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2019-03-07 21:37 746 查看

11-1城市和国家:编写一个函数,它接受三个形参:一个城市名和一个国家名和城市人口(城市人口参数为可选)。这个函数返回一个格式为City, Country  - population xxx的字符串,如Santiago, Chile - population 5000000。将这个函数储存在一个名为city_functions.py的模块中。创建一个名为test_cities.py的程序进行测试。编写一个名为test_city_country_population()的测试函数进行测试。

[code]# city_functions.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Mar  7 20:04:57 2019

@author: MrZjjPolarBear

def city(city_name, country, population):
""" Return information about a city """

if population:
city_info = city_name + ", " + country + " - " \
+ "population" + ' ' + str(population)
city_info = city_name + ", " + country
return city_info
[code]# test_city_functions.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Mar  7 20:07:30 2019

@author: MrZjjPolarBear

import unittest
from city_functions import city

class CityTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
""" Test city_function.py """

def first_test_city_info(self):
""" Could it deal with city information like
'Santiago, Chile - population 5000000'? """
city_info = city('Santiago', 'Chile', 5000000)
self.assertEqual(city_info, 'Santiago, Chile - population 5000000')

def second_test_city_info(self):
""" Could it deal with city information like
'Santiago, Chile'? """
city_info = city('Santiago', 'Chile')
self.assertEqual(city_info, 'Santiago, Chile')




[code]# employee.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Mar  7 20:57:21 2019

@author: MrZjjPolarBear

class Employee():
""" Simulate an empoyees about his/her name and annual salary """

def __init__(self, first_name, last_name, annual_salary):
""" Initialize an employee with his name and annual salary """
self.name = first_name.title() + ' ' + last_name.title()
self.salary = annual_salary
self.default_inrement = 5000

def give_raise(self, increment=5000):
""" Give his/her an inrement on annual salary """
self.salary += increment
[code]# test_employee.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Mar  7 21:00:15 2019

@author: MrZjjPolarBear

import unittest
from employee import Employee

class TestEmployee(unittest.TestCase):
""" Test employee.py """

def setUp(self):
Create an object of Empoyee() for this test script
self.annual_salary = 1000000
self.employee = Employee('james', 'harden', self.annual_salary)

def test_give_default_raise(self):
""" Could it deal with default raise on annual salary """
self.assertEqual(self.employee.salary, \

def test_give_custom_raise(self):
""" Could it deal with custom raise on annual salary """
custom_raise = 100000
self.assertEqual(self.employee.salary, self.annual_salary+custom_raise)



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