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Python 数据分析:

  1. python 语言精要
  2. Ipython
  3. numpy
  4. pandas
  5. 数据加载
  6. 数据处理
  7. 数据绘图可视化

chapter 1 python语言精要

重点了解类型 ,和不同数据结构

  1. if you want to run the document of the python
$ python hello_world.py

if you run the the code in the python interpreter “Ipython”
you can enter

%run hello_word.py

the difference between the python and other programming language

use the tab to organize the language rather than the brace
no use the semicolon to end the sentence
the char # to start the annotation
a = [1,2,3]
b = a
In[ ] :b

the situation is similar with the pointer of the language C

Var is the name of the objective, the info of the type is reserved in the interior of the objectives
use the function isinstance (var,(type,type2,…)) to confirm the type .
type list :str int float bool,the int can be translate to the long int automatically

type notes
str add the “”
int write directly
bool 1. true or false
2.empty or the zero is equal to the false
datetime 1. the module include the datetime ,date,time
2.the function strptime can be used to change the format

introduce the functions from the module

there is a module"TEST", we can find the defined var PI,the function f(x) , g(a,b)
way 1

import  TEST
result = TEST.f(6)

way 2

from TEST  import f,g,PI

simplify the name

import TEST as ts
from TEST import PI as a ,g as gf
r1 = ts.f(a)

no use the from module_name import module_var/module_function
we should call function use module_name.module_function


# 1、create the new dictionary
my_dict = { key1 : value1, key2 : value2, key3 :value3}
# 2、add new key4 & value4
my_dict[key4] = value4
# 3、drop the key3 ,value3
del my_dict[key3]
or  my_new_dict = my_dict.pop( key3 )
# 4、dispaly the list of keys or values
my_dict values()
# 5、combine the two dictionary
my_dict.update({key5 : value5 , key6 :value6})  {} can replaced by the name of the dict
#  6、from sequence to the dictionary
new_dict =dict(zip(sequence1,sequence2))
words =['apple','bat','bar','atom','book']
by_letter ={}
for word in words:
if letter not in by_letter:

if-else :by_letter.setdefault(letter,[]).append(word)

date structure

tuple 拆包 内在value赋值

type characteristic create add delete combine section judge others
list [ ] special:[ expression for var in collections if condition] list_name.append()
[ ]+[ ]
list_name.extend(list_2)(the second way will not create the new list)
list_name[1:2] value in list_name bisect.bisect/insort(list_name ,value) maintain Original orderliness
tuple ( ) no special create way tuple_name[value].append()
you can not change the tuple
no change ( )+( ) tuple_name[0:2] same as above
dictionary { key1: value ,key2 :value} 1、 {key_expr : value_expr for i,value in enumerate(collection) if condition}
2、dict((key,value) for key value in enumerate(collections))
dict_name[key]=value del dict_name[key]
dict_name.update(dict2) key in dict_name dict(zip(,))
set {, , , } no duplication set(list/tuple) set1|set2
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