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2018-11-06 11:43 344 查看


在最近的 Vue 项目中,为了完成需求使用了一些小技巧,做个笔记,或许也能帮到道友。




找到 webpack.base.config.js 中的 resolve 配置项,在其 alias 中增加别名,如下:

创建一个 CSS 文件,随便写点样式:

display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;

padding 20px
border solid 1px #ccc
border-radius 5px


<div class="avatar">
<img class="avatar-img" src="~img/avatar.png" alt="">

export default {
name: "Home"

<style scoped lang="stylus">
@import "~css/avatar";

需要注意的是,如果不是通过 import 引入则需要在别名前加上 ~,效果如下:



假设有一个 apiConfig.js 文件,用于对 axios 做一些配置,如下:

import axios from 'axios';

axios.defaults.timeout = 10000;
axios.defaults.retry = 3;
axios.defaults.retryDelay = 2000;
axios.defaults.responseType = 'json';
axios.defaults.withCredentials = true;
axios.defaults.headers.post["Content-type"] = "application/json";

// Add a request interceptor
axios.interceptors.request.use(function (config) {
// Do something before request is sent
return config;
}, function (error) {
// Do something with request error
return Promise.reject(error);

// Add a response interceptor
axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
// Do something with response data
return response;
}, function (error) {
// Do something with response error
return Promise.reject(error);

export default axios

在 static 文件夹中增加一个 config.json 文件,用于统一管理所有的 api 地址:

"base": "/api",
"static": "//static.com/api",
"news": "//news.com.api"

打开 main.js,写入下列代码:

// The Vue build version to load with the `import` command
// (runtime-only or standalone) has been set in webpack.base.conf with an alias.
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App'
import router from './router'
import ElementUI from 'element-ui';
import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css';
import axios from 'js/apiConfig'; //import直接引入,不用添加~

Vue.config.productionTip = false;

/* eslint-disable no-new */
let startApp = function () {
let randomStamp = new Date().getTime();
axios.get(`/static/config.json?t=${randomStamp}`).then((data) => {
axios.defaults.baseURL = data.base; //设置一个默认的根路径
Vue.prototype.$axios = axios;
Vue.prototype.$apiURL = data; //将所有路径配置挂载到 Vue 原型上
/* eslint-disable no-new */
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {App},
template: '<App/>'

就是先用 axios 获取 api 文件,然后再初始化。


菜单是树形结构(PS:就算不是树形结构,你也得处理成树形结构),我这里使用的是 ElementUI ,参考了道友的这篇文章,实现如下:

新建一个 Menu.vue 文件,写入如下代码:

export default {
name: "MenuItem",
props: {
data: {
type: Array
collapse: {
type: Boolean
methods: {
createMenuItem(data, createElement) {
return data.map(item => {
if (item.children && item.children.length) {
return createElement('el-submenu', {props: {index: item.id.toString()}},
createElement('template', {slot: 'title'}, [
createElement('i', {class: item.icon}),
createElement('span', [item.title]),
this.createMenuItem(item.children, createElement) //递归
} else {
return createElement('el-menu-item', {props: {index: item.path}},
createElement('i', {class: item.icon}),
createElement('span', {slot: 'title'}, [item.title]),
onSelect(key, keyPath) {
console.log(key, keyPath);
render(createElement) {
return createElement(
props: {
backgroundColor: "#545c64",
textColor: "#fff",
activeTextColor: "#ffd04b",
collapse: this.collapse,
on: {
select: this.onSelect
this.createMenuItem(this.data, createElement)

<style scoped lang="stylus">
.el-menu-vertical-demo:not(.el-menu--collapse) {
width: 200px;
min-height: 400px;

这里主要用到两个东西,一个是 render 函数,一个是递归,如果不熟悉 render 函数的道友请点这里。可能有道友会问为什么不用模板,因为・・・・・・做不到啊😭,在 template 中只能有一个根元素,而 Vue 限制了不能对根元素使用 v-for;再者,通过在浏览器中查看代码可以知道,菜单就是 ul 加上 li,如果有了根元素会破坏标签结构(虽然不影响功能,但还是觉得不舒服😂)。然后,在需要使用的地方:

