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创业四字经 【增新版】【英汉双语】

2010-01-26 17:12 148 查看

1. 慎用本钱 Watch your cash.
2. 精选同伙 Pick founders carefully.
3. 早纳全才 Hire generalists early.
4. 迟雇专家 Hire specialists later.
5. 投资文化 Invest in culture.
6. 抵挡诱惑 Avoid tempting distractions.
7. 发烧客户 Support customers maniacally.
8. 避免商计 Avoid business plans.
9. 常写博客 Write a blog.
10. 忠于数据 Never fudge numbers.
11. 百家争鸣 Encourage diverse thinking.
12. 珍惜时间 Guard your time.
13. 推迟租楼 Defer renting space.
14. 保证睡眠 Get enough sleep.
15. 延筹资金 Delay raising capital.
16. 坚忍萧条 Persist through downturns.
17. 有根有据 Decide with data.
18. 天天向上 Improve product daily.
19. 常有进账 Recognize revenue consistently.
20. 服务有偿 Start charging early.
21. 回报伯乐 Reward early adopters.
22. 常有卖点 Sell something today.
23. 不怕说不 Say “NO” often.
24. 不求完美 Accept imperfect data.
25. 热情求贤 Recruit with zest.
26. 培育良材 Nurture your best.
27. 礼待商家 Treat vendors well.
28. 充满自信 Believe in yourself.
29. 尊重对手 Respect your competitors.
30. 开怀尝新 Try something new.
31. 树立品牌 Build a brand.
32. 全神贯注 Focus, focus, focus.
33. 加速周转 Iterate more often.
34. 自创自用 Use your product.
35. 体验构想 Live your vision.
36. 举革纳谏 Encourage rational debate.
37. 迅速果断 Make decisions swiftly.
38. 直面艰险 Face harsh realities.
39. 知法守法 Don’t break laws.
40. 保重身体 Protect your health.
41. 犒劳成绩 Celebrate your successes.
42. 精简会议 Cancel unnecessary meetings.
43. 员工增值 Improve employee's resumes.
44. 小心大佬 Beware big bullies.
45. 分享经历 Share the experience.
46. 保持人缘 Maintain your relationships.
47. 开心体验 Keep it fun.

48. 信任员工 Trust your Employees
49. 相信直觉 Trust your Gut
50. 带头加油 Cheerlead the Process
51. 建立自信 Believe in Yourself
52. 处处创新 Apply creativity everywhere
53. 推销理念 Sell the story
54. 重优求异 Do it different; Do it better
55. 始于足下 Take small steps
56. 适时跃进 Leap when necessary
57. 择机冒险 Punt if necessary
58. 管理风险 Minimize the risk
59. 相信账本 Listen to accountant
60. 小心快钱 Beware quick money
61. 运用媒体 Get good press
62. 预算广告 Have ad budget
63. 了解市场 Know your prospects
64. 避免积压 Don't over-produce
65. 认清同伙 Investigate your partners
66. 信任当先 Establish trust early
67. 忠实生财 Loyalty drives sales
68. 不做小人 Don't be mean
69. 回馈客户 Give something back
70. 分享成功 Help Others Succeed
71. 了解人文 Understand local culture
72. 绝不放弃 Don't Give Up

原创整理、译自: http://onstartups.com/tabid/3339/bid/11539/Startup-Advice-In-Exactly-Three-Words-StartupTriplets.aspx
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