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2019-04-11 21:49 453 查看



  1. import math
  2. import numpy as np
  3. import h5py
  4. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  5. import tensorflow as tf
  6. from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
  7. from tf_utils import *
  8. np.random.seed(1)




  1. y_hat = tf.constant(36, name='y_hat')#创建常数张量,传入数值或者list来填充
  2. y = tf.constant(39, name='y')
  3. loss = tf.Variable((y - y_hat)**2, name='loss')#创建变量loss
  4. init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
  5. with tf.Session() as session:
  6. session.run(init)
  7. print(session.run(loss))







2. placeholder的使用


  1. x = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, name='x')
  2. with tf.Session() as sess:
  3. print(sess.run(2 * x, feed_dict = {x: 3}))
  4.     sess.close()

我们计算线性函数 Y = WX + b,其中W是(4,3)矩阵,X是(3,1)向量,b是(4,1)向量。


  1. def linear_function():
  2. np.random.seed(1)
  3. X = tf.constant(np.random.randn(3,1), name = "X")
  4. W = tf.constant(np.random.randn(4,3), name = "W")
  5. b = tf.constant(np.random.randn(4,1), name = "b")
  6. Y = tf.add(tf.matmul(W, X), b)
  7. sess = tf.Session()
  8. result = sess.run(Y)
  9. sess.close()
  10. return result
print("Result = " + str(linear_function()))
  1. Result = [[-2.15657382]
  2. [ 2.95891446]
  3. [-1.08926781]
  4. [-0.84538042]]


  1. def sigmoid(z):
  2. x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name = "x")
  3. sigmoid = tf.sigmoid(x)
  4. with tf.Session() as sess:
  5. result = sess.run(sigmoid, feed_dict = {x:z})
  6. sess.close()
  7. return result
  1. print("sigmoid(0) =" + str(sigmoid(0)))
  2. print("sigmoid(12) =" + str(sigmoid(12)))
  1. sigmoid(0) =0.5
  2. sigmoid(12) =0.9999938



  1. def cost(logits, labels):
  2. z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name = "z")
  3. y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name = "y")
  4. cost = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = z, labels = y)
  5. sess = tf.Session()
  6. cost = sess.run(cost, feed_dict = {z:logits, y:labels})
  7. sess.close()
  8. return cost
  1. logits = sigmoid(np.array([0.2,0.4,0.7,0.9]))
  2. cost = cost(logits, np.array([0,0,1,1]))
  3. print ("cost = " + str(cost))
cost = [1.0053872  1.0366408  0.41385433 0.39956617]

对于多分类问题,我们需要将输出值转化为(C, m)矩阵,如下图;


  1. def one_hot_matrix(labels, C):
  2. C = tf.constant(value = C, name = "C")
  3. one_hot_matrix = tf.one_hot(labels, C, axis = 0)
  4. sess = tf.Session()
  5. one_hot = sess.run(one_hot_matrix)
  6. sess.close()
  7. return one_hot
  1. labels = np.array([1,2,3,0,2,1])
  2. one_hot = one_hot_matrix(labels, C = 4)
  3. print("one_hot = " +'\n'+ str(one_hot))
  1. one_hot = [[ 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0.]
  2. [ 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.]
  3. [ 0. 1. 0. 0. 1. 0.]
  4. [ 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0.]]





X_train_orig, Y_train_orig,X_test_orig, Y_test_orig, classes = load_dataset()
  1. index = 0
  2. plt.imshow(X_train_orig[index])
  3. print("y=" + str(np.squeeze(Y_train_orig[:,index])))