<el-aside width="auto">
<Menu :data="menu" :collapse="isCollapsed"></Menu>
<el-button type="text" icon="el-icon-d-arrow-left"

import Menu from '@/components/Menu';

export default {
name: 'App',
data() {
return {
menu: [
title: '导航一',
id: 1,
path: '',
icon: 'el-icon-search',
children: [
title: '导航一杠一', id: 2, path: '', icon: '', children: [
{title: '导航一杠一杠一', id: 4, path: '/test', icon: '', children: []},
title: '导航一杠一杠二', id: 5, path: '', icon: '', children: [
{title: '导航一杠一杠二杠一', id: 6, path: '/6', icon: '', children: []},
{title: '导航一杠一杠二杠二', id: 7, path: '/7', icon: '', children: []},
{title: '导航一杠二', id: 3, path: '/3', icon: '', children: []}
{title: '导航二', id: 8, path: '/8', icon: 'el-icon-setting', children: []},
{title: '导航三', id: 9, path: '/9', icon: 'el-icon-document', children: []},
title: '导航四', id: 10, path: '', icon: 'el-icon-date', children: [
{title: '导航四杠一', id: 11, path: '/11', icon: '', children: []},
title: '导航四杠二', id: 12, path: '', icon: '', children: [
{title: '导航四杠二杠一', id: 14, path: '/14', icon: '', children: []}
{title: '导航四杠三', id: 13, path: '/13', icon: '', children: []},
isCollapsed: false
methods: {
handleOpen(key, keyPath) {
console.log(key, keyPath);
handleClose(key, keyPath) {
console.log(key, keyPath);
components: {

<style lang="stylus">
margin 0
padding 0

html, body, .el-container, .el-aside
height 100%

background-color rgb(84, 92, 100)

border-right solid 1px rgb(84, 92, 100)

display flex
justify-content space-between
align-items center
background-color aliceblue
color: #606266;
font-weight bold


需求四:这个 Select 选项是树形结构,一定得是树形结构


<el-select v-model="tree" placeholder="请选择活动区域">
<el-option v-for="(item,index) in options" :key="index" :label="item.label" :value="item.id"
:style="{paddingLeft:(item.level*10+20)+'px'}" :class="item.level?'is-sub':''"></el-option>

export default {
name: "Home",
data() {
return {
tree: '',
options: [],
originData: [
label: '这是根一', id: 1, children: [
{label: '这是茎一一', id: 2, children: []},
{label: '这是茎一二', id: 3, children: []},
label: '这是茎一三', id: 4, children: [
{label: '这是叶一三一', id: 6, children: []},
{label: '这是叶一三二', id: 7, children: []},
{label: '这是茎一四', id: 5, children: []},
label: '这是根二', id: 8, children: [],
label: '这是根三', id: 9, children: [
{label: '这是茎三一', id: 10, children: []},
label: '这是茎三二', id: 11, children: [
{label: '这是叶三二一', id: 12, children: []}
created() {
this.options = this.decomposeTree(this.originData, 0);
methods: {
decomposeTree(array, level) {
let tmpArr = [];

(function decompose(arr, lev) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
let tmpObj = {};
let item = arr;
item.level = lev;
tmpObj = Object.assign({}, item);
if (item.children) {
decompose(item.children, lev + 1); //递归
delete tmpObj.children; //删掉其 children,避免数据过大(不删也可以,也许后面有用呢)

})(array, level);

return tmpArr;

<style scoped lang="stylus">
content '- '

因为 option 接收的是一个一维数组,所以通过递归展平树形结构,在展平的时候设置每项的层级,通过层级来设置缩进及前缀符号,效果如下:

之所以这样做,是因为是管理系统,简单有效,没必要因为这一个组件引个新的插件或者自己写一个(以后用得着的除外哈);也可以用 input 加上 tree 控件来模拟(PS:最终还是引入了一个插件,哈哈😂)。




内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息
标签:  vue 技巧 项目