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2018-08-19 19:12 267 查看


[code]network, cost, _ = model_batch_norm(x, y_, reuse=False, is_train=True)
_, cost_test, acc = model_batch_norm(x, y_, reuse=True, is_train=False)


[code]import tensorflow as tf
import tensorlayer as tl
from tensorlayer.layers import *
import numpy as np
import time

sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = tl.files.load_cifar10_dataset(shape=(-1, 32, 32, 3), plotable=False)

def model(x, y_, reuse):
W_init = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=5e-2)
W_init2 = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.04)
b_init2 = tf.constant_initializer(value=0.1)
with tf.variable_scope("model", reuse=reuse):
tl.layers.set_name_reuse(reuse)  # github示例上无
net = InputLayer(x, name='input')

net = Conv2d(net, n_filter=64, filter_size=(5, 5), strides=(1, 1), act=tf.nn.relu, padding='SAME', W_init=W_init, name='cnn1')
# net = Conv2dLayer(net, act=tf.nn.relu, shape=[5, 5, 3, 64],strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME',  W_init=W_init, name ='cnn1')
# output: (batch_size, 24, 24, 64)

net = MaxPool2d(net, filter_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2), padding='SAME', name='pool1')
# net = PoolLayer(net, ksize=[1, 3, 3, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME', pool = tf.nn.max_pool, name ='pool1',)
# output: (batch_size, 12, 12, 64)

net = LocalResponseNormLayer(net, depth_radius=4, bias=1.0, alpha=0.001 / 9.0, beta=0.75, name='norm1')
# net.outputs = tf.nn.lrn(net.outputs, 4, bias=1.0, alpha=0.001 / 9.0, beta=0.75, name='norm1')

net = Conv2d(net, n_filter=64, filter_size=(5, 5), strides=(1, 1), act=tf.nn.relu, padding='SAME', W_init=W_init, name='cnn2')
# output: (batch_size, 12, 12, 64)

net = LocalResponseNormLayer(net, depth_radius=4, bias=1.0, alpha=0.001 / 9.0, beta=0.75, name='norm2')

net = MaxPool2d(net, filter_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2), padding='SAME', name='pool2')
# output: (batch_size, 6, 6, 64)

net = FlattenLayer(net, name='flatten')
# output: (batch_size, 2304)

net = DenseLayer(net, n_units=384, act=tf.nn.relu, W_init=W_init2, b_init=b_init2, name='d1relu')
# output: (batch_size, 384)

net = DenseLayer(net, n_units=192, act=tf.nn.relu, W_init=W_init2, b_init=b_init2, name='d2relu')
# output: (batch_size, 192)

net = DenseLayer(net, n_units=10, act=tf.identity, W_init=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=1 / 192.0), name='output')
# output: (batch_size, 10)

y = net.outputs

ce = tl.cost.cross_entropy(y, y_, name='cost')
# L2 for the MLP, without this, the accuracy will be reduced by 15%.
L2 = 0
for p in tl.layers.get_variables_with_name('relu/W', True, True):
L2 += tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(0.004)(p)
cost = ce + L2

correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y, 1), y_)
acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))

return net, cost, acc

def model_batch_norm(x, y_, reuse, is_train):
W_init = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=5e-2)
W_init2 = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.04)
b_init2 = tf.constant_initializer(value=0.1)
with tf.variable_scope("model", reuse=reuse):
tl.layers.set_name_reuse(reuse) # github示例上无
net = InputLayer(x, name='input')

net = Conv2d(net, 64, (5, 5), (1, 1), padding='SAME', W_init=W_init, b_init=None, name='cnn1')
# output: (batch_size, 24, 24, 64)

net = BatchNormLayer(net, is_train, act=tf.nn.relu, name='batch1')

net = MaxPool2d(net, (3, 3), (2, 2), padding='SAME', name='pool1')
# output: (batch_size, 12, 12, 64)

net = Conv2d(net, 64, (5, 5), (1, 1), padding='SAME', W_init=W_init, b_init=None, name='cnn2')
# output: (batch_size, 12, 12, 64)

