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2020-06-04 08:26 309 查看

using UnityEngine;
using XLua;

public class HotfixTest : MonoBehaviour
LuaEnv luaenv = new LuaEnv();// lua虚拟环境

public int tick = 0; //如果是private的,在lua设置xlua.private_accessible(CS.HotfixTest)后即可访问

// Use this for initialization
void Start()


// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (++tick % 50 == 0)
Debug.Log(">>>>>>>>Update in C#, tick = " + tick);

void OnGUI()
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 10, 300, 80), "Hotfix"))
xlua.hotfix(CS.HotfixTest, 'Update', function(self)
--找到主相机,并输出名字    在Update中使用lua调用c#,要在Update上添加标签   [LuaCallCSharp]
local a= CS.UnityEngine.GameObject.Find('Main Camera')
self.tick = self.tick + 1
if (self.tick % 50) == 0 then
print('<<<<<<<<Update in lua, tick = ' .. self.tick)

string chHint = @"在运行该示例之前,请细致阅读xLua文档,并执行以下步骤:

1.宏定义:添加 HOTFIX_ENABLE 到 ‘Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Scripting Define Symbols’。
2.生成代码:执行 ‘XLua > Generate Code’ 菜单,等待Unity编译完成。
3.注入:执行 ‘XLua > Hotfix Inject In Editor’ 菜单。注入成功会打印 ‘hotfix inject finish!’ 或者 ‘had injected!’ 。";
string enHint = @"Read documents carefully before you run this example, then follow the steps below:

  1. Define: Add ‘HOTFIX_ENABLE’ to ‘Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Scripting Define Symbols’.
    (Note: Each platform needs to set this respectively)
    2.Generate Code: Execute menu ‘XLua > Generate Code’, wait for Unity’s compilation.
    3.Inject: Execute menu ‘XLua > Hotfix Inject In Editor’.There should be ‘hotfix inject finish!’ or ‘had injected!’ print in the Console if the Injection is successful.";
    GUIStyle style = GUI.skin.textArea;
    style.normal.textColor = Color.red;
    style.fontSize = 16;
    GUI.TextArea(new Rect(10, 100, 500, 290), chHint, style);
    GUI.TextArea(new Rect(10, 400, 500, 290), enHint, style);
    1、将Xlua Assets中的内容copy到目标项目的Assets内


3、打开项目,在项目的Build Settings——Other Settings——Scripting Define Symbols填入:HOTFIX_ENABLE



5、逐步运行Unity中的XLua—Generate Code、Hotfix Inject In Editor(若第一次未出现,再重复运行一次).

6、打包发布时,需删掉XLua中的Examples,并且重新运行:XLua—Clear Generated Code—Generate Code—Hotfix Inject In Editor

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