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Android Studio, aidl refusing to generate code from aidl file defining parcelable. Why?

2019-07-17 17:03 3367 查看

Test.java (Implements Parcelable):

package com.app.pack.classes;

public class Test implements Parcelable {

private int test = 33;

protected Test(Parcel in) {
test = in.readInt();

public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {

public int describeContents() {
return 0;

public static final Creator<Test> CREATOR = new Creator<Test>() {
public Test createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new Test(in);

public Test[] newArray(int size) {
return new Test[size];

Test.aidl (Declares the class I want to send):

package com.app.pack.aidl;
parcelable Test;

TestService.aidl (provides the method that returns a Test object):

package com.app.pack.aidl;
import com.app.pack.aidl.Test;

interface TestService{
Test getAll(in int[] listOfInts);

refusing to generate code from aidl file defining parcelable couldn’t find import for class xxxxx

Test类的包名称,Test.aidl中的com.app.pack.aidl与Java代码中的com.app.pack.classes之间存在不匹配(不一样); 他们需要匹配(完全一样)。

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