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opencv cvSVD思考(测试代码和matlab对比)

2018-02-27 17:55 489 查看
A =

1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0

>> [S V D]=svd(A)

S =

0.8460 0.2261 0.4828 0
0.1922 0.7154 -0.6718 0
0.4973 -0.6611 -0.5618 0
0 0 0 1.0000

V =

2.3244 0 0 0
0 1.1472 0 0
0 0 0.5304 0
0 0 0 0

D =

0.3640 0.1971 0.9103 0
0.4467 0.8207 -0.3563 0
0.5779 -0.3792 -0.1490 -0.7071
0.5779 -0.3792 -0.1490 0.7071
*/opencv cvSVD 原理

opencv 奇异值分解(SVD)测试代码:

#if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER >= 1200
/* disable warnings related to inline functions */
#pragma warning( disable: 4711 4710 4514 )

typedef unsigned long ulong;

#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#define WIN32
#define CV_DLL

#include "cxcore.h"
#include "cxmisc.h"
#include "_cxipp_my.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>

// -128.f ... 255.f
extern const float icv8x32fTab[];
#define CV_8TO32F(x) icv8x32fTab[(x)+128]

extern const ushort icv8x16uSqrTab[];
#define CV_SQR_8U(x) icv8x16uSqrTab[(x)+255]

extern const char* icvHersheyGlyphs[];

extern const signed char icvDepthToType[];

#define icvIplToCvDepth( depth ) \
icvDepthToType[(((depth) & 255) >> 2) + ((depth) < 0)]

extern const uchar icvSaturate8u[];
#define CV_FAST_CAST_8U(t) (assert(-256 <= (t) && (t) <= 512), icvSaturate8u[(t)+256])
#define CV_MIN_8U(a,b) ((a) - CV_FAST_CAST_8U((a) - (b)))
#define CV_MAX_8U(a,b) ((a) + CV_FAST_CAST_8U((b) - (a)))

typedef CvFunc2D_3A1I CvArithmBinMaskFunc2D;
typedef CvFunc2D_2A1P1I CvArithmUniMaskFunc2D;

* Complex arithmetics *

struct CvComplex32f;
struct CvComplex64f;

struct CvComplex32f
float re, im;

CvComplex32f() {}
CvComplex32f( float _re, float _im=0 ) : re(_re), im(_im) {}
explicit CvComplex32f( const CvComplex64f& v );
//CvComplex32f( const CvComplex32f& v ) : re(v.re), im(v.im) {}
//CvComplex32f& operator = (const CvComplex32f& v ) { re = v.re; im = v.im; return *this; }
operator CvComplex64f() const;

struct CvComplex64f
double re, im;

CvComplex64f() {}
CvComplex64f( double _re, double _im=0 ) : re(_re), im(_im) {}
explicit CvComplex64f( const CvComplex32f& v );
//CvComplex64f( const CvComplex64f& v ) : re(v.re), im(v.im) {}
//CvComplex64f& operator = (const CvComplex64f& v ) { re = v.re; im = v.im; return *this; }
operator CvComplex32f() const;

inline CvComplex32f::CvComplex32f( const CvComplex64f& v ) : re((float)v.re), im((float)v.im) {}
inline CvComplex64f::CvComplex64f( const CvComplex32f& v ) : re(v.re), im(v.im) {}

inline CvComplex32f operator + (CvComplex32f a, CvComplex32f b)
return CvComplex32f( a.re + b.re, a.im + b.im );

inline CvComplex32f& operator += (CvComplex32f& a, CvComplex32f b)
a.re += b.re;
a.im += b.im;
return a;

inline CvComplex32f operator - (CvComplex32f a, CvComplex32f b)
return CvComplex32f( a.re - b.re, a.im - b.im );

inline CvComplex32f& operator -= (CvComplex32f& a, CvComplex32f b)
a.re -= b.re;
a.im -= b.im;
return a;

inline CvComplex32f operator - (CvComplex32f a)
return CvComplex32f( -a.re, -a.im );

inline CvComplex32f operator * (CvComplex32f a, CvComplex32f b)
return CvComplex32f( a.re*b.re - a.im*b.im, a.re*b.im + a.im*b.re );

