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XenServer 显示当前使用者的列表

2018-02-28 13:13 134 查看
• 运行以下命令:xe role-list
uuid( RO): 0165f154-ba3e-034e-6b27-5d271af109ba
name ( RO): pool-admin
description ( RO): The Pool Administrator role has full access to all
features and settings, including accessing Dom0 and managing subjects,
roles and external authentication
uuid ( RO): b9ce9791-0604-50cd-0649-09b3284c7dfd
name ( RO): pool-operator
description ( RO): The Pool Operator role manages host- and pool-wide resources,
including setting up storage, creating resource pools and managing patches, and
high availability (HA).
uuid( RO): 7955168d-7bec-10ed-105f-c6a7e6e63249
name ( RO): vm-power-admin
description ( RO): The VM Power Administrator role has full access to VM and
template management and can choose where to start VMs and use the dynamic memory
control and VM snapshot features
uuid ( RO): aaa00ab5-7340-bfbc-0d1b-7cf342639a6e
name ( RO): vm-admin
description ( RO): The VM Administrator role can manage VMs and templates
uuid ( RO): fb8d4ff9-310c-a959-0613-54101535d3d5
name ( RO): vm-operator
description ( RO): The VM Operator role can use VMs and interact with VM consoles
uuid ( RO): 7233b8e3-eacb-d7da-2c95-f2e581cdbf4e
name ( RO): read-only
description ( RO): The Read-Only role can log in with basic read-only access
此角色列表是静态列表;无法在其中添加、删除或修改角色。 显示当前使用者的列表:
• 运行命令 xe subject-list
此命令将返回 XenServer 用户、其 uuid 及其相关联的角色的列表:
uuid ( RO): bb6dd239-1fa9-a06b-a497-3be28b8dca44
subject-identifier ( RO): S-1-5-21-1539997073-1618981536-2562117463-2244
other-config (MRO): subject-name: example01\user_vm_admin; subject-upn: \
user_vm_admin@XENDT.NET; subject-uid: 1823475908; subject-gid: 1823474177; \
subject-sid: S-1-5-21-1539997073-1618981536-2562117463-2244; subject-gecos: \
user_vm_admin; subject-displayname: user_vm_admin; subject-is-group: false; \
subject-account-disabled: false; subject-account-expired: false; \
subject-account-locked: false;subject-password-expired: false
roles (SRO): vm-admin
uuid ( RO): 4fe89a50-6a1a-d9dd-afb9-b554cd00c01a
subject-identifier ( RO): S-1-5-21-1539997073-1618981536-2562117463-2245
other-config (MRO): subject-name: example02\user_vm_op; subject-upn: \
user_vm_op@XENDT.NET; subject-uid: 1823475909; subject-gid: 1823474177; \
subject-sid: S-1-5-21-1539997073-1618981536-2562117463-2245; \
subject-gecos: user_vm_op; subject-displayname: user_vm_op; \
subject-is-group: false; subject-account-disabled: false; \
subject-account-expired: false; subject-account-locked: \
false; subject-password-expired: false
roles (SRO): vm-operator
uuid ( RO): 8a63fbf0-9ef4-4fef-b4a5-b42984c27267
subject-identifier ( RO): S-1-5-21-1539997073-1618981536-2562117463-2242
other-config (MRO): subject-name: example03\user_pool_op; \
subject-upn: user_pool_op@XENDT.NET; subject-uid: 1823475906; \
subject-gid: 1823474177; subject-s id:
S-1-5-21-1539997073-1618981536-2562117463-2242; \
subject-gecos: user_pool_op; subject-displayname: user_pool_op; \
subject-is-group: false; subject-account-disabled: false; \
subject-account-expired: false; subject-account-locked: \
false; subject-password-expired: false
roles (SRO): pool-operator
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