net = BatchNormLayer(net, is_train, act=tf.nn.relu, name='batch2')

net = MaxPool2d(net, (3, 3), (2, 2), padding='SAME', name='pool2')
# output: (batch_size, 6, 6, 64)

net = FlattenLayer(net, name='flatten')
# output: (batch_size, 2304)

net = DenseLayer(net, n_units=384, act=tf.nn.relu, W_init=W_init2, b_init=b_init2, name='d1relu')
# output: (batch_size, 384)

net = DenseLayer(net, n_units=192, act=tf.nn.relu, W_init=W_init2, b_init=b_init2, name='d2relu')
# output: (batch_size, 192)

net = DenseLayer(net, n_units=10, act=tf.identity, W_init=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=1 / 192.0), name='output')
# output: (batch_size, 10)

y = net.outputs

ce = tl.cost.cross_entropy(y, y_, name='cost')
L2 = 0
for p in tl.layers.get_variables_with_name('relu/W', train_only=True, printable=True):
L2 += tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(0.004)(p)
cost = ce + L2

correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y, 1), y_)
acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))

return net, cost, acc

def distort_fn(x, is_train=False):
x = tl.prepro.crop(x, 24, 24, is_random=is_train)
if is_train:
x = tl.prepro.flip_axis(x, axis=1, is_random=True)
x = tl.prepro.brightness(x, gamma=0.1, gain=1, is_random=True)
x = (x - np.mean(x)) / max(np.std(x), 1e-5)  # avoid values divided by 0
return x

x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 24, 24, 3], name='x')
y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=[None, ], name='y_')

network, cost, _ = model_batch_norm(x, y_, reuse=False, is_train=True)
# 上行是先求出network 和cost ,下行表示复用上行的cost为cost_test,is_train为true时启用distort_fn
_, cost_test, acc = model_batch_norm(x, y_, reuse=True, is_train=False)


# n_epoch = 50000
n_epoch = 5
learning_rate = 0.0001
print_freq = 1
batch_size = 128

train_params = network.all_params
train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08, use_locking=False).minimize(cost, var_list=train_params)



print('   learning_rate: %f' % learning_rate)
print('   batch_size: %d' % batch_size)

for epoch in range(n_epoch):
start_time = time.time()
for X_train_a, y_train_a in tl.iterate.minibatches(X_train, y_train, batch_size, shuffle=True):
X_train_a = tl.prepro.threading_data(X_train_a, fn=distort_fn, is_train=True)
sess.run(train_op, feed_dict={x: X_train_a, y_: y_train_a})

if epoch + 1 == 1 or (epoch + 1) % print_freq == 0:
print("Epoch %d of %d took %fs" % (epoch + 1, n_epoch, time.time() - start_time))

test_loss, test_acc, n_batch = 0, 0, 0
for X_test_a, y_test_a in tl.iterate.minibatches(X_test, y_test, batch_size, shuffle=True):
X_test_a = tl.prepro.threading_data(X_test_a, fn=distort_fn, is_train=False)
err, ac = sess.run([cost_test, acc], feed_dict={x: X_test_a, y_: y_test_a})
test_loss += err
test_acc += ac
n_batch += 1
print("   test loss: %f" % (test_loss / n_batch))
print("   test acc: %f" % (test_acc / n_batch))