inline double abs(CvComplex32f a)
return sqrt( (double)a.re*a.re + (double)a.im*a.im );

inline CvComplex32f conj(CvComplex32f a)
return CvComplex32f( a.re, -a.im );

inline CvComplex32f operator / (CvComplex32f a, CvComplex32f b)
double t = 1./((double)b.re*b.re + (double)b.im*b.im);
return CvComplex32f( (float)((a.re*b.re + a.im*b.im)*t),
(float)((-a.re*b.im + a.im*b.re)*t) );

inline CvComplex32f operator * (double a, CvComplex32f b)
return CvComplex32f( (float)(a*b.re), (float)(a*b.im) );

inline CvComplex32f operator * (CvComplex32f a, double b)
return CvComplex32f( (float)(a.re*b), (float)(a.im*b) );

inline CvComplex32f::operator CvComplex64f() const
return CvComplex64f(re,im);

inline CvComplex64f operator + (CvComplex64f a, CvComplex64f b)
return CvComplex64f( a.re + b.re, a.im + b.im );

inline CvComplex64f& operator += (CvComplex64f& a, CvComplex64f b)
a.re += b.re;
a.im += b.im;
return a;

inline CvComplex64f operator - (CvComplex64f a, CvComplex64f b)
return CvComplex64f( a.re - b.re, a.im - b.im );

inline CvComplex64f& operator -= (CvComplex64f& a, CvComplex64f b)
a.re -= b.re;
a.im -= b.im;
return a;

inline CvComplex64f operator - (CvComplex64f a)
return CvComplex64f( -a.re, -a.im );

inline CvComplex64f operator * (CvComplex64f a, CvComplex64f b)
return CvComplex64f( a.re*b.re - a.im*b.im, a.re*b.im + a.im*b.re );

inline double abs(CvComplex64f a)
return sqrt( (double)a.re*a.re + (double)a.im*a.im );

inline CvComplex64f operator / (CvComplex64f a, CvComplex64f b)
double t = 1./((double)b.re*b.re + (double)b.im*b.im);
return CvComplex64f( (a.re*b.re + a.im*b.im)*t,
(-a.re*b.im + a.im*b.re)*t );

inline CvComplex64f operator * (double a, CvComplex64f b)
return CvComplex64f( a*b.re, a*b.im );

inline CvComplex64f operator * (CvComplex64f a, double b)
return CvComplex64f( a.re*b, a.im*b );

inline CvComplex64f::operator CvComplex32f() const
return CvComplex32f((float)re,(float)im);

inline CvComplex64f conj(CvComplex64f a)
return CvComplex64f( a.re, -a.im );

inline CvComplex64f operator + (CvComplex64f a, CvComplex32f b)
return CvComplex64f( a.re + b.re, a.im + b.im );

inline CvComplex64f operator + (CvComplex32f a, CvComplex64f b)
return CvComplex64f( a.re + b.re, a.im + b.im );

inline CvComplex64f operator - (CvComplex64f a, CvComplex32f b)
return CvComplex64f( a.re - b.re, a.im - b.im );

inline CvComplex64f operator - (CvComplex32f a, CvComplex64f b)
return CvComplex64f( a.re - b.re, a.im - b.im );

inline CvComplex64f operator * (CvComplex64f a, CvComplex32f b)
return CvComplex64f( a.re*b.re - a.im*b.im, a.re*b.im + a.im*b.re );

inline CvComplex64f operator * (CvComplex32f a, CvComplex64f b)
return CvComplex64f( a.re*b.re - a.im*b.im, a.re*b.im + a.im*b.re );

typedef CvStatus (CV_STDCALL * CvCopyMaskFunc)(const void* src, int src_step,
void* dst, int dst_step, CvSize size,
const void* mask, int mask_step);

CvCopyMaskFunc icvGetCopyMaskFunc( int elem_size );

CvStatus CV_STDCALL icvSetZero_8u_C1R( uchar* dst, int dststep, CvSize size );

CvStatus CV_STDCALL icvScale_32f( const float* src, float* dst, int len, float a, float b );
CvStatus CV_STDCALL icvScale_64f( const double* src, double* dst, int len, double a, double b );

