横机身. 但怎样使尾旋翼利用合适的角度来平衡机身呢? 这就用到陀螺仪了, 它可以根据机身的摆动多少,自动作出补偿讯号给伺服器,去改变尾旋翼的角度,产生推力平衡机身.以前,模型直升机是没有陀螺仪的, 油门, 主旋翼角度很难配合, 起动后便尽快往上空飞(因为飞行时较易控制),如要悬停就要控制杆快速灵敏的动作,所以很容易撞毁,现在已有多种直升机模型使用的陀螺仪,分别有机械式,电子式,电子自动锁定式.

          2.2  智能手机上陀螺仪的使用

              关注IPHONE4的都知道,它的超强卖点就是内置了陀螺仪, 既有陀螺仪,又有重力加速计. 陀螺仪的主要用途有:

         1).导航.  陀螺仪自被发明以来, 就用于导航, 如果配合GPS, 手机的导航能力将达到前所未有的水准(电子惯导, 但是不能长时间没有GPS校正, 否则会随时间出现偏差). 事实上, 目前很多专业手持式GPS也装了陀螺仪, 如果手机上安装了相应的软件, 其导航能力不亚于目前很多船舶,飞机上的导航仪.

         2).摄像防抖. 配合手机上的摄像头

         3).各类游戏的传感器. 陀螺仪完整检测游戏者手的移动,从而实现个种游戏操作的效果.

         4).可以用作输入设备, 陀螺仪相当于一个立体的鼠标.




呵呵,发扬自由软件的精神,把mma7660的驱动在这里共享出来(带了很多调试信息), 是Android接口的。


 *  mma7660.c - Linux kernel modules for 3-Axis Orientation/Motion

 *  Detection Sensor


 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Freescale Semiconductor Ltd.


 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

 *  (at your option) any later version.


 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


 *  GNU General Public License for more details.


 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

 *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


#include <linux/module.h>

#include <linux/init.h>

#include <linux/slab.h>

#include <linux/i2c.h>

#include <linux/mutex.h>

#include <linux/delay.h>

#include <linux/interrupt.h>

#include <linux/irq.h>

#include <linux/hwmon-sysfs.h>

#include <linux/err.h>

#include <linux/hwmon.h>

#include <linux/fsl_devices.h>


 * Defines


#if 1

#define assert(expr)\

        if(!(expr)) {\

        printk( "Assertion failed! %s,%d,%s,%s\n",\




#define assert(expr) do{} while(0)


#define MMA7660_DRV_NAME "mma7660"

#define MMA7660_XOUT   0x00

#define MMA7660_YOUT   0x01

#define MMA7660_ZOUT   0x02

#define MMA7660_TILT   0x03

#define MMA7660_SRST   0x04

#define MMA7660_SPCNT   0x05

#define MMA7660_INTSU   0x06

#define MMA7660_MODE   0x07

#define MMA7660_SR   0x08

#define MMA7660_PDET   0x09

#define MMA7660_PD   0x0A

#define MK_MMA7660_SR(FILT, AWSR, AMSR)\

 (FILT<<5 | AWSR<<3 | AMSR)


 (IAH<<7 | IPP<<6 | SCPS<<5 | ASE<<4 | AWE<<3 | TON<<2 | MODE)


 (SHINTX<<7 | SHINTY<<6 | SHINTZ<<5 | GINT<<4 | ASINT<<3 | PDINT<<2 | PLINT<<1 | FBINT)


ssize_t show_orientation(struct device *dev, struct attribute *attr, char *buf);

ssize_t show_axis_force(struct device *dev, struct attribute *attr, char *buf);

ssize_t show_xyz_force(struct device *dev, struct attribute *attr, char *buf);

static struct device *hwmon_dev;

static int test_test_mode = 0;

static struct i2c_client *mma7660_i2c_client=NULL;

static struct mxc_mma7660_platform_data* plat_data; //Lynn

static u8 orientation;

