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PHP XML Library:一个不错的PHP XML操作类

2009-05-25 16:04 495 查看
今天在PHP4环境下重新写一个接口程序,需要大量分析解析XML,PHP的xml_parse_into_struct()函数不能直接生成便于使用的数组,而SimpleXML扩展在PHP5中才支持,于是逛逛搜索引擎,在老外的网站上找到了一个不错的PHP XML操作类。


include('xml.php');    //引用PHP XML操作类
$xml = file_get_contents('data.xml');    //读取XML文件
//$xml = file_get_contents("php://input");    //读取POST过来的输入流
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';


view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GBK"?>


[video] => Array
[upload] => Array
[videoid] => 998
[name] => 回忆未来
[memo] => def
[up_userid] => 11317




view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

include('xml.php');//引用PHP XML操作类
$xml = XML_serialize($data);

二、PHP XML操作类源代码:




# XML Library, by Keith Devens, version 1.2b

# <a href="http://keithdevens.com/software/phpxml" target="_blank">http://keithdevens.com/software/phpxml</a>


# This code is Open Source, released under terms similar to the Artistic License.

# Read the license at <a href="http://keithdevens.com/software/license" target="_blank">http://keithdevens.com/software/license</a>




# XML_unserialize: takes raw XML as a parameter (a string)

# and returns an equivalent PHP data structure


function & XML_unserialize(&$xml){

$xml_parser = &new XML();

$data = &$xml_parser->parse($xml);


return $data;



# XML_serialize: serializes any PHP data structure into XML

# Takes one parameter: the data to serialize. Must be an array.


function & XML_serialize(&$data, $level = 0, $prior_key = NULL){

if($level == 0){ ob_start(); echo '<?xml version="1.0" ?>',"/n"; }

while(list($key, $value) = each($data))

if(!strpos($key, ' attr')) #if it's not an attribute

#we don't treat attributes by themselves, so for an emptyempty element

# that has attributes you still need to set the element to NULL

if(is_array($value) and array_key_exists(0, $value)){

XML_serialize($value, $level, $key);


$tag = $prior_key ? $prior_key : $key;

echo str_repeat("/t", $level),'<',$tag;

if(array_key_exists("$key attr", $data)){ #if there's an attribute for this element

while(list($attr_name, $attr_value) = each($data["$key attr"]))

echo ' ',$attr_name,'="',htmlspecialchars($attr_value),'"';

reset($data["$key attr"]);


if(is_null($value)) echo " />/n";

elseif(!is_array($value)) echo '>',htmlspecialchars($value),"</$tag>/n";

else echo ">/n",XML_serialize($value, $level+1),str_repeat("/t", $level),"</$tag>/n";



if($level == 0){ $str = &ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $str; }



# XML class: utility class to be used with PHP's XML handling functions


class XML{

var $parser; #a reference to the XML parser

var $document; #the entire XML structure built up so far

var $parent; #a pointer to the current parent - the parent will be an array

var $stack; #a stack of the most recent parent at each nesting level

var $last_opened_tag; #keeps track of the last tag opened.

function XML(){

$this->parser = &xml_parser_create();

xml_parser_set_option(&$this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false);

xml_set_object(&$this->parser, &$this);

xml_set_element_handler(&$this->parser, 'open','close');

xml_set_character_data_handler(&$this->parser, 'data');


function destruct(){ xml_parser_free(&$this->parser); }

function & parse(&$data){

$this->document = array();

$this->stack = array();

$this->parent = &$this->document;

return xml_parse(&$this->parser, &$data, true) ? $this->document : NULL;


function open(&$parser, $tag, $attributes){

$this->data = ''; #stores temporary cdata

$this->last_opened_tag = $tag;

if(is_array($this->parent) and array_key_exists($tag,$this->parent)){ #if you've seen this tag before

if(is_array($this->parent[$tag]) and array_key_exists(0,$this->parent[$tag])){ #if the keys are numeric

#this is the third or later instance of $tag we've come across

$key = count_numeric_items($this->parent[$tag]);


#this is the second instance of $tag that we've seen. shift around

if(array_key_exists("$tag attr",$this->parent)){

$arr = array('0 attr'=>&$this->parent["$tag attr"], &$this->parent[$tag]);

unset($this->parent["$tag attr"]);


$arr = array(&$this->parent[$tag]);


$this->parent[$tag] = &$arr;

$key = 1;


$this->parent = &$this->parent[$tag];


$key = $tag;


if($attributes) $this->parent["$key attr"] = $attributes;

$this->parent = &$this->parent[$key];

$this->stack[] = &$this->parent;


function data(&$parser, $data){

if($this->last_opened_tag != NULL) #you don't need to store whitespace in between tags

$this->data .= $data;


function close(&$parser, $tag){

if($this->last_opened_tag == $tag){

$this->parent = $this->data;

$this->last_opened_tag = NULL;



if($this->stack) $this->parent = &$this->stack[count($this->stack)-1];



function count_numeric_items(&$array){

return is_array($array) ? count(array_filter(array_keys($array), 'is_numeric')) : 0;



