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2010-01-04 23:05 477 查看
经常看到toll free bridged,只是大概知道是类型可以相互转换。为了更好的了解,在网上找到了这个资料。保存下来,方便以后查看


The following classes are toll-free bridged:


NSArray = CFArray

NSMutableArray = CFMutableArray?

NSCalendar = CFCalendar?

NSCharacterSet = CFCharacterSet?

NSMutableCharacterSet? = CFMutableCharacterSet?

NSData = CFData?

NSMutableData = CFMutableData?

NSDate = CFDate?

NSDictionary = CFDictionary

NSMutableDictionary = CFMutableDictionary?

NSNumber = CFNumber

NSTimer = CFRunLoopTimer?

NSSet = CFSet?

NSMutableSet = CFMutableSet?

NSString = CFString

NSMutableString = CFMutableString?


NSTimeZone? = CFTimeZone?

NSInputStream? = CFReadStream?

NSOutputStream? = CFWriteStream?

Disc Recording

DRBurn = DRBurnRef?

DRErase = DREraseRef?

DRDevice = DRDeviceRef?

DRTrack = DRTrackRef?

DRFile? = DRFileRef?

DRFolder? = DRFolderRef? (starting with 10.3)

NSAttributedString = CFAttributedString?

NSMutableAttributedString = CFMutableAttributedString?

The following classes are not toll-free bridged:

NSBundle and CFBundle?

NSHost and CFHost

NSRunLoop and CFRunLoop?

NSNotificationCenter and CFNotificationCenter?

NSSocket? and CFSocket


TollFreeBridging is what allows you to take CoreFoundation types and typecast them to Cocoa types (and vice versa).

So, if you have to call a CoreFoundation function that takes a CFString, but you have an NSString, you can just pass it your NSString with:

CFStringRef myCFString = (CFStringRef)someNSString;

And if you need to get an NSString from a CFString, you can do this:

NSString* myNSString = (NSString*)someCFString;

see also: HowToCreateTollFreeBridgedClass

See which classes are TollFreeBridged.
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