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2020-08-21 16:41 871 查看


The Python programming language is very capable when it comes to networking. We've released a crash course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel that will help you learn the basics of networking in Python.

当涉及到网络时,Python编程语言非常有能力。 我们已经在freeCodeCamp.org YouTube频道上发布了速成班 ,可以帮助您学习Python联网的基础知识。

This course was developed by Neural Nine. You will learn the networking principles of Python by building the following networking projects:

这门课程是由Neural Nine开发的。 您将通过构建以下网络项目来学习Python的网络原理:

  • Mailing Client

  • DDOS Script

  • Port Scanner

  • TCP Chat Room


These projects will give you a good introduction to what Python is capable of when it comes to networking. A lot of the basics will be taught through the Mailing Client application. The Chat Room application will help you learn how to interact with TCP. The DDOS Script and Port Scanner will teach you basic penetration testing.  

这些项目将为您很好地介绍Python在联网方面的功能。 通过Mailing Client应用程序可以教授很多基础知识。 聊天室应用程序将帮助您学习如何与TCP交互。 DDOS脚本和端口扫描程序将教您基本的渗透测试。

You can watch the course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel (1 hour watch).

您可以在freeCodeCamp.org YouTube频道上观看课程(观看时间为1小时)。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/python-networking-course/


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