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How to copy the contents of std::vector to c-style static array,safely?

2018-08-28 10:59 495 查看


I am getting warning when using the std copy function.

I have a 

 array that I declare.

byte *tstArray = new byte[length];

Then I have a couple other byte arrays that are declared and initialized with some hex values that i would like to use depending on some initial user input.

I have a series of if statements that I use to basically parse out the original input, and based on some string, I choose which byte array to use and in doing so copy the results to the original tstArray.

For example:

if(substr1 == "15")
std::cout<<"Using byte array rated 15"<<std::endl;

The warning i get is warning C4996: 'std::copy': Function call with parameters that may be unsafe - this call relies on the caller to check that the passed values are correct.

A possible solution is to to disable this warning is by useing -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS, I think. Well, that is what I am researching.

But, I am not sure if this means that my code is really unsafe and I actually needed to do some checking?



C4996 means you're using a function that was marked as 

. Probably using D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS will just #ifdef out the deprecation. You could go read the header file to know for sure.

But the question is why is it deprecated? MSDN doesn't seem to say anything about it on the std::copy() page, but I may be looking at the wrong one. Typically this was done for all "unsafe string manipulation functions" during the great security push of XPSP2. Since you aren't passing the length of your destination buffer to std::copy, if you try to write too much data to it it will happily write past the end of the buffer.

To say whether or not your usage is unsafe would require us to review your entire code. Usually there is a safer version they recommend when they deprecate a function in this manner. You could just copy the strings in some other way. This article seems to go in depth. They seem to imply you should be using a std::checked_array_iterator instead of a regular OutputIterator.

Something like:

stdext::checked_array_iterator<char *> chkd_test_array(tstArray, length);
std::copy(ratedArray15, ratedArray15+length, chkd_test_array);

(If I understand your code right.)




The problem is that you're adding things to the vector so it ends up with more elements than were in the 

 array that you initialized it with.

If you want to copy the vector back into the array, you'll need to size it down:

myvec.resize( MAX_SIZE);

Or you could limit the number of elements you copy back:

copy( myvec.begin(), myvec.begin()+MAX_SIZE, myarr);

If you want the 

 array to contain all the elements, then it needs to be larger than 
, and you've found out why people suggest to use 
 rather than raw arrays (
s know how to grow, arrays do not).

Note that while you don't want 'Any answer that resembles:"You use c++, drop the c style array implementation. Use only vector for all array implementation"', you can often get away with using a 

 and passing 
 to routines that expect a raw array. 
 is required to store its elements contiguously just like a raw array for just this reason.

Since you're getting the 'unsafe operation' warning, you're using Microsoft's compiler. To fix the problem safely, you're supposed to use the 

 algorithm instead of 
. As Evgeny Lazin indicates, you can create a checked iterator for your array to pass to the 

Other options to make the copy safe that do not require Microsoft extensions would be to wrap the array in a class (possibly templated) that keeps track of the array size and provides methods to copy data into the array in a safe manner. Something like STLSoft's 

 template orBoost's 
 might help.

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