# XML Library, by Keith Devens, version 1.2b
# <a href="http://keithdevens.com/software/phpxml" target="_blank">http://keithdevens.com/software/phpxml</a>
# This code is Open Source, released under terms similar to the Artistic License.
# Read the license at <a href="http://keithdevens.com/software/license" target="_blank">http://keithdevens.com/software/license</a>

# XML_unserialize: takes raw XML as a parameter (a string)
# and returns an equivalent PHP data structure
function & XML_unserialize(&$xml){
$xml_parser = &new XML();
$data = &$xml_parser->parse($xml);
return $data;
# XML_serialize: serializes any PHP data structure into XML
# Takes one parameter: the data to serialize. Must be an array.
function & XML_serialize(&$data, $level = 0, $prior_key = NULL){
if($level == 0){ ob_start(); echo '<?xml version="1.0" ?>',"/n"; }
while(list($key, $value) = each($data))
if(!strpos($key, ' attr')) #if it's not an attribute
#we don't treat attributes by themselves, so for an empty element
# that has attributes you still need to set the element to NULL

if(is_array($value) and array_key_exists(0, $value)){
XML_serialize($value, $level, $key);
$tag = $prior_key ? $prior_key : $key;
echo str_repeat("/t", $level),'<',$tag;
if(array_key_exists("$key attr", $data)){ #if there's an attribute for this element
while(list($attr_name, $attr_value) = each($data["$key attr"]))
echo ' ',$attr_name,'="',htmlspecialchars($attr_value),'"';
reset($data["$key attr"]);

if(is_null($value)) echo " />/n";
elseif(!is_array($value)) echo '>',htmlspecialchars($value),"</$tag>/n";
else echo ">/n",XML_serialize($value, $level+1),str_repeat("/t", $level),"</$tag>/n";
if($level == 0){ $str = &ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $str; }
# XML class: utility class to be used with PHP's XML handling functions
class XML{
var $parser;   #a reference to the XML parser
var $document; #the entire XML structure built up so far
var $parent;   #a pointer to the current parent - the parent will be an array
var $stack;    #a stack of the most recent parent at each nesting level
var $last_opened_tag; #keeps track of the last tag opened.

function XML(){
$this->parser = &xml_parser_create();
xml_parser_set_option(&$this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false);
xml_set_object(&$this->parser, &$this);
xml_set_element_handler(&$this->parser, 'open','close');
xml_set_character_data_handler(&$this->parser, 'data');
function destruct(){ xml_parser_free(&$this->parser); }
function & parse(&$data){
$this->document = array();
$this->stack    = array();
$this->parent   = &$this->document;
return xml_parse(&$this->parser, &$data, true) ? $this->document : NULL;
function open(&$parser, $tag, $attributes){
$this->data = ''; #stores temporary cdata
$this->last_opened_tag = $tag;
if(is_array($this->parent) and array_key_exists($tag,$this->parent)){ #if you've seen this tag before
if(is_array($this->parent[$tag]) and array_key_exists(0,$this->parent[$tag])){ #if the keys are numeric
#this is the third or later instance of $tag we've come across
$key = count_numeric_items($this->parent[$tag]);
#this is the second instance of $tag that we've seen. shift around
if(array_key_exists("$tag attr",$this->parent)){
$arr = array('0 attr'=>&$this->parent["$tag attr"], &$this->parent[$tag]);
unset($this->parent["$tag attr"]);
$arr = array(&$this->parent[$tag]);
$this->parent[$tag] = &$arr;
$key = 1;
$this->parent = &$this->parent[$tag];
$key = $tag;
if($attributes) $this->parent["$key attr"] = $attributes;
$this->parent  = &$this->parent[$key];
$this->stack[] = &$this->parent;
function data(&$parser, $data){
if($this->last_opened_tag != NULL) #you don't need to store whitespace in between tags
$this->data .= $data;
function close(&$parser, $tag){
if($this->last_opened_tag == $tag){
$this->parent = $this->data;
$this->last_opened_tag = NULL;
if($this->stack) $this->parent = &$this->stack[count($this->stack)-1];
function count_numeric_items(&$array){
return is_array($array) ? count(array_filter(array_keys($array), 'is_numeric')) : 0;


* 数组转xml字符串格式
* @aurhor liuniuyyou
* @version 2009-09-09
* @access public
* @param array $data
* @return string
function array2xml($data) {
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
foreach ($data as $tag => $tmp) { #
if ($tag == "0")
$xml .= '<conf type="' . $tmp["type"] . '" >';
else {
$single_start = '<' . $tag;
$mult_start = '<' . $tag . '>';
$single_end = '/>';
$mult_end = '</' . $tag . '>';
$head = $single_start;
$end = $single_end;
foreach ($tmp as $key => $attr) {
if (!is_array($attr)) {
$body .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $attr . '" ';
} else {
$head = $mult_start;
$end = $mult_end;
foreach ($attr as $value) {
$body .= '<' . $key;
foreach ($value as $chil_key => $chil_value) {
$body .= ' ' . $chil_key . '="' . $chil_value . '" ';
$body .= ' />';
$xml .= $head . $body . $end;
unset ($head, $body, $end);
$xml .= '</conf>';
return $xml;
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