CvStatus CV_STDCALL icvLUT_Transform8u_8u_C1R( const uchar* src, int srcstep, uchar* dst,
int dststep, CvSize size, const uchar* lut );
CvStatus CV_STDCALL icvLUT_Transform8u_16u_C1R( const uchar* src, int srcstep, ushort* dst,
int dststep, CvSize size, const ushort* lut );
CvStatus CV_STDCALL icvLUT_Transform8u_32s_C1R( con
st uchar* src, int srcstep, int* dst,
int dststep, CvSize size, const int* lut );
CvStatus CV_STDCALL icvLUT_Transform8u_64f_C1R( const uchar* src, int srcstep, double* dst,
int dststep, CvSize size, const double* lut );

CvStatus CV_STDCALL icvLUT_Transform8u_8u_C2R( const uchar* src, int srcstep, uchar* dst,
int dststep, CvSize size, const uchar* lut );
CvStatus CV_STDCALL icvLUT_Transform8u_8u_C3R( const uchar* src, int srcstep, uchar* dst,
int dststep, CvSize size, const uchar* lut );
CvStatus CV_STDCALL icvLUT_Transform8u_8u_C4R( const uchar* src, int srcstep, uchar* dst,
int dststep, CvSize size, const uchar* lut );

typedef CvStatus (CV_STDCALL * CvLUT_TransformFunc)( const void* src, int srcstep, void* dst,
int dststep, CvSize size, const void* lut );

icvLUT_Transform8u_8s_C1R( const uchar* src, int srcstep, char* dst,
int dststep, CvSize size, const char* lut )
return icvLUT_Transform8u_8u_C1R( src, srcstep, (uchar*)dst,
dststep, size, (const uchar*)lut );

icvLUT_Transform8u_16s_C1R( const uchar* src, int srcstep, short* dst,
int dststep, CvSize size, const short* lut )
return icvLUT_Transform8u_16u_C1R( src, srcstep, (ushort*)dst,
dststep, size, (const ushort*)lut );

icvLUT_Transform8u_32f_C1R( const uchar* src, int srcstep, float* dst,
int dststep, CvSize size, const float* lut )
return icvLUT_Transform8u_32s_C1R( src, srcstep, (int*)dst,
dststep, size, (const int*)lut );

#endif /*_CXCORE_INTERNAL_H_*/ _cxipp_my.h#ifndef _CXCORE_IPP_H_
#define _CXCORE_IPP_H_

* Copy/Set *

/* temporary disable ipp zero and copy functions as they affect subsequent functions' performance */
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCopy_8u_C1R, "ippiCopy_8u_C1R", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI)*/,
( const uchar* src, int src_step,
uchar* dst, int dst_step, CvSize size ))

IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSetByte_8u_C1R, "ippiSet_8u_C1R", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI)*/,
( uchar value, uchar* dst, int dst_step, CvSize size ))

IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCvt_32f64f, "ippsConvert_32f64f",
CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPS), ( const float* src, double* dst, int len ))
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCvt_64f32f, "ippsConvert_64f32f",
CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPS), ( const double* src, float* dst, int len ))

#define IPCV_COPYSET( flavor, arrtype, scalartype ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCopy##flavor, "ippiCopy" #flavor, \
( const arrtype* src, int srcstep, \
arrtype* dst, int dststep, CvSize size, \
const uchar* mask, int maskstep )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSet##flavor, "ippiSet" #flavor, \
( arrtype* dst, int dststep, \
const uchar* mask, int maskstep, \
CvSize size, const arrtype* scalar ))

IPCV_COPYSET( _8u_C1MR, uchar, int )
IPCV_COPYSET( _16s_C1MR, ushort, int )
IPCV_COPYSET( _8u_C3MR, uchar, int )
IPCV_COPYSET( _8u_C4MR, int, int )
IPCV_COPYSET( _16s_C3MR, ushort, int )
IPCV_COPYSET( _16s_C4MR, int64, int64 )
IPCV_COPYSET( _32f_C3MR, int, int )
IPCV_COPYSET( _32f_C4MR, int, int )
IPCV_COPYSET( _64s_C3MR, int64, int64 )
IPCV_COPYSET( _64s_C4MR, int64, int64 )