[code][TL] Load or Download cifar10 > data\cifar10
[TL] InputLayer  model/input: (?, 24, 24, 3)
[TL] Conv2dLayer model/cnn1: shape:(5, 5, 3, 64) strides:(1, 1, 1, 1) pad:SAME act:identity
[TL] BatchNormLayer model/batch1: decay:1.000000 epsilon:0.000010 act:relu is_train:False
[TL] PoolLayer   model/pool1: ksize:[1, 3, 3, 1] strides:[1, 2, 2, 1] padding:SAME pool:max_pool
[TL] Conv2dLayer model/cnn2: shape:(5, 5, 64, 64) strides:(1, 1, 1, 1) pad:SAME act:identity
[TL] BatchNormLayer model/batch2: decay:1.000000 epsilon:0.000010 act:relu is_train:False
[TL] PoolLayer   model/pool2: ksize:[1, 3, 3, 1] strides:[1, 2, 2, 1] padding:SAME pool:max_pool
[TL] FlattenLayer model/flatten: 2304
[TL] DenseLayer  model/d1relu: 384 relu
[TL] DenseLayer  model/d2relu: 192 relu
[TL] DenseLayer  model/output: 10 identity
[TL]   [*] geting variables with relu/W
[TL]   got   0: model/d1relu/W:0   (2304, 384)
[TL]   got   1: model/d2relu/W:0   (384, 192)
[TL] InputLayer  model/input: (?, 24, 24, 3)
[TL] Conv2dLayer model/cnn1: shape:(5, 5, 3, 64) strides:(1, 1, 1, 1) pad:SAME act:identity
[TL] BatchNormLayer model/batch1: decay:0.000000 epsilon:0.000010 act:relu is_train:False
[TL] PoolLayer   model/pool1: ksize:[1, 3, 3, 1] strides:[1, 2, 2, 1] padding:SAME pool:max_pool
[TL] Conv2dLayer model/cnn2: shape:(5, 5, 64, 64) strides:(1, 1, 1, 1) pad:SAME act:identity
[TL] BatchNormLayer model/batch2: decay:0.000000 epsilon:0.000010 act:relu is_train:False
[TL] PoolLayer   model/pool2: ksize:[1, 3, 3, 1] strides:[1, 2, 2, 1] padding:SAME pool:max_pool
[TL] FlattenLayer model/flatten: 2304
[TL] DenseLayer  model/d1relu: 384 relu
[TL] DenseLayer  model/d2relu: 192 relu
[TL] DenseLayer  model/output: 10 identity
[TL]   [*] geting variables with relu/W
[TL]   got   0: model/d1relu/W:0   (2304, 384)
[TL]   got   1: model/d2relu/W:0   (384, 192)
[TL]   param   0: model/cnn1/W_conv2d:0 (5, 5, 3, 64)      float32_ref (mean: -6.707941793138161e-05, median: -0.0002945567830465734, std: 0.04467574506998062)
[TL]   param   1: model/batch1/beta:0  (64,)              float32_ref (mean: 0.0               , median: 0.0               , std: 0.0               )
[TL]   param   2: model/batch1/gamma:0 (64,)              float32_ref (mean: 1.0000028610229492, median: 1.0004527568817139, std: 0.0017540337285026908)
[TL]   param   3: model/batch1/moving_mean:0 (64,)              float32_ref (mean: 0.0               , median: 0.0               , std: 0.0               )
[TL]   param   4: model/batch1/moving_variance:0 (64,)              float32_ref (mean: 1.0               , median: 1.0               , std: 0.0               )
[TL]   param   5: model/cnn2/W_conv2d:0 (5, 5, 64, 64)     float32_ref (mean: 0.00024428602773696184, median: 0.00021454220404848456, std: 0.04403800144791603)
