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2011-02-11 16:19 555 查看
python 3:

整除, 复数表示, slice, range, pass关键字, 函数用参数名调用,函数的*arg和**arg, 默认参数, Unpacking Argument Lists, sequence 类型:list, set , tuple, dictionary,queue,stack; loop相关:enumurate, zip,reversed, sorted; sequence的顺序比较

__name__, __main__, pyc, pyo, dir, __path__, package, __init__, __all__,str, repr, string.format, %, open, pickle, try-except [as]-else=finally, with, nonlocal, global, class doc string, class method object, 私有变量, 模拟c结构, __iter__, __next__, yield,__init__, __add__, __str__, __cmp__

python essiential reference 4th:

闭包, context management, decorator, Generators and
Coroutines, Generator Expressions, Declarative Programming, lambda,
eval, exec, compile, Static Methods and Class Methods, Properties,
Descriptors, Object Memory Management, Object Representation and
Attribute Binding, __slots__, Abstract Base Classes, Metaclasses, namespace, module search path, program args, optparse, fileinput module, distutils, py2exe,__del__

nonlocal, frame object, code object, traceback object, generator object, slice
object, ellipsis object


python text process:

urllib2, re, enumurate, xrange, string.Template用法和场合?mako, cheetah, zope page

templates, Reportlab, xlwt,odf, pyparsing, nltk,nucular

map,reduce, filter, list comprehensive


getopt 解析命令行

copy 对象拷贝

operator 操作符

sys python环境

types 类型

filecmp 文件比较,可以比较大小,时间以及内容(可选)

fileinput 从命令行打开多个文件

glob 搜索

os.path 文件目录路径操作, os.path.walk可以遍历文件夹

shutil shell操作,包括文件拷贝等

tempfile 临时文件

commands 命令行

os 操作系统功能,主要os基本命令行都有对应,以及进程处理,命名管道处理

random 随机数产生,也可以产生多个随机分布数

struct 产生结构,用于调用c

time 时间函数



getattr(obj, attrname)



1 and a or b

0 and a or b
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