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Android问题集锦转载之四:Android NDK: APP variable defined to unknown applications: hello-jni

2011-06-09 10:55 459 查看
在使用android-ndk-r4b用命令make APP=hello-jni编译hello-jni例子的时候,出现了以下错误信息:
Android NDK: APP variable defined to unknown applications: hello-jni
Android NDK: You might want to use one of the following:
build/core/main.mk:81: *** Android NDK: Aborting . Stop.
1/ Place your native sources under $PROJECT/jni/...
2/ Write $PROJECT/jni/Android.mk to describe your sources
to the NDK build system
3/ Optional: write $PROJECT/jni/Application.mk to describe your
project in more details to the build system. You don't need
one to get started though, but this allows you to target
more than one CPU or override compiler/linker flags
(see docs/APPLICATION-MK.TXT for all details).
4/ Build your native code by running "$NDK/ndk-build" from your
project directory, or any of its sub-directories.

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