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IE中的 Adobe SVG 自动安装【Adobe最新SVG情况,请关注其官方网站】

2009-02-27 09:48 302 查看
How to use the Adobe SVG Auto-Installer in your Web pages
To make use of the auto-installer script demonstrated in this page, you need to download the script files "svgcheck.js" and "svgcheck.vbs" here:
download autoinstall.zip
Place these files on your site and add the following lines to the <head> element of your HTML document (with the URL appropriate for your site's structure):
<script language="JavaScript" src="svgcheck.js"></script>
<script language="VBScript" src="svgcheck.vbs"></script>

You then need to add the following code before the first SVG graphic. This should be called once per page. It will put up an alert to ask about installation, so it's best to put it after any HTML you want visible when the alert appears:
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
// -->

Finally, you need to add this code once for each SVG graphic (modified as appropriate, of course, for the URL and size of your graphic):
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
emitSVG('src="hello.svg" name="SVGEmbed" height="200" width="600" type="image/svg-xml"');
// -->
<embed src="hello.svg" name="SVGEmbed" height="200" width="600" type="image/svg-xml"
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