[TL]   param   6: model/batch2/beta:0  (64,)              float32_ref (mean: 0.0               , median: 0.0               , std: 0.0               )
[TL]   param   7: model/batch2/gamma:0 (64,)              float32_ref (mean: 0.9998328685760498, median: 0.9997196197509766, std: 0.0016550050349906087)
[TL]   param   8: model/batch2/moving_mean:0 (64,)              float32_ref (mean: 0.0               , median: 0.0               , std: 0.0               )
[TL]   param   9: model/batch2/moving_variance:0 (64,)              float32_ref (mean: 1.0               , median: 1.0               , std: 0.0               )
[TL]   param  10: model/d1relu/W:0     (2304, 384)        float32_ref (mean: 1.2988122932711121e-07, median: 3.339437898830511e-05, std: 0.03518938273191452)
[TL]   param  11: model/d1relu/b:0     (384,)             float32_ref (mean: 0.10000001639127731, median: 0.10000000149011612, std: 1.4901161193847656e-08)
[TL]   param  12: model/d2relu/W:0     (384, 192)         float32_ref (mean: -1.2792263987648766e-05, median: -8.625022019259632e-05, std: 0.03525445982813835)
[TL]   param  13: model/d2relu/b:0     (192,)             float32_ref (mean: 0.10000001639127731, median: 0.10000000149011612, std: 1.4901161193847656e-08)
[TL]   param  14: model/output/W:0     (192, 10)          float32_ref (mean: -0.0001271871296921745, median: -4.541782254818827e-05, std: 0.004512488376349211)
[TL]   param  15: model/output/b:0     (10,)              float32_ref (mean: 0.0               , median: 0.0               , std: 0.0               )
[TL]   num of params: 1068682
[TL]   layer   0: model/cnn1/Identity:0 (?, 24, 24, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   1: model/batch1/Relu:0  (?, 24, 24, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   2: model/pool1:0        (?, 12, 12, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   3: model/cnn2/Identity:0 (?, 12, 12, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   4: model/batch2/Relu:0  (?, 12, 12, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   5: model/pool2:0        (?, 6, 6, 64)      float32
[TL]   layer   6: model/flatten:0      (?, 2304)          float32
[TL]   layer   7: model/d1relu/Relu:0  (?, 384)           float32
[TL]   layer   8: model/d2relu/Relu:0  (?, 192)           float32
[TL]   layer   9: model/output/Identity:0 (?, 10)            float32
learning_rate: 0.000100
batch_size: 128
Epoch 1 of 5 took 636.231431s
test loss: 2.591613
test acc: 0.405048
Epoch 2 of 5 took 621.926292s
test loss: 2.159147
test acc: 0.461038
Epoch 3 of 5 took 621.099491s
test loss: 1.901962
test acc: 0.497396
Epoch 4 of 5 took 621.817092s
test loss: 1.750391
test acc: 0.533554
Epoch 5 of 5 took 622.831094s
test loss: 1.602891
test acc: 0.561198
[Finished in 3363.0s]


