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1. 离线数据录入和模型生成以及模型评估脚本

This is a driver script for interacting with the Elasticsearch-Aknn plugin.
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, helpers
from itertools import cycle, product
from more_itertools import chunked
from pprint import pformat, pprint
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from time import time, sleep
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
import elasticsearch
import json
import numpy as np
import os
import pdb
import random
import requests
import sysdef iter_local_docs(docs_path, skip=0, stop=sys.maxsize):
"""Iterate over docs stored in a local file.
Docs should be JSON formatted, one per line in the file."""
for i, line in enumerate(open(docs_path)):
if i < skip:
elif i < stop:
yield json.loads(line)
breakdef iter_es_docs(es_host, es_index, es_type, query={"_source": False}):
"""Iterate over docs stored in elasticsearch."""
es = Elasticsearch(es_host)
scroll = helpers.scan(es, query=query, index=es_index, doc_type=es_type)
for x in scroll:
yield x
except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError as ex:
print(ex, file=sys.stderr)
del es  # No close() method. Guess this works.def parse_hosts(es_hosts):
if isinstance(es_hosts, str):
es_hosts = es_hosts.split(",")
return es_hosts, cycle(es_hosts)def aknn_create(docs_path, es_hosts, es_index, es_type, es_id, description, nb_dimensions, nb_tables, nb_bits, sample_prob, sample_seed):random.seed(sample_seed)es_hosts, _ = parse_hosts(es_hosts)print("Creating model at %s/%s/%s with %d dimensions, %d tables, %d bits" % (
es_index, es_type, es_id, nb_dimensions, nb_tables, nb_bits))doc_iterator = iter_local_docs(docs_path)req_url = "%s/_aknn_create" % es_hosts[0]
body = {
"_index": es_index,
"_type": es_type,
"_id": es_id,
"_source": {
"_aknn_description": description,
"_aknn_nb_tables": nb_tables,
"_aknn_nb_bits_per_table": nb_bits,
"_aknn_nb_dimensions": nb_dimensions
"_aknn_vector_sample": []
}nb_samples = 2 * nb_tables * nb_bits
print("Collecting %d sample vectors" % (nb_samples))
while len(body["_aknn_vector_sample"]) < nb_samples:
doc = next(doc_iterator)
if random.random() <= sample_prob:
body["_aknn_vector_sample"].append(doc["_source"]["_aknn_vector"])print("Collected samples with mean %.3lf, standard deviation %.3lf" % (
np.mean(body["_aknn_vector_sample"]), np.std(body["_aknn_vector_sample"])))print("Posting to Elasticsearch")
t0 = time()
req = requests.post(req_url, json=body)
print("Request completed in %.3lf seconds" % (time() - t0), req.json())
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as ex:
print("Request failed", ex, file=sys.stderr)
print(ex, file=sys.stderr)
sys.exit(1)def aknn_index(docs_path, es_hosts, es_index, es_type, aknn_uri, nb_batch, nb_total_max, skip_existing):assert es_index.lower() == es_index, "Index must be lowercase."
assert es_type.lower() == es_type, "Type must be lowercase."print("Indexing %d docs at %s/%s using model at %s" % (
nb_total_max, es_index, es_type, aknn_uri))T0 = time()es_hosts, es_hosts_c = parse_hosts(es_hosts)
print("Using %d elasticsearch hosts" % len(es_hosts), es_hosts)# Optionally determine which ids will be skipped.
skip_ids = set([])
if skip_existing:
for doc in iter_es_docs(es_hosts[0], es_index, es_type):
print("Skipping %d existing docs" % len(skip_ids))# Simple iterator over local documents.
doc_iterator = iter_local_docs(docs_path)# Structure of the body posted.
body = {"_index": es_index,
"_type": es_type,
"_aknn_uri": aknn_uri,
"_aknn_docs": []}# Setup for round-robin indexing.
tpool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(es_hosts))
nb_round_robin = len(es_hosts) * nb_batch
nb_total_rem = nb_total_max - len(skip_ids)
docs_batch = []
print("Indexing %d new docs" % nb_total_rem)# List of server times will be returned.
times = []while nb_total_rem > 0:doc = next(doc_iterator)# Skip if it already exists in index.
if doc["_id"] in skip_ids:
continue# Add a new doc to the payload and decrement counters.
nb_total_rem -= 1# Keep populating payloads if...
if len(docs_batch) < nb_round_robin and nb_total_rem > 0:
continue# Send batches of docs to the hosts.
futures = []
for h, docs_batch_chunk in zip(es_hosts, chunked(docs_batch, nb_batch)):
body["_aknn_docs"] = docs_batch_chunk
url = "%s/_aknn_index" % h
futures.append(tpool.submit(requests.post, url, json=body))
print("Posted %d docs to host %s" % (len(body["_aknn_docs"]), h))# Iterate over the futures and print each host's response.