* Arithmetics *

#define IPCV_BIN_ARITHM( name ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icv##name##_8u_C1R, \
"ippi" #name "_8u_C1RSfs", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const uchar* src1, int srcstep1, const uchar* src2, int srcstep2, \
uchar* dst, int dststep, CvSize size, int scalefactor )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icv##name##_16u_C1R, \
"ippi" #name "_16u_C1RSfs", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const ushort* src1, int srcstep1, const ushort* src2, int srcstep2,\
ushort* dst, int dststep, CvSize size, int scalefactor )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icv##name##_16s_C1R, \
"ippi" #name "_16s_C1RSfs", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const short* src1, int srcstep1, const short* src2, int srcstep2, \
short* dst, int dststep, CvSize size, int scalefactor )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icv##name##_32s_C1R, \
"ippi" #name "_32s_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const int* src1, int srcstep1, const int* src2, int srcstep2, \
int* dst, int dststep, CvSize size )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icv##name##_32f_C1R, \
"ippi" #name "_32f_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const float* src1, int srcstep1, const float* src2, int srcstep2, \
float* dst, int dststep, CvSize size )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icv##name##_64f_C1R, \
"ippi" #name "_64f_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const double* src1, int srcstep1, const double* src2, int srcstep2,\
double* dst, int dststep, CvSize size ))



* Logical operations *

#define IPCV_LOGIC( name ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icv##name##_8u_C1R, \
"ippi" #name "_8u_C1R", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI)*/, \
( const uchar* src1, int srcstep1, const uchar* src2, int srcstep2, \
uchar* dst, int dststep, CvSize size ))



IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNot_8u_C1R, "ippiNot_8u_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI),
( const uchar* src, int step1, uchar* dst, int step, CvSize size ))

* Image Statistics *

///////////////////////////////////////// Mean //////////////////////////////////////////

#define IPCV_DEF_MEAN_MASK( flavor, srctype ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvMean_##flavor##_C1MR, \
"ippiMean_" #flavor "_C1MR", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPCV), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, const uchar* mask, \
int maskStep, CvSize size, double* mean )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvMean_##flavor##_C2MR, \
"ippiMean_" #flavor "_C2MR", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_OPTCV)*/, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, const uchar* mask, \
int maskStep, CvSize size, double* mean )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvMean_##flavor##_C3MR, \
"ippiMean_" #flavor "_C3MR", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_OPTCV)*/, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, const uchar* mask, \
int maskStep, CvSize size, double* mean )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvMean_##flavor##_C4MR, \
"ippiMean_" #flavor "_C4MR", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_OPTCV)*/, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, const uchar* mask, \
int maskStep, CvSize size, double* mean ))

IPCV_DEF_MEAN_MASK( 8u, uchar )
IPCV_DEF_MEAN_MASK( 16u, ushort )
IPCV_DEF_MEAN_MASK( 16s, short )
IPCV_DEF_MEAN_MASK( 32s, int )
IPCV_DEF_MEAN_MASK( 32f, float )
IPCV_DEF_MEAN_MASK( 64f, double )


//////////////////////////////////// Mean_StdDev ////////////////////////////////////////


#define IPCV_DEF_MEAN_SDV( flavor, srctype ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvMean_StdDev_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiMean_StdDev_" #flavor "_C1R", ICV_MEAN_SDV_PLUGIN, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, CvSize size, double* mean, double* sdv ))\
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvMean_StdDev_##flavor##_C2R, \
"ippiMean_StdDev_" #flavor "_C2R", ICV_MEAN_SDV_PLUGIN, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, CvSize size, double* mean, double* sdv ))\
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvMean_StdDev_##flavor##_C3R, \
"ippiMean_StdDev_" #flavor "_C3R", ICV_MEAN_SDV_PLUGIN, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, CvSize size, double* mean, double* sdv ))\
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvMean_StdDev_##flavor##_C4R, \
"ippiMean_StdDev_" #flavor "_C4R", ICV_MEAN_SDV_PLUGIN, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, CvSize size, double* mean, double* sdv ))\
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvMean_StdDev_##flavor##_C1MR, \
"ippiMean_StdDev_" #flavor "_C1MR", ICV_MEAN_SDV_PLUGIN, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
const uchar* mask, int maskStep, \
CvSize size, double* mean, double* sdv )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvMean_StdDev_##flavor##_C2MR, \
"ippiMean_StdDev_" #flavor "_C2MR", ICV_MEAN_SDV_PLUGIN, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, const uchar* mask, int maskStep, \
CvSize size, double* mean, double* sdv )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvMean_StdDev_##flavor##_C3MR, \
"ippiMean_StdDev_" #flavor "_C3MR", ICV_MEAN_SDV_PLUGIN, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
const uchar* mask, int maskStep, \
CvSize size, double* mean, double* sdv )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvMean_StdDev_##flavor##_C4MR, \
"ippiMean_StdDev_" #flavor "_C4MR", ICV_MEAN_SDV_PLUGIN, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
const uchar* mask, int maskStep, \
CvSize size, double* mean, double* sdv ))

