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How to add a exe application run as a service(如何将一个可执行程序当作服务运行)?

2007-11-21 17:54 916 查看
Need two tools:instsrv.exe and srvany.exe

1. Download it from the following link:

2. Run the following command in dos window to install a service
[path of instsrv.exe] [service name] [path of srvany.exe]

3. Write a .reg file to load some values to registry. Following is a sample in the .reg file.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/service name/Parameters]
"AppParameters"="-f dmh84_server startup "

4. Run the following command in dos window to remove a service.
[path of instsrv.exe] "[service name]" remove
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