# Error if any of the hosts return non-200 status.
for f, h in zip(as_completed(futures), es_hosts):
res = f.result()
if res.status_code != 200:
print("Error at host %s" % h, res.json(), file=sys.stderr)
print("Response %d from host %s: %s" %
(res.status_code, h, res.json()))
times.append(res.json()["took"])# Reset round-robin state.
docs_batch = []
print("Indexed %d docs in %d seconds" % (
nb_total_max - nb_total_rem, time() - T0))# Wait for indexing to complete by checking the count in a loop.
count_url = "%s/%s/%s/_count" % (next(es_hosts_c), es_index, es_type)
count, t0 = 0, time()
while count < nb_total_max:
if time() - t0 > 30:
print("Timed out", sys.stderr)
count = requests.get(count_url).json()["count"]
print("Checking index, found %d docs" % count)
sleep(1)return timesdef aknn_search(es_hosts, es_index, es_type, es_ids, k1, k2, nb_requests, nb_workers):print("Starting thread pool with %d concurrent workers" % nb_workers)
tpool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=nb_workers)es_hosts, es_hosts_c = parse_hosts(es_hosts)
print("Using %d elasticsearch hosts" % len(es_hosts), es_hosts)times, hits = [], []print("Submitting %d searches, k1=%d, k2=%d" % (nb_requests, k1, k2))
futures, search_urls = [], []
for id_ in es_ids:
search_urls.append("%s/%s/%s/%s/_aknn_search?k1=%d&k2=%d" % (
next(es_hosts_c), es_index, es_type, quote_plus(id_), k1, k2))
futures.append(tpool.submit(requests.get, search_urls[-1]))for i, f in enumerate(as_completed(futures)):
res = f.result()
if res.status_code != 200:
print("Error at search: %s" % search_urls[i], res.json(),
if i == 0:
print("Example response: %s" % pformat(res.json()["hits"]["hits"]))
hits.append(res.json()["hits"]["hits"])return times, hitsdef aknn_benchmark(es_hosts, docs_path, metrics_dir, nb_dimensions, nb_batch, nb_eval, k2, confirm_destructive):# Running this part of the script requires deleting and re-creating multiple indexes.
# This could mess up the user's existing indexes and documents, so make
# sure to confirm.
#if not confirm_destructive:
#    confirm = input(
#        "This script deletes indexes on the specified Elasticsearch hosts, continue? [y/n] ")
#    if confirm.lower() != "y":
#        print("Exiting", file=sys.stderr)
#        sys.exit(1)T0 = time()# Define structure for metrics file.
metrics = {
"nb_docs": 0,
"nb_tables": 0,
"nb_bits": 0,
"k1": 0,
"k2": k2,
"nb_batch": nb_batch,
"index_times": [],
"search_times": [],
"search_recalls": []
}def get_metrics_path(m):
return "%s/metrics_%d_%d_%d_%d_%d.json" % (
metrics_dir, m["nb_docs"], m["nb_tables"], m["nb_bits"], m["k1"], m["k2"])# Define model index/type and vectors' index/type.
model_index = "bench_aknn_models"
model_type = "aknn_model"
vecs_index = "vecs"  # Set below..
vecs_type = "vec"# Define the space of parameters to test. If you change any of these
# parameters, it's safest to delete all of the metrics files.
nb_docs_space = [10 ** 4, 10 ** 5, 10 ** 6]
nb_tables_space = [10, 50, 100, 200, 250, 300]
nb_bits_space = [8, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19]
k1_space = [int(k2 * 1.5), k2 * 10, k2 * 25, k2 * 50, k2 * 100]# One test for each combination of parameters.
nb_tests_total = len(nb_tables_space) * \
len(nb_bits_space) * len(nb_docs_space) * len(k1_space)
nb_tests_done = 0# For efficiency nb_docs should be sorted.
assert nb_docs_space == sorted(nb_docs_space)# Parse elasticsearch hosts.
es_hosts, es_hosts_c = parse_hosts(es_hosts)for nb_tables, nb_bits in product(nb_tables_space, nb_bits_space):# Delete all of the existing vectors for this (tables, bits) config.
rq = requests.delete("%s/%s" % (next(es_hosts_c), vecs_index))# Create an aknn model for this config.
model_id = "model_%d_%d" % (nb_tables, nb_bits)
description="Benchmark: %d tables, %d bits" % (nb_tables, nb_bits),
sample_seed=865)# Run tests for each corpus size. Add to the corpus incrementally.