IPCV_DEF_MEAN_SDV( 8u, uchar )
IPCV_DEF_MEAN_SDV( 16u, ushort )
IPCV_DEF_MEAN_SDV( 16s, short )
IPCV_DEF_MEAN_SDV( 32s, int )
IPCV_DEF_MEAN_SDV( 32f, float )
IPCV_DEF_MEAN_SDV( 64f, double )


//////////////////////////////////// MinMaxIndx /////////////////////////////////////////

#define IPCV_DEF_MIN_MAX_LOC( flavor, srctype, extrtype ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvMinMaxIndx_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiMinMaxIndx_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPCV), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, extrtype* minVal, extrtype* maxVal, \
CvPoint* minLoc, CvPoint* maxLoc )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvMinMaxIndx_##flavor##_C1MR, \
"ippiMinMaxIndx_" #flavor "_C1MR", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPCV),\
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
const uchar* mask, int maskStep, \
CvSize size, extrtype* minVal, extrtype* maxVal, \
CvPoint* minLoc, CvPoint* maxLoc ))

IPCV_DEF_MIN_MAX_LOC( 8u, uchar, float )
IPCV_DEF_MIN_MAX_LOC( 16u, ushort, float )
IPCV_DEF_MIN_MAX_LOC( 16s, short, float )
IPCV_DEF_MIN_MAX_LOC( 32s, int, double )
IPCV_DEF_MIN_MAX_LOC( 32f, int, float )
IPCV_DEF_MIN_MAX_LOC( 64f, int64, double )


////////////////////////////////////////// Sum //////////////////////////////////////////

#define IPCV_DEF_SUM_NOHINT( flavor, srctype ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSum_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiSum_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* sum )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSum_##flavor##_C2R, \
"ippiSum_" #flavor "_C2R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* sum )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSum_##flavor##_C3R, \
"ippiSum_" #flavor "_C3R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* sum )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSum_##flavor##_C4R, \
"ippiSum_" #flavor "_C4R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* sum ))

#define IPCV_DEF_SUM_NOHINT_NO_IPP( flavor, srctype ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSum_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiSum_" #flavor "_C1R", 0, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* sum )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSum_##flavor##_C2R, \
"ippiSum_" #flavor "_C2R", 0, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* sum )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSum_##flavor##_C3R, \
"ippiSum_" #flavor "_C3R", 0, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* sum )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSum_##flavor##_C4R, \
"ippiSum_" #flavor "_C4R", 0, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* sum ))

#define IPCV_DEF_SUM_HINT( flavor, srctype ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSum_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiSum_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* sum, CvHintAlgorithm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSum_##flavor##_C2R, \
"ippiSum_" #flavor "_C2R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI)
, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* sum, CvHintAlgorithm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSum_##flavor##_C3R, \
"ippiSum_" #flavor "_C3R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* sum, CvHintAlgorithm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSum_##flavor##_C4R, \
"ippiSum_" #flavor "_C4R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* sum, CvHintAlgorithm ))

IPCV_DEF_SUM_NOHINT( 8u, uchar )
IPCV_DEF_SUM_NOHINT( 16s, short )
IPCV_DEF_SUM_HINT( 32f, float )
IPCV_DEF_SUM_NOHINT( 64f, double )


////////////////////////////////////////// CountNonZero /////////////////////////////////