static SENSOR_DEVICE_ATTR(all_axis_force, S_IRUGO, show_xyz_force, NULL, 0); //defined in linux/include/linux/hwmon-sysfs.h, line 34

static SENSOR_DEVICE_ATTR(x_axis_force, S_IRUGO, show_axis_force, NULL, 0);

static SENSOR_DEVICE_ATTR(y_axis_force, S_IRUGO, show_axis_force, NULL, 1);

static SENSOR_DEVICE_ATTR(z_axis_force, S_IRUGO, show_axis_force, NULL, 2);

static SENSOR_DEVICE_ATTR(orientation, S_IRUGO, show_orientation, NULL, 0);

static struct attribute* mma7660_attrs[] =









static const struct attribute_group mma7660_group =


 .attrs = mma7660_attrs,


static void mma7660_read_xyz(int idx, s8 *pf)


 s32 result;




  result=i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(mma7660_i2c_client, idx+MMA7660_XOUT);


 }while(result&(1<<6)); //read again if alert

 *pf = (result&(1<<5)) ? (result|(~0x0000003f)) : (result&0x0000003f);



static void mma7660_read_tilt(u8* pt)


 u32 result;




  result = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(mma7660_i2c_client, MMA7660_TILT);


 }while(result&(1<<6)); //read again if alert

 *pt = result & 0x000000ff;


static int print_orientation(int orient,char *buf)


 int result =0 ;

 char buf1[10],buf2[10];



 case 1:

  //result = sprintf(buf, "Left\n");

  result = sprintf(buf1, "Left");


 case 2:

  //result = sprintf(buf, "Right\n");

  result = sprintf(buf1, "Right");



 case 5:

  //result = sprintf(buf, "Downward\n");

  result = sprintf(buf1, "Downward");


 case 6:

  //result = sprintf(buf, "Upward\n");

  result = sprintf(buf1, "Upward");



  result = sprintf(buf1, "Unknown");




  switch(orient & 0x03)


  case 1:

   //result = sprintf(buf, "Front\n");

   result = sprintf(buf2, "Front");


  case 2:

   //result = sprintf(buf, "Back\n");

   result = sprintf(buf2, "Back");



   //result = sprintf(buf, "Unknown\n");

   result = sprintf(buf2, "Unknown");




 return result;


ssize_t show_orientation(struct device *dev, struct attribute *attr, char *buf)


 int result;

 result = print_orientation(orientation,buf);

  return result;


ssize_t show_xyz_force(struct device *dev, struct attribute *attr, char *buf)


 int i;

 s8 xyz[3];

 for(i=0; i<3; i++)

  mma7660_read_xyz(i, &xyz[i]);

 printk("dbg:show_xyz_force()/(xyz[0]=%d,xyz[1]=%d,xyz[2]=%d)\n", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);

 return sprintf(buf, "(%d,%d,%d)\n", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);


ssize_t show_axis_force(struct device *dev, struct attribute *attr, char *buf)


 s8 force;

 int n = to_sensor_dev_attr(attr)->index;

 mma7660_read_xyz(n, &force);

 printk("dbg:show_axis_force()/force=%d\n", force);

 return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", force);


static void mma7660_worker(struct work_struct *work)


 u8 tilt, new_orientation;

 char buf1[20],buf2[20];

 int result=0;


 new_orientation = tilt & 0x1f;





  printk("dbg:/mma7660_worker(),orientation changes from %s to %s\n",buf1,buf2);

  orientation = new_orientation;

  //enter Active + Auto-Wake mode again



   result = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(mma7660_i2c_client,

    MMA7660_MODE, MK_MMA7660_MODE(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));  //enter standby


   result = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(mma7660_i2c_client,

    //MMA7660_MODE, MK_MMA7660_MODE(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1));

    MMA7660_MODE, MK_MMA7660_MODE(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1));  //IPP=1,ASE=1,AWE=1,MODE=1





  printk("dbg:/mma7660_worker(),exit Auto-Sleep mode to Auto-Wake mode\n");