for nb_docs in nb_docs_space:# Update metrics object.
metrics["nb_docs"] = nb_docs
metrics["nb_tables"] = nb_tables
metrics["nb_bits"] = nb_bits# Check if all of the metrics have been computed..
skip = True
for k1 in k1_space:
metrics["k1"] = k1
skip = skip and os.path.exists(get_metrics_path(metrics))if skip:
nb_tests_done += len(k1_space)
continue# Incremental indexing.
metrics["index_times"] = aknn_index(
aknn_uri="%s/%s/%s" % (model_index, model_type, model_id),
skip_existing=True)print("Collecting %d ids and vectors for exact KNN" % (nb_docs))
ids, vecs = [], np.zeros((nb_docs, nb_dimensions), dtype="float32")
for doc in iter_es_docs(
query={"_source": ["_aknn_vector"]}):
vecs[len(ids) - 1] = np.array(doc["_source"]["_aknn_vector"])ii = random.sample(range(nb_docs), nb_eval)
ids_sample = [ids[i] for i in ii]
vecs_sample = vecs[ii]print("Running exact KNN")
model = NearestNeighbors(
k2 + 1, metric="euclidean", algorithm="brute")
nbrs_exact = model.kneighbors(vecs_sample, return_distance=False)# Execute searches for each value of k1.
for k1 in k1_space:# Update metrics object.
metrics["k1"] = k1# Run search to get times and nearest neighbors.
metrics["search_times"], search_hits = aknn_search(
k2=k2 + 1,
nb_workers=1)# Compute recall for each set of hits.
metrics["search_recalls"] = []
for i in range(len(ids_sample)):
a = set([ids[i] for i in nbrs_exact[i]])
b = set([h["_id"] for h in search_hits[i]])
if ids_sample[i] in a and ids_sample[i] in b:
len(a.intersection(b)) / k2)# Write results to file.
s1 = "Saving metrics to %s" % get_metrics_path(metrics)
print("%s\n%s" % ("-" * len(s1), s1))
with open(get_metrics_path(metrics), "w") as fp:
json.dump(metrics, fp)nb_tests_done += 1
s2 = "Completed %d of %d tests in %d minutes" % (
nb_tests_done, nb_tests_total, (time() - T0) / 60)
print("%s\n%s" % (s2, "-" * len(s1)))if __name__ == "__main__":ap = ArgumentParser(description="Elasticsearch-Aknn CLI")
ap.add_argument("--es_hosts", default="",
help="comma-separated list of elasticsearch endpoints")sp_base = ap.add_subparsers(
title='actions', description='Choose an action')sp = sp_base.add_parser("create")
sp.add_argument("docs_path", type=str)
sp.add_argument("--sample_prob", type=float, default=0.3)
sp.add_argument("--sample_seed", type=int, default=865)
sp.add_argument("--es_index", type=str, default="aknn_models")
sp.add_argument("--es_type", type=str, default="aknn_model")
sp.add_argument("--es_id", type=str, required=True)
sp.add_argument("--description", type=str, required=True)
sp.add_argument("--nb_dimensions", type=int, required=True)
sp.add_argument("--nb_tables", type=int, default=50)
sp.add_argument("--nb_bits", type=int, default=16)sp = sp_base.add_parser("index")
sp.add_argument("docs_path", type=str)
sp.add_argument("--aknn_uri", type=str, required=True)
sp.add_argument("--es_index", type=str, required=True)
sp.add_argument("--es_type", type=str, required=True)
sp.add_argument("--nb_batch", type=int, default=5000)
sp.add_argument("--nb_total_max", type=int, default=100000)
sp.add_argument("--skip_existing", action="store_true")sp = sp_base.add_parser("benchmark")
sp.add_argument("docs_path", type=str)
sp.add_argument("--metrics_dir", type=str, default="metrics")
sp.add_argument("--nb_dimensions", type=int, default=25)
sp.add_argument("--nb_eval", type=int, default=500)
sp.add_argument("--nb_batch", type=int, default=25000)
sp.add_argument("--k2", type=int, default=10)
sp.add_argument("--confirm_destructive", action="store_true")args = vars(ap.parse_args())
action = args["which"]
del args["which"]if action == "create":
aknn_create(**args)if action == "benchmark":
aknn_benchmark(**args)if action == "index":
aknn_index(**args)if action == "search":

nohup /usr/bin/python3 -u /mnt/lwf/aknn2.py --es_hosts “” benchmark /mnt/vdb/distinct.txt --metrics_dir /mnt/lwf/result --nb_dimensions 512 --nb_eval 300 --nb_batch 20000 >> /mnt/lwf/benchmark.log 2>&1 &

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