#define IPCV_DEF_NON_ZERO( flavor, srctype ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCountNonZero_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiCountNonZero_" #flavor "_C1R", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_OPTCV)*/, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, CvSize size, int* nonzero ))

IPCV_DEF_NON_ZERO( 8u, uchar )
IPCV_DEF_NON_ZERO( 16s, ushort )
IPCV_DEF_NON_ZERO( 32s, int )
IPCV_DEF_NON_ZERO( 32f, int )
IPCV_DEF_NON_ZERO( 64f, int64 )


////////////////////////////////////////// Norms /////////////////////////////////

#define IPCV_DEF_NORM_NOHINT_C1( flavor, srctype ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNorm_Inf_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiNorm_Inf_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* norm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNorm_L1_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiNorm_L1_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* norm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNorm_L2_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiNorm_L2_" #flavor "_C1R", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI)*/, \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* norm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNormDiff_Inf_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiNormDiff_Inf_" #flavor "_C1R", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI)*/, \
( const srctype* img1, int imgstep1, \
const srctype* img2, int imgstep2, \
CvSize size, double* norm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNormDiff_L1_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiNormDiff_L1_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img1, int imgstep1, \
const srctype* img2, int imgstep2, \
CvSize size, double* norm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNormDiff_L2_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiNormDiff_L2_" #flavor "_C1R", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI)*/, \
( const srctype* img1, int imgstep1, \
const srctype* img2, int imgstep2, \
CvSize size, double* norm ))

#define IPCV_DEF_NORM_HINT_C1( flavor, srctype ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNorm_Inf_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiNorm_Inf_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* norm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNorm_L1_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiNorm_L1_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* norm, CvHintAlgorithm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNorm_L2_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiNorm_L2_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
CvSize size, double* norm, CvHintAlgorithm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNormDiff_Inf_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiNormDiff_Inf_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img1, int imgstep1, \
const srctype* img2, int imgstep2, \
CvSize size, double* norm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNormDiff_L1_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiNormDiff_L1_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img1, int imgstep1, \
const srctype* img2, int imgstep2, \
CvSize size, double* norm, CvHintAlgorithm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNormDiff_L2_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiNormDiff_L2_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const srctype* img1, int imgstep1, \
const srctype* img2, int imgstep2, \
CvSize size, double* norm, CvHintAlgorithm ))

#define IPCV_DEF_NORM_MASK_C1( flavor, srctype ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNorm_Inf_##flavor##_C1MR, \
"ippiNorm_Inf_" #flavor "_C1MR", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPCV), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
const uchar* mask, int maskstep, \
CvSize size, double* norm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNorm_L1_##flavor##_C1MR, \
"ippiNorm_L1_" #flavor "_C1MR", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPCV), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
const uchar* mask, int maskstep, \
CvSize size, double* norm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNorm_L2_##flavor##_C1MR, \
"ippiNorm_L2_" #flavor "_C1MR", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPCV), \
( const srctype* img, int imgstep, \
const uchar* mask, int maskstep, \
CvSize size, double* norm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNormDiff_Inf_##flavor##_C1MR, \
"ippiNormDiff_Inf_" #flavor "_C1MR", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPCV), \
( const srctype* img1, int imgstep1, \
const srctype* img2, int imgstep2, \
const uchar* mask, int maskstep, \
CvSize size, double* norm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNormDiff_L1_##flavor##_C1MR, \
"ippiNormDiff_L1_" #flavor "_C1MR", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPCV), \
( const srctype* img1, int imgstep1, \
const srctype* img2, int imgstep2, \
const uchar* mask, int maskstep, \
CvSize size, double* norm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvNormDiff_L2_##flavor##_C1MR, \
"ippiNormDiff_L2_" #flavor "_C1MR", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPCV), \
( const srctype* img1, int imgstep1, \
const srctype* img2, int imgstep2, \
const uchar* mask, int maskstep, \
CvSize size, double* norm ))

IPCV_DEF_NORM_NOHINT_C1( 8u, uchar )
IPCV_DEF_NORM_MASK_C1( 8u, uchar )

IPCV_DEF_NORM_NOHINT_C1( 16u, ushort )
IPCV_DEF_NORM_MASK_C1( 16u, ushort )

IPCV_DEF_NORM_NOHINT_C1( 16s, short )
IPCV_DEF_NORM_MASK_C1( 16s, short )