[code]# network, cost, _ = model_batch_norm(x, y_, reuse=False, is_train=True)
network, cost, _ = model(x, y_, reuse=False)
# _, cost_test, acc = model_batch_norm(x, y_, reuse=True, is_train=False)
_, cost_test, acc = model(x, y_, reuse=True)
[code][TL] Load or Download cifar10 > data\cifar10
[TL] InputLayer  model/input: (?, 24, 24, 3)
[TL] Conv2dLayer model/cnn1: shape:(5, 5, 3, 64) strides:(1, 1, 1, 1) pad:SAME act:relu
[TL] PoolLayer   model/pool1: ksize:[1, 3, 3, 1] strides:[1, 2, 2, 1] padding:SAME pool:max_pool
[TL] LocalResponseNormLayer model/norm1: depth_radius: 4, bias: 1.000000, alpha: 0.000111, beta: 0.750000
[TL] Conv2dLayer model/cnn2: shape:(5, 5, 64, 64) strides:(1, 1, 1, 1) pad:SAME act:relu
[TL] LocalResponseNormLayer model/norm2: depth_radius: 4, bias: 1.000000, alpha: 0.000111, beta: 0.750000
[TL] PoolLayer   model/pool2: ksize:[1, 3, 3, 1] strides:[1, 2, 2, 1] padding:SAME pool:max_pool
[TL] FlattenLayer model/flatten: 2304
[TL] DenseLayer  model/d1relu: 384 relu
[TL] DenseLayer  model/d2relu: 192 relu
[TL] DenseLayer  model/output: 10 identity
[TL]   [*] geting variables with relu/W
[TL]   got   0: model/d1relu/W:0   (2304, 384)
[TL]   got   1: model/d2relu/W:0   (384, 192)
[TL] InputLayer  model/input: (?, 24, 24, 3)
[TL] Conv2dLayer model/cnn1: shape:(5, 5, 3, 64) strides:(1, 1, 1, 1) pad:SAME act:relu
[TL] PoolLayer   model/pool1: ksize:[1, 3, 3, 1] strides:[1, 2, 2, 1] padding:SAME pool:max_pool
[TL] LocalResponseNormLayer model/norm1: depth_radius: 4, bias: 1.000000, alpha: 0.000111, beta: 0.750000
[TL] Conv2dLayer model/cnn2: shape:(5, 5, 64, 64) strides:(1, 1, 1, 1) pad:SAME act:relu
[TL] LocalResponseNormLayer model/norm2: depth_radius: 4, bias: 1.000000, alpha: 0.000111, beta: 0.750000
[TL] PoolLayer   model/pool2: ksize:[1, 3, 3, 1] strides:[1, 2, 2, 1] padding:SAME pool:max_pool
[TL] FlattenLayer model/flatten: 2304
[TL] DenseLayer  model/d1relu: 384 relu
[TL] DenseLayer  model/d2relu: 192 relu
[TL] DenseLayer  model/output: 10 identity
[TL]   [*] geting variables with relu/W
[TL]   got   0: model/d1relu/W:0   (2304, 384)
[TL]   got   1: model/d2relu/W:0   (384, 192)
[TL]   param   0: model/cnn1/W_conv2d:0 (5, 5, 3, 64)      float32_ref (mean: -0.0007399556925520301, median: -0.0007501489599235356, std: 0.04392556473612785)
[TL]   param   1: model/cnn1/b_conv2d:0 (64,)              float32_ref (mean: 0.0               , median: 0.0               , std: 0.0               )
[TL]   param   2: model/cnn2/W_conv2d:0 (5, 5, 64, 64)     float32_ref (mean: -0.00014188421482685953, median: -6.345209840219468e-05, std: 0.04388545826077461)
[TL]   param   3: model/cnn2/b_conv2d:0 (64,)              float32_ref (mean: 0.0               , median: 0.0               , std: 0.0               )
[TL]   param   4: model/d1relu/W:0     (2304, 384)        float32_ref (mean: -7.075626484720487e-08, median: 2.1870484488317743e-05, std: 0.03522096574306488)
[TL]   param   5: model/d1relu/b:0     (384,)             float32_ref (mean: 0.10000001639127731, median: 0.10000000149011612, std: 1.4901161193847656e-08)
[TL]   param   6: model/d2relu/W:0     (384, 192)         float32_ref (mean: 5.2912779210601e-05, median: 7.745348557364196e-05, std: 0.035123955458402634)
[TL]   param   7: model/d2relu/b:0     (192,)             float32_ref (mean: 0.10000001639127731, median: 0.10000000149011612, std: 1.4901161193847656e-08)
[TL]   param   8: model/output/W:0     (192, 10)          float32_ref (mean: -7.402043411275372e-05, median: -2.809507896017749e-05, std: 0.004525790922343731)
[TL]   param   9: model/output/b:0     (10,)              float32_ref (mean: 0.0               , median: 0.0               , std: 0.0               )
learning_rate: 0.000100
[TL]   num of params: 1068298
[TL]   layer   0: model/cnn1/Relu:0    (?, 24, 24, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   1: model/pool1:0        (?, 12, 12, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   2: model/norm1/LRN:0    (?, 12, 12, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   3: model/cnn2/Relu:0    (?, 12, 12, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   4: model/norm2/LRN:0    (?, 12, 12, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   5: model/pool2:0        (?, 6, 6, 64)      float32
[TL]   layer   6: model/flatten:0      (?, 2304)          float32
[TL]   layer   7: model/d1relu/Relu:0  (?, 384)           float32
[TL]   layer   8: model/d2relu/Relu:0  (?, 192)           float32
[TL]   layer   9: model/output/Identity:0 (?, 10)            float32
batch_size: 128
Epoch 1 of 5 took 743.840507s
test loss: 2.578664
test acc: 0.398538

速度更慢了,700多秒~~~~~,从第一个 epoch来看,起始是比model_batch_norm低的,总的来说图像处理CNN还是要有强大的GPU才行~~

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