y= 5
  1. X_train_flatten = X_train_orig.reshape(X_train_orig.shape[0], -1).T
  2. X_test_flatten = X_test_orig.reshape(X_test_orig.shape[0], -1).T
  3. X_train = X_train_flatten /255
  4. X_test = X_test_flatten /255
  5. Y_train = convert_to_one_hot(Y_train_orig, C = 6)
  6. Y_test = convert_to_one_hot(Y_test_orig, C = 6)
  7. print ("number of training examples = " + str(X_train.shape[1]))
  8. print ("number of test examples = " + str(X_test.shape[1]))
  9. print ("X_train shape: " + str(X_train.shape))
  10. print ("Y_train shape: " + str(Y_train.shape))
  11. print ("X_test shape: " + str(X_test.shape))
  12. print ("Y_test shape: " + str(Y_test.shape))
  1. number of training examples = 1080
  2. number of test examples = 120
  3. X_train shape: (12288, 1080)
  4. Y_train shape: (6, 1080)
  5. X_test shape: (12288, 120)
  6. Y_test shape: (6, 120)
  1. def convert_to_one_hot(Y, C):
  2. Y = np.eye(C)[Y.reshape(-1)].T
  3. return Y
很巧妙的使用了矩阵的特性来实现one-hot变换。提示:np.array((3,4))[1] -> 输出为该矩阵的第2行



  1. def create_placeholder(n_x, n_y):
  2. X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = [n_x, None])
  3. Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = [n_y, None])
  4. return X, Y
  1. X, Y = create_placeholder(12288, 6)
  2. print("X = " + str(X))
  3. print("Y = " + str(Y))
  1. X = Tensor("Placeholder:0", shape=(12288, ?), dtype=float32)
  2. Y = Tensor("Placeholder_1:0", shape=(6, ?), dtype=float32)
  1. def initialize_parameters():
  2. tf.set_random_seed(1)
  3. W1 = tf.get_variable("W1", [25,12288], initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed = 1))
  4. b1 = tf.get_variable("b1", [25,1], initializer = tf.zeros_initializer())
  5. W2 = tf.get_variable("W2", [12,25], initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed = 1))
  6. b2 = tf.get_variable("b2", [12,1], initializer = tf.zeros_initializer())
  7. W3 = tf.get_variable("W3", [6,12], initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed = 1))
  8. b3 = tf.get_variable("b3", [6,1], initializer = tf.zeros_initializer())
  9. parameters = {"W1" : W1,
  10. "b1" : b1,
  11. "W2" : W2,
  12. "b2" : b2,
  13. "W3" : W3,
  14. "b3" : b3}
  15. return parameters
  1. with tf.Session() as sess:
  2. parameters = initialize_parameters()
  3. print("W1 = " + str(parameters["W1"]))
  4. print("b1 = " + str(parameters["b1"]))
  5. print("W2 = " + str(parameters["W2"]))
  6. print("b2 = " + str(parameters["b2"]))
  1. W1 = <tf.Variable 'W1:0' shape=(25, 12288) dtype=float32_ref>
  2. b1 = <tf.Variable 'b1:0' shape=(25, 1) dtype=float32_ref>
  3. W2 = <tf.Variable 'W2:0' shape=(12, 25) dtype=float32_ref>
  4. b2 = <tf.Variable 'b2:0' shape=(12, 1) dtype=float32_ref>
  1. def forward_propagation(X, parameters):
  2. W1 = parameters['W1']
  3. b1 = parameters['b1']
  4. W2 = parameters['W2']
  5. b2 = parameters['b2']
  6. W3 = parameters['W3']
  7. b3 = parameters['b3']
  8. Z1 = tf.add(tf.matmul(W1, X), b1)
  9. A1 = tf.nn.relu(Z1)
  10. Z2 = tf.add(tf.matmul(W2, A1), b2)
  11. A2 = tf.nn.relu(Z2)
  12. Z3 = tf.add(tf.matmul(W3, A2), b3)
  13. return Z3
  1. tf.reset_default_graph()
  2. with tf.Session() as sess:
  3. X, Y = create_placeholder(12288, 6)
  4. parameters = initialize_parameters()
  5. Z3 = forward_propagation(X, parameters)
  6. print("Z3 =", Z3)
Z3 = Tensor("Add_2:0", shape=(6, ?), dtype=float32)
  1. def compute_cost(Z3, Y):
  2. logits = tf.transpose(Z3)
  3. labels = tf.transpose(Y)
  4. cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = logits, labels = labels))
  5. return cost
  1. tf.reset_default_graph()
  2. with tf.Session() as sess:
  3. X, Y = create_placeholder(12288, 6)
  4. parameters = initialize_parameters()
  5. Z3 = forward_propagation(X, parameters)
  6. cost = compute_cost(Z3, Y)
  7. print("cost =", cost)
cost = Tensor("Mean:0", shape=(), dtype=float32)


optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate).minimize(cost)
_, c = sess.run([optimizer, cost], feed_dict = {X: minibatch_X, Y:minibatch_Y})



