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A 2017 Guide to Semantic Segmentation with Deep Learning 笔记

2018-03-23 17:26 501 查看
原文A 2017 Guide to Semantic Segmentation with Deep Learning

0. Intro

1. Problem

1.1 before deep

1.2 current

1.3 postprocessing

2. Models

0. Intro

mainly use natural/real world image datasets

why medical images are different from natural images

dataset: VOC2012, MSCOCO

metric: mean IOU

1. Problem

1.1 before deep

before deep


random forest based classifier


classifaction fixed input size

pooling layer: discard ‘where’ infomation

patch classication

classification networks usually have full connected layers and therefore required fixed size images.

1.2 current


allow segmentation on any size image


encoder-decoder arch

dilated conv


encoder: reduces the spatial dimension with pooling layer

decoder: recover object details and spatial dimension

shortcut connections: help decoder recover the object details better

dilated conv

away with pooling layers

1.3 postprocessing

CRF postprocessing

similar intensity pixels tend to be labeled as same class

boost scores by 1-2%

2. Models

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