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2009-07-16 08:53 323 查看

Automated Scan of all Dlls/Exes
(Scanned Module: H:/WINCE600/OSDesigns/Try2440CE6/Try2440CE6/RelDir/QxCE6BSP_ARMV4I_Debug/ser2440.dll )

Total Number of Modules (Dll/Exe): 1.
Total Number of Modules Affected : 1.

Module (Exe/Dll) NameAPIs called by this exe/dll

Legend: [b]BOLD (deprecated APIs), Italics (kernel-mode only apis), rest are worth noting API changes[/b]
ser2440.dllVirtualCopy InterruptDone SetProcPermissions InterruptDisable InterruptInitialize GetCurrentPermissions COREDLL.dll,CEDDK.dll
API NameMessage
LocalAllocInProcessThis is no longer supported. One possible alternative is to use remote heap mechanism to share heap data.
LocalFreeInProcessThis is no longer supported. One possible alternative is to use remote heap mechanism to share heap data.
LocalSizeInProcessThis is no longer supported. One possible alternative is to use remote heap mechanism to share heap data.
DumpKCallProfileThis is no longer supported. API call is a no-op.
ProfileSyscallThis is no longer supported. API call is a no-op.
AddTrackedItemThis is no longer supported. API call will return failure. Use Application Verifier to track heap memory.
DeleteTrackedItemThis is no longer supported. API call will return failure. Use Application Verifier to track heap memory.
PrintTrackedItemThis is no longer supported. API call will return failure. Use Application Verifier to track heap memory.
RegisterTrackedItemThis is no longer supported. API call will return failure. Use Application Verifier to track heap memory.
FilterTrackedItemThis is no longer supported. API call is a no-op. Use Application Verifier to track heap memory.
MapPtrToProcessThis is no longer supported. If this is being used to access an API argument, you can remove the mapping call. If this is being used to access a pointer that is passed inside a structure or through some other means, you would need to explicitly switch to calling buffer marshalling and unmarshalling APIs.
MapPtrUnsecureThis is no longer supported. If this is being used to access an API argument, you can remove the mapping call. If this is being used to access a pointer that is passed inside a structure or through some other means, you would need to explicitly switch to calling buffer marshalling and unmarshalling APIs.
GetProcFromPtrThis is no longer supported. Use OpenProcess API to get a process handle.
GetProcAddrBitsThis is no longer supported. Process VMBase is always at the same fixed location (64K).
SetProcPermissionsCompletely impossible, remove it. Likely this call wraps code that accesses another process virtual memory space; verify that the addresses youre using are now getting duplicated / aliased for you, or else you will need to do so yourself.
GetCurrentPermissionsCompletely impossible, remove it. Likely this call wraps code that accesses another process virtual memory space; verify that the addresses youre using are now getting duplicated / aliased for you, or else you will need to do so yourself.
SetHandleOwnerUpdate code to use DuplicateHandle to create a new handle for the other process, and then close the original handle. Also, if your code is part of a kernel-mode server, you need to move the ownership assignment out into the external method that is only invoked when your API is called by a different process.
SetKModeCompletely impossible, remove it. Likely this call wraps code that accesses another process virtual memory space; verify that the addresses youre using are now getting duplicated / aliased for you, or else you will need to do so yourself.
ConnectDebuggerThis is no longer supported.
GetProcessIndexFromIDThis is no longer supported. If this API is being used to implement process reference counting, you should revise your reference counting to track processes in a linked list instead of an array.
GetCallerProcessIndexThis is no longer supported. If this API is being used to implement process reference counting, you should revise your reference counting to track processes in a linked list instead of an array.
FlushViewOfFileMaybeThis is no longer supported.
CeGetCurrentTrustTrust/Untrusted mechanism doesn't exist anymore. One can limit the code which runs on the system by using certmod component.
CeGetCallerTrustTrust/Untrusted mechanism doesn't exist anymore. One can limit the code which runs on the system by using certmod component.
CeMapArgumentArrayThis is no longer supported.
MapCallerPtrThis is no longer supported. If this is being used to access an API argument, you can remove the mapping call. If this is being used to access a pointer that is passed inside a structure or through some other means, you would need to explicitly switch to calling buffer marshalling and unmarshalling APIs.
MapPtrToProcWithSizeThis is no longer supported. If this is being used to access an API argument, you can remove the mapping call. If this is being used to access a pointer that is passed inside a structure or through some other means, you would need to explicitly switch to calling buffer marshalling and unmarshalling APIs.
RemoteHeapAllocThis is no longer supported. Use the new remote heap mechanism (API CeRemoteHeapCreate) to share heap data.
RemoteHeapReAllocThis is no longer supported. Use the new remote heap mechanism (API CeRemoteHeapCreate) to share heap data.
RemoteHeapFreeThis is no longer supported. Use the new remote heap mechanism (API CeRemoteHeapCreate) to share heap data.
RemoteHeapSizeThis is no longer supported. Use the new remote heap mechanism (API CeRemoteHeapCreate) to share heap data.
GetProcessIDFromIndexThis is no longer supported.
CeZeroPointerThis is no longer supported.
ConnectHdstubThis is no longer supported.
