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acl access control listadd

2009-08-22 07:49 453 查看
grant /data without change previouse permission

setfacl -m u:xing:rwx /data
check by getfacl /data

# add sticky bit to ensure only the owner can remove the files
chmod o+t /data

#account expires on Feb 11 2010
usermod -e "11 Feb 2010" xing
chage -l xing

#root passwd never expires
chage -E "never" root

# make secondary belong to sysadm group
usermod -G sysadm xing

#user eric should be able to write on Document root directory website.
vi /etc/fstab
/dev/vg0/lv0 /var ext3 defaults,acl 1 1
mount -o remount /var
setfacl -m u:eric:rwx /var/www/example
# effective rights mask that should equal or exceed the user ACL
setfacl -m mask:rwx /var/www/example

getfacl /var/www/example to check

setfacl -m u:eric:rwx /var/www/example/pass
need to point to a file rather than directory

本文出自 “学习笔记” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://johnnyxing.blog.51cto.com/855065/194543
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