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2005-02-21 15:33 232 查看

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;

 public class OneInstnace
 public static void Main()
 //Get the running instance.
 Process instance = RunningInstance();
 if (instance == null)
 //There isn't another instance, show our form.
 Application.Run (new Form());
 //There is another instance of this process.
 public static Process RunningInstance()
 Process current = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
 Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName (current.ProcessName);

 //Loop through the running processes in with the same name
 foreach (Process process in processes)
 //Ignore the current process
 if (process.Id != current.Id)
 //Make sure that the process is running from the exe file.
 if (Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.Replace("/", "//") ==
 //Return the other process instance.
 return process;

 //No other instance was found, return null.
 return null;

 public static void HandleRunningInstance(Process instance)
 //Make sure the window is not minimized or maximized
 ShowWindowAsync (instance.MainWindowHandle , WS_SHOWNORMAL);

 //Set the real intance to foreground window
 SetForegroundWindow (instance.MainWindowHandle);


private static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(
 IntPtr hWnd, int cmdShow);
 [DllImport("User32.dll")] private static extern bool
 SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
 private const int WS_SHOWNORMAL = 1;

static void Main()
//new Bestzone.MIS.Report.F1BookContainer();
bool alreadyExist = false;
System.Diagnostics.Process curP = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess();
System.Diagnostics.Process[] ps = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses();
foreach(System.Diagnostics.Process p in ps)
if(p.ProcessName.Equals(curP.ProcessName) && p.Id != curP.Id)
alreadyExist = true;
catch(System.PlatformNotSupportedException ex){ex.ToString();}
catch(System.InvalidOperationException ex){ex.ToString();}


Application.Run(new MainForm());
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标签:  null user system exe class