  1. def model(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, learning_rate = 0.0001,
  2. num_epochs = 1500, minibatch_size = 32, print_cost = True):
  3. ops.reset_default_graph()
  4. tf.set_random_seed(1)
  5. seed = 3
  6. (n_x, m) = X_train.shape
  7. n_y = Y_train.shape[0]
  8. costs = []
  9. X, Y = create_placeholder(n_x, n_y)
  10. parameters = initialize_parameters()
  11. Z3 = forward_propagation(X, parameters)
  12. cost = compute_cost(Z3, Y)
  13. optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate).minimize(cost)
  14. init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
  15. with tf.Session() as sess:
  16. sess.run(init)
  17. for epoch in range(num_epochs):
  18. epoch_cost = 0.
  19. num_minibatches = int(m / minibatch_size)
  20. seed = seed + 1
  21. minibatches = random_mini_batches(X_train, Y_train, minibatch_size, seed)
  22. for minibatch in minibatches:
  23. (minibatch_X, minibatch_Y) = minibatch
  24. _ , minibatch_cost = sess.run([optimizer, cost], feed_dict = {X: minibatch_X, Y:minibatch_Y})
  25. epoch_cost += minibatch_cost / num_minibatches
  26. if print_cost and epoch % 100 == 0:
  27. print("Cost after epoch %i: %f" %(epoch, epoch_cost))
  28. if print_cost and epoch % 5 == 0:
  29. costs.append(epoch_cost)
  30. plt.plot(np.squeeze(costs))
  31. plt.xlabel("iterations (per five)")
  32. plt.ylabel("cost")
  33. plt.title("learning_rate:" + str(learning_rate))
  34. plt.show()
  35. parameters = sess.run(parameters)
  36. print("Parameters have been trained!")
  37. correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(Z3), tf.argmax(Y))
  38. accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, "float"))
  39. print("Train Accuray:", accuracy.eval({X: X_train, Y: Y_train}))
  40. print("Test Accuray:", accuracy.eval({X: X_test, Y: Y_test}))
  41. return parameters
程序在执行时需要一定时间,大家注意下如果在epoch 100时cost值不是1.016458,可以停止程序查找问题不必要浪费时间。
parameters = model(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test)
  1. Cost after epoch 0: 1.855702
  2. Cost after epoch 100: 1.016458
  3. Cost after epoch 200: 0.733102
  4. Cost after epoch 300: 0.572938
  5. Cost after epoch 400: 0.468799
  6. Cost after epoch 500: 0.380979
  7. Cost after epoch 600: 0.313819
  8. Cost after epoch 700: 0.254258
  9. Cost after epoch 800: 0.203795
  10. Cost after epoch 900: 0.166410
  11. Cost after epoch 1000: 0.141497
  12. Cost after epoch 1100: 0.107579
  13. Cost after epoch 1200: 0.086229
  14. Cost after epoch 1300: 0.059415
  15. Cost after epoch 1400: 0.052237
  1. Parameters have been trained!
  2. Train Accuray: 0.9990741
  3. Test Accuray: 0.71666664



  1. my_image = "myfigure.jpg"
  2. fname = "images\\" + my_image
  3. image = np.array(ndimage.imread(fname, flatten=False))
  4. my_image = scipy.misc.imresize(image, size=(64,64)).reshape((1,64*64*3)).T
  5. my_image_prediction = predict(my_image, parameters)
  6. plt.imshow(image)
  7. print("your algorithm predicts : y=" + str(np.squeeze(my_image_prediction)))
your algorithm predicts : y=4





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