ConnectOsAxsT0This is no longer supported.
ConnectOsAxsT1This is no longer supported.
AttachHdstubThis is no longer supported.
AttachOsAxsT0This is no longer supported.
AttachOsAxsT1This is no longer supported.
CeGetProcessTrustTrust/Untrusted mechanism doesn't exist anymore. One can limit the code which runs on the system by using certmod component.
PSLNotifyThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
RemoteLocalAllocThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
RemoteLocalReAllocThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
RemoteLocalSizeThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
RemoteLocalFreeThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
ForcePageoutThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
GetRomFileInfoThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
GetRomFileBytesThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
GetKPhysThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
GiveKPhysThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
StringCompressThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
StringDecompressThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
BinaryCompressThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
BinaryDecompressThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
GetFSHeapInfoThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
SetLowestScheduledPriorityThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
PowerOffSystemThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
InterruptInitializeThis API can only be called from kernel mode code or from user mode drivers.
InterruptDoneThis API can only be called from kernel mode code or from user mode drivers.
InterruptDisableThis API can only be called from kernel mode code or from user mode drivers.
SetPowerOffHandlerThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
SetGwesPowerHandlerThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
SetHardwareWatchThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
ReadRegistryFromOEMThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
WriteRegistryToOEMThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
LockPagesThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
UnlockPagesThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
SetRAMModeThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
SetStoreQueueBaseThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
PerformCallBack4This API can only be called from kernel mode code.
SetOOMEventThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
LoadIntChainHandlerThis API can only be called from kernel mode code or from user mode drivers.
FreeIntChainHandlerThis API can only be called from kernel mode code or from user mode drivers.
AllocPhysMemThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
CreateStaticMappingThis API can only be called from kernel mode code or from user mode drivers.
VirtualSetAttributesThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
DecompressBinaryBlockThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
InterruptMaskThis API can only be called from kernel mode code or from user mode drivers.
PageOutModuleThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
CeVirtualSharedAllocThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
CeCreateTokenThis API can only be called from kernel mode code.
IsAPIReadyUsage discouraged. We expanded the number of API sets and changed the API set IDs. Use WaitForAPIReady API or use ready event signaling mechanism.
RegisterDeviceUsage discouraged. Use ActivateDeviceEx instead.
DeregisterDeviceUsage discouraged. Use DeactivateDevice instead.
VirtualProtectThis API can only be called on an address previously allocated through VirtualAlloc in the caller's process space.
CreateFileForMappingUsage of this API is discouraged. You should consider switching to CreateFile and CreateFileMapping. (Please note that the handle-closing semantics for CreateFile are different from those of CreateFileForMapping: the kernel automatically closes the handle you receive from CreateFileForMapping, while you must close the handle you receive from CreateFile.)
VirtualCopyThis API can only be used to alias in the current active process. For kernel mode threads, one can use the new API VirtualCopyEx to create an alias of virtual address between two different processes. Also if you are using this API to access hardware directly, then you need to run your code in a kernel mode driver.
CreateAPISetNew function descriptors are required.
GetCallerProcessUsage discouraged. Use GetDirectCallerProcessId or GetCallerVMProcessId instead.
RegisterAPISetNew function descriptors are required.
CreateFileForMappingWUsage of this API is discouraged. You should consider switching to CreateFile. (Please note that the handle-closing semantics for CreateFile are different from those of CreateFileForMapping: the kernel automatically closes the handle you receive from CreateFileForMapping, while you must close the handle you receive from CreateFile.)
ActivateDeviceDriver load flags have changed to account for kernel mode and user mode srivers.
ActivateDeviceExDriver load flags have changed to account for kernel mode and user mode srivers.
ServiceIoControlService handles are no longer exposed to applications - applications always deal with filesystem based handles now. Replace these calls with DeviceIoControl instead.
GetServiceHandleUse of this API will leak a file handle since internally this is now implemented as CreateFile and there is no CloseServiceHandle API call; new code should not use this.
Report generated on: 2009-7-16 8:41:29

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