DECLARE_WORK(mma7660_work, mma7660_worker);

// interrupt handler

static irqreturn_t mmx7660_irq_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)




 return IRQ_RETVAL(1);



 * Initialization function


static int mma7660_init_client(struct i2c_client *client)


 int result;


 mma7660_i2c_client = client;

 plat_data = (struct mxc_mma7660_platform_data *)client->dev.platform_data;





   * Probe the device. We try to set the device to Test Mode and then to

   * write & verify XYZ registers


  result = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, MMA7660_MODE,MK_MMA7660_MODE(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0));



  result = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, MMA7660_XOUT, 0x2a);



  result = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, MMA7660_YOUT, 0x15);


  result = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, MMA7660_ZOUT, 0x3f);


  result = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(client, MMA7660_XOUT);

  result= i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(client, MMA7660_YOUT);

  result= i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(client, MMA7660_ZOUT);



 // Enable Orientation Detection Logic

 result = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client,

  MMA7660_MODE, MK_MMA7660_MODE(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); //enter standby

 //printk("result=i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, MMA7660_MODE, MK_MMA7660_MODE(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))=%d\n",result);


 result = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, MMA7660_SRST, 0x03); //AWSRS=1,AMSRS=1

 result = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client,

  MMA7660_SR, MK_MMA7660_SR(2, 2, 1));    //REG = 0x08,sample rate reg,

  //MMA7660_SR, MK_MMA7660_SR(2, 2, 2));    //REG = 0x08,sample rate reg,

       //FILT = 2, 3 measurement samples at the rate set by AMSR[2:0]  or AWSR[1:0]

       //          have to match before the device updates portrait/landscape data

       //          in TILT(0x03) register. 

       //AWSR = 2, 8 Samples/Second Auto-Wake Mode

       //AMSR = 1, 64 Samples/Second Active and Auto-Sleep Mode

       //AMSR = 2, 32 Samples/Second Active and Auto-Sleep Mode

 //printk("result=i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, MMA7660_SR, MK_MMA7660_SR(2, 2, 1));= %d\n",result);


 result = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client,

  MMA7660_INTSU, MK_MMA7660_INTSU(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1));

  //MMA7660_INTSU, MK_MMA7660_INTSU(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1));

       // ASINT =1 , Exiting Auto-Sleep causes an interrupt

       // PLINT =1 , Up/Down/Right/Left position change causes an interrupt

       // FBINT =1 , Front/Back position change causes an interrupt

 //printk("result=i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, MMA7660_INTSU, MK_MMA7660_INTSU(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1));= %d\n",result);


 result = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client,

  MMA7660_SPCNT, 0xA0);

 //printk("result=i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, MMA7660_SPCNT, 0xA0); = %d\n",result);


 result = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client,

  //MMA7660_MODE, MK_MMA7660_MODE(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1));

  MMA7660_MODE, MK_MMA7660_MODE(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1));    //IPP=1,ASE=1,AWE=1,MODE=1

 //printk("result=i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, MMA7660_MODE, MK_MMA7660_MODE(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)); = %d\n",result);


 // MMA7660's INT is connected to imx51 EVK's GPIO4_17

 // We install interrupt handler here



 result = request_irq(plat_data->irq, mmx7660_irq_handler,





  u8 tilt; char buf1[20];


  orientation = tilt&0x1f;


  printk("dbg:/mma7660_init_client(),init state %s\n",buf1);


 return result;


static struct input_polled_dev *mma7660_idev;

#define POLL_INTERVAL  100

#define INPUT_FUZZ 4

#define INPUT_FLAT 4

#include <linux/input-polldev.h>

static void report_abs(void)


 int i;

 s8 xyz[3];

 s16 x, y, z;

 for(i=0; i<3; i++)

  mma7660_read_xyz(i, &xyz[i]);

