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2018-03-08 12:34 831 查看
1. 字符串类型及其常用操作
2. 整数和浮点数的常用运算
3. 注释的使用

2-2. Simple Messages: Store a message in a variable, and print that message. Then change the value of your variable to a new message, and print the new message.
代码:#March 8th, 2018
#By Zachary

message = "Zack"
message = "Zachary"

2-3. Personal Message: Store a person’s name in a variable, and print a message to that person. Your message should be simple, such as, “Hello Eric, would you like to learn some Python today?”
代码:#March 8th, 2018
#By Zachary

name = "Zachary"
print("Hello "+name+", would you like to learn some Python today?")
2-4. Name Cases: Store a person’s name in a variable, and then print that person’s name in lowercase, uppercase, and titlecase.知识点分析:字符串的大小写转换方法:
    title(): 将字符串中每个单词的首字母改成大写
    upper(): 将字符串中的所有字母都改为大写

代码:#March 8th, 2018
#By Zachary

name = "Zachary lei" #just designed to test the functions

2-5&2-6 Famous Quote: Find a quote from a famous person you admire. Print the quote and the name of its author. Your output should look something like the following, including the quotation marks:
Albert Einstein once said, “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”
store the famous person’s name in a variable called famous_person. Then compose your message and store it in a new variable called message. Print your message.
代码:#March 8th, 2018
#By Zachary

famous_person = "J.Ruskin"
message = "Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass."
print(famous_person+' once said, "'+message+'"')
2-7. Stripping Names: Store a person’s name, and include some whitespace characters at the beginning and end of the name. Make sure you use each character combination, "\t" and "\n", at least once. Print the name once, so the whitespace around the name is displayed. Then print the name using each of the three stripping functions, lstrip(), rstrip(), and strip().
    lstrip(): 删除字符串前面的空白字符
    rstrip(): 删除字符串后面的空白字符
    strip(): 删除字符串前后的空白字符

代码:#March 8th, 2018
#By Zachary

name = "\n\tZachary Lei \n"
print(name.strip())2-9. Favorite Number: Store your favorite number in a variable. Then, using that variable, create a message that reveals your favorite number. Print that message.
代码:#March 8th, 2018
#By Zachary

number = 0
message = "My favourite number is " + str(number)

Reference: 中山大学林瀚老师《高级编程技术》课件
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标签:  Python