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SAP C4C一个真实的客户Organization和employee的同步需求

2019-08-18 10:01 399 查看
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(1) Call Center integration

As the customer thinks some key capabilities for call center are not there by C4C, e.g. agent & queue management, complex outbound call rules support and call center quality management, they are thinking of the approach to use their call center solution to call C4C. To speed up the project, and also save project development efforts, they need to understand the feasibility to embed our Live Activity views into their screen via approach.

(2) Sub-company level administrator
o Quite a lot of the customer’s employees are like our c-users, which means it’s very dynamic of joining the company and leaving the company, and each sub-company manages the account lifecycle of these employees. The customer has more than 10k employees and more than 50% are in this category. However, current C4C looks only provides tenant level administrator authority to manage the lifecycle: creating and deleting relevant accounts. This will heavily decrease the management efficiency, and cross sub-company data isolation among different administrators is also a sensitive topic from the customer side.

(3) Synch org chart and employee accounts from HCM to C4C and automatically assign relevant authorizations in C4C according to the roles belonging to.

I think org-chart and employee accounts can be synched, and not sure the automatic authorization assignment.

(1) Embed C4C in their call center. They cannot embed only live activity view but the whole C4C(Fiori client), I have tested that C4C Fiori client supports launched in an Iframe.

(2) Call our C4C API to get BP data via phone number, in their call center.

To manage sub-company own employees, they can create specific role for each sub-company administrator, and assign the exact org unit authorization to the role. Then this admin user can only display/update/create employees in this org.

Make sure that the org units and business roles are already here in C4C, which means sync org units is the first step. Then sync employees from HCM to C4C with org unit & business role in the payload(these information already exist in the input structure), they will be automatically assigned.


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