 /* convert signed 10bits to signed 16bits */

 x = (short)(xyz[0] << 6) >> 6;

 y = (short)(xyz[1] << 6) >> 6;

 z = (short)(xyz[2] << 6) >> 6;


 input_report_abs(mma7660_idev->input, ABS_X, x);

 input_report_abs(mma7660_idev->input, ABS_Y, y);

 input_report_abs(mma7660_idev->input, ABS_Z, z);




static void mma7660_dev_poll(struct input_polled_dev *dev)






 * I2C init/probing/exit functions


static int __devinit mma7660_probe(struct i2c_client *client,

       const struct i2c_device_id *id)


 int result;

 struct i2c_adapter *adapter = to_i2c_adapter(client->dev.parent);

 struct input_dev *idev;

 result = i2c_check_functionality(adapter,



 /* Initialize the MMA7660 chip */

 result = mma7660_init_client(client);


 result = sysfs_create_group(&client->dev.kobj, &mma7660_group);


 hwmon_dev = hwmon_device_register(&client->dev);


 dev_info(&client->dev, "build time %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);


 /*input poll device register */

 mma7660_idev = input_allocate_polled_device();

 if (!mma7660_idev) {

  dev_err(&client->dev, "alloc poll device failed!\n");

  result = -ENOMEM;

  return result;


 mma7660_idev->poll = mma7660_dev_poll;

 mma7660_idev->poll_interval = POLL_INTERVAL;

 idev = mma7660_idev->input;

 idev->name = MMA7660_DRV_NAME;

 idev->id.bustype = BUS_I2C;

 idev->dev.parent = &client->dev;

 idev->evbit[0] = BIT_MASK(EV_ABS);

 //set absolute  coordinate maximum range (-512,512) ?

 input_set_abs_params(idev, ABS_X, -512, 512, INPUT_FUZZ, INPUT_FLAT);

 input_set_abs_params(idev, ABS_Y, -512, 512, INPUT_FUZZ, INPUT_FLAT);

 input_set_abs_params(idev, ABS_Z, -512, 512, INPUT_FUZZ, INPUT_FLAT);

 result = input_register_polled_device(mma7660_idev);

 if (result) {

  dev_err(&client->dev, "register poll device failed!\n");

  return result;


 //Caller should also setup pull method and setup capabilities(id,name,phys,bits) of the

 //corresponing  input_dev structure



 return result;


static int __devexit mma7660_remove(struct i2c_client *client)


 int result;

 result = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client,MMA7660_MODE, MK_MMA7660_MODE(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));


 free_irq(plat_data->irq, NULL);

 sysfs_remove_group(&client->dev.kobj, &mma7660_group);


 return result;


#ifdef CONFIG_PM

static int mma7660_suspend(struct i2c_client *client, pm_message_t mesg)


 int result;

 result = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client,

  MMA7660_MODE, MK_MMA7660_MODE(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));


 return result;


static int mma7660_resume(struct i2c_client *client)


 int result;

 result = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client,

  MMA7660_MODE, MK_MMA7660_MODE(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1));


 return result;



#define mma7660_suspend  NULL

#define mma7660_resume  NULL

#endif /* CONFIG_PM */

static const struct i2c_device_id mma7660_id[] = {

 { MMA7660_DRV_NAME, 0 },

 { }


MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, mma7660_id);

static struct i2c_driver mma7660_driver = {

 .driver = {

  .name = MMA7660_DRV_NAME,

  .owner = THIS_MODULE,


 .suspend = mma7660_suspend,

 .resume = mma7660_resume,

 .probe = mma7660_probe,

 .remove = __devexit_p(mma7660_remove),

 .id_table = mma7660_id,


static int __init mma7660_init(void)


 return i2c_add_driver(&mma7660_driver);


static void __exit mma7660_exit(void)




MODULE_DESCRIPTION("MMA7660 3-Axis Orientation/Motion Detection Sensor driver");




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