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2008-04-10 12:05 1076 查看
from url: http://www.phppatterns.com/docs/design/data_access_object_pattern_more_widgets?s=dao

Tired of writing the same SQL statements over and over again? The Data Access Object pattern provides a useful way to abstract data fetching operations. In this article we’ll implement a simple Dao, adding a layer of abstraction to further seperate our application logic from the underlying database. We’ll also see more DOM generated widgets in action...

The Need for DAO

In PHP, database abstraction is a fairly well known concept, a number of abstraction libraries such as PEAR::DB and ADOdb, or even PHP‘s dbx extension providing a partial mechanism to make PHP code database independent.
“Partial” because it’s not just about being able to connect and run queries on anywhere - SQL query syntax also varies from database to database. As we saw when looking at the Adapter Pattern the difference between MySQL and Oracle when fetching a “limited” result set is significant. It’s also awkward to determine the number of rows in a SELECT statement with PHP‘s Oracle OCI extension, without running a query twice - compare ocirowcount() with mysql_num_rows(). Finally there’s MySQL’s allowing the use of slashes as an escape character in SQL statements (commonly used with PHP‘s mysql_escape_string() or addslashes()) which doesn’t conform with ANSI SQL (single quotes being escaped by another single quote).
In other words, to be database independent, we need not only to be able to connect our code to any database but also seperate it from SQL statements. Here’s the first reason for the DAO pattern.
When we looked at the MVC pattern, in the “Model” classes where we placed our “Application Logic” (as opposed to Presentation Logic), we placed SQL statements in those classes. For the simple application we built there, this wasn’t a problem but what happens as our application grows? We start placing more and more SQL statements in our Model classes, no doubt frequently reproducing the same statement in multiple classes. Aside from any resultant finger strain, if we later need to change the underlying database table structure, we’ll need to update all the SQL statements in our code to reflect the change.
The Data Access Object pattern is a strategy for constructing a single API which encapsulates all data fetching operations (such as SQL queries), allowing our Application logic to be a client to that API without needing to be concerned with SQL syntax.
Further more, when we looked at the Adapter Pattern, we created an adapter for our Model classes to allow us to fetch data from multiple sources. Doing so may result in a lot of reproduction of code - we really only wanted to make data fetching abstract from the rest of our code. Implementing a DAO pattern would have made the use of the Adapter pattern, in that example, easier.

DAO Positioning

Referring to our MVC design, the DAO pattern sits between the Model and Data Access classes. In the PHP application coming below, here’s a Dao pattern between the classes that set up the database connection and the “Model” class from the MVC pattern;

DAO in Action

Now we have an idea why we might want to use the Data Access Object pattern and where it sits in an applications architecture, it’s time to lay down some PHP.

Updating the Data Access Class

In earlier pattern examples, we used a class DataAccess to dealing with connecting to MySQL and performing functions like mysql_query(). The first version of this class suited our earlier purposes but now, as we’re implementing a further layer of abstraction in data fetching operations, it needs a little modification; The thing to notice now is we’ve seperated the placing of a query to a MySQL database from the result fetching. DataAccess now returns an instance of the DataAccessResult class, which we can use to fetch rows from the query. 2) The reason for doing this, rather than returning the data itself, is our application only needs deal with a single row at a time, MySQL doing the work of “keeping track” of the result set, rather than having to store the entire result set in a PHP variable. When we perform a “SELECT * FROM table”, holding the entire result set in memory is likely to bring our application to a crashing halt.

The Way of the Dao

Now we need to build the Data Access Object, which will be a client to DataAccess classes.
We’ll implement this by starting with a parent Dao class; Notice how simple this is? We provide only two methods, the first for retrieving data which will return the instance for DataAccessResult from the DataAccess class. The second method is used for anything that changes the database, i.e. INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE.
Now let’s say we have a table called “log” described by; CREATE TABLE log ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, host char(100) NOT NULL default '', address char(100) NOT NULL default '', agent char(100) NOT NULL default '', date datetime default NULL, country char(50) NOT NULL default '', provider char(100) NOT NULL default '', os char(50) NOT NULL default '', wb char(50) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY id (id)) TYPE=MyISAM;To access this table, we’ll provide a specific Data Access Object which extends the Dao class we’ve already defined. [b]
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