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search(T key):特定键值的查找;

minimum(): 树中最小键值的查找;


successor(BTNode<T>* x):获得x的下一节点;

predeccessor(BTNode<T>* x):获得x的上一节点;

insert(T data):插入指定的键值;

remove(T data):删除指定的键值;

rotateLeft(BTNode<T>* x):对x节点进行向左旋转;

rotateRight(BTNode<T>* x):对x节点进行向右旋转。


#ifndef _BS_TREE_H_

#define _BS_TREE_H_

#include "BTree.h"

template <class T>

class BSTree : public BTree<T>



BSTree(T data = T()) : BTree(data), avlnode_(BTNode<T>::nil()), rbnode_(BTNode<T>::nil())...{ }

virtual ~BSTree() ...{ }


BTNode<T>* search(T key) ...{ return search(root_, key); }

BTNode<T>* minimum() ...{ return minimum(root_); }

BTNode<T>* maximum() ...{ return maximum(root_); }

BTNode<T>* successor(BTNode<T>* x)


if (x->rchild_ != BTNode<T>::nil()) return minimum(x->rchild_);

BTNode<T>* y = x->parent_;

while (y != BTNode<T>::nil() && x == y->rchild_)


x = y;

y = x->parent_;


return y;


BTNode<T>* predeccessor(BTNode<T>* x)


if (x->lchild_ != BTNode<T>::nil()) return maximum(x->lchild_);

BTNode<T>* y = x->parent_;

while (y != BTNode<T>::nil() && x == y->lchild_)


x = y;

y = x->parent_;


return y;


// The pointer x traces the path, and the pointer y is maintained as the parent of x.

// After initialization, the while loop in lines 3-7 causes these two pointers to move down the

// tree, going left or right depending on the comparison of key[z] with key[x], until x is set to

// NIL. This NIL occupies the position where we wish to place the input item z. Lines 8-13 set

// the pointers that cause z to be inserted.

virtual void insert(T data)


BTNode<T>* y = BTNode<T>::nil(), *x = root_;

// x traces the path, until x is set to BTNode<T>::nil(),

// and y is the parent of x, and at last

// y must be a leaf node with no child

while (x != BTNode<T>::nil())


y = x;

if (data < x->data_) x = x->lchild_;

else x = x->rchild_;


BTNode<T>* z = new BTNode<T>(data);

// Insert the z here, let y be the parent of z

z->parent_ = y;

// specify the current node for avltree and rbtree

avlnode_ = z->parent_;

rbnode_ = z;

// let z be the child of y

// y is BTNode<T>::nil(), this is an empty tree

if (y == BTNode<T>::nil()) root_ = z;

// insert z as y's left child

else if (data < y->data_) y->lchild_ = z;

// insert z as y's right child

else y->rchild_ = z;


// (a) If z has no children, we just remove it.

// (b) If z has only one child, we splice out z.

// (c) If z has two children, we splice out its successor y,

// which has at most one child, and then replace z's key

// and satellite data with y's key and satellite data

virtual void remove(T data)


BTNode<T> *y = BTNode<T>::nil(), *x = BTNode<T>::nil();

BTNode<T> *z = search(data);

// can't find the node with data

if (z == BTNode<T>::nil()) return;

// at most one child, remove z or splice out z

if (z->lchild_ == BTNode<T>::nil() || z->rchild_ == BTNode<T>::nil()) y = z;

// two children, spice out its successor y

else y = successor(z);

// here we find the child to point when we spice out y

if (y->lchild_ != BTNode<T>::nil()) x = y->lchild_;

else x = y->rchild_;

// spice out y and specify the new parent of child

if (x != BTNode<T>::nil()) x->parent_ = y->parent_;

// specify the current node for rbtree and avltree

if (y->color_ == BLACK) rbnode_ = y->parent_;

else rbnode_ = BTNode<T>::nil();

avlnode_ = y->parent_;

// here we specify the new child of parent

// y is root

if (y->parent_ == BTNode<T>::nil()) root_ = x;

// y is left child

else if (y == y->parent_->lchild_) y->parent_->lchild_ = x;

// y is right child

else y->parent_->rchild_ = x;

// when y is a successor and be spiced out,

// so we replace the z's data with y's data

// and looks like z is deleted

if (y != z) z->data_ = y->data_;

delete y;



// transforms the configuration of the two nodes on the left into the

// configuration on the right by changing a constant number of pointers.

virtual void rotateLeft(BTNode<T>* x)


// the the node is nil_, can't rotate

if (x != BTNode<T>::nil())


BTNode<T> *y = x->rchild_;

// Turn y's left subtree into x's right subtree

x->rchild_ = y->lchild_;

if (y->lchild_ != BTNode<T>::nil()) y->lchild_->parent_ = x;

// Link x's parent to y

y->parent_ = x->parent_;

if (x->parent_ == BTNode<T>::nil()) root_ = y;

else if (x == x->parent_->lchild_) x->parent_->lchild_ = y;

else x->parent_->rchild_ = y;

// Put x on y's left

y->lchild_ = x;

// let y be the parent of x

x->parent_ = y;




// transforms the configuration of the two nodes on the right into the

// configuration on the left by changing a constant number of pointers.

virtual void rotateRight(BTNode<T>* x)


// the the node is nil_, can't rotate

if (x != BTNode<T>::nil())


BTNode<T> *y = x->lchild_;

// Turn y's left subtree into x's right subtree

x->lchild_ = y->rchild_;

if (y->rchild_ != BTNode<T>::nil()) y->rchild_->parent_ = x;

// Link x's parent to y

y->parent_ = x->parent_;

if (x->parent_ == BTNode<T>::nil()) root_ = y;

else if (x == x->parent_->lchild_) x->parent_->lchild_ = y;

else x->parent_->rchild_ = y;

// Put x on y's right

y->rchild_ = x;

// let y be the parent of x

x->parent_ = y;





BTNode<T>* search(BTNode<T>* x, T key)


while (x != BTNode<T>::nil() && x->data_ != key)


if (key < x->data_) x = search(x->lchild_, key);

else x = search(x->rchild_, key);


return (x->data_ == key) ? x : BTNode<T>::nil();


BTNode<T>* minimum(BTNode<T>* x)


while (x->lchild_ != BTNode<T>::nil()) x = x->lchild_;

return x;


BTNode<T>* maximum(BTNode<T>* x)


while (x->rchild_ != BTNode<T>::nil()) x = x->rchild_;

return x;



BTNode<T>* avlnode_;

BTNode<T>* rbnode_;


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