IPCV_DEF_NORM_MASK_C1( 32s, int )

IPCV_DEF_NORM_HINT_C1( 32f, float )
IPCV_DEF_NORM_MASK_C1( 32f, float )

IPCV_DEF_NORM_NOHINT_C1( 64f, double )
IPCV_DEF_NORM_MASK_C1( 64f, double )


////////////////////////////////////// AbsDiff ///////////////////////////////////////////

#define IPCV_ABS_DIFF( flavor, arrtype ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvAbsDiff_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiAbsDiff_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPCV),\
( const arrtype* src1, int srcstep1, \
const arrtype* src2, int srcstep2, \
arrtype* dst, int dststep, CvSize size ))

IPCV_ABS_DIFF( 8u, uchar )
IPCV_ABS_DIFF( 16u, ushort )
IPCV_ABS_DIFF( 16s, short )
IPCV_ABS_DIFF( 32s, int )
IPCV_ABS_DIFF( 32f, float )
IPCV_ABS_DIFF( 64f, double )


////////////////////////////// Comparisons //////////////////////////////////////////

#define IPCV_CMP( arrtype, flavor ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCompare_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiCompare_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const arrtype* src1, int srcstep1, const arrtype* src2, int srcstep2, \
arrtype* dst, int dststep, CvSize size, int cmp_op )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCompareC_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiCompareC_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const arrtype* src1, int srcstep1, arrtype scalar, \
arrtype* dst, int dststep, CvSize size, int cmp_op )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvThreshold_GT_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiThreshold_GT_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const arrtype* pSrc, int srcstep, arrtype* pDst, int dststep, \
CvSize size, arrtype threshold )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvThreshold_LT_##flavor##_C1R, \
"ippiThreshold_LT_" #flavor "_C1R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const arrtype* pSrc, int srcstep, arrtype* pDst, int dststep, \
CvSize size, arrtype threshold ))
IPCV_CMP( uchar, 8u )
IPCV_CMP( short, 16s )
IPCV_CMP( float, 32f )
#undef IPCV_CMP

* Utilities *

////////////////////////////// Copy Pixel <-> Plane /////////////////////////////////

#define IPCV_PIX_PLANE( flavor, arrtype ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCopy_##flavor##_C2P2R, \
"ippiCopy_" #flavor "_C2P2R", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI)*/, \
( const arrtype* src, int srcstep, arrtype** dst, int dststep, CvSize size )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCopy_##flavor##_C3P3R, \
"ippiCopy_" #flavor "_C3P3R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const arrtype* src, int srcstep, arrtype** dst, int dststep, CvSize size )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCopy_##flavor##_C4P4R, \
"ippiCopy_" #flavor "_C4P4R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const arrtype* src, int srcstep, arrtype** dst, int dststep, CvSize size )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCopy_##flavor##_CnC1CR, \
"ippiCopy_" #flavor "_CnC1CR", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_OPTCV)*/, \
( const arrtype* src, int srcstep, arrtype* dst, int dststep, \
CvSize size, int cn, int coi )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCopy_##flavor##_C1CnCR, \
"ippiCopy_" #flavor "_CnC1CR", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_OPTCV)*/, \
( const arrtype* src, int srcstep, arrtype* dst, int dststep, \
CvSize size, int cn, int coi )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCopy_##flavor##_P2C2R, \
"ippiCopy_" #flavor "_P2C2R", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI)*/, \
( const arrtype** src, int srcstep, arrtype* dst, int dststep, CvSize size )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCopy_##flavor##_P3C3R, \
"ippiCopy_" #flavor "_P3C3R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const arrtype** src, int srcstep, arrtype* dst, int dststep, CvSize size )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCopy_##flavor##_P4C4R, \
"ippiCopy_" #flavor "_P4C4R", CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPI), \
( const arrtype** src, int srcstep, arrtype* dst, int dststep, CvSize size ))

IPCV_PIX_PLANE( 8u, uchar )
IPCV_PIX_PLANE( 16s, ushort )
IPCV_PIX_PLANE( 32f, int )
IPCV_PIX_PLANE( 64f, int64 )


/* Math routines and RNGs */

IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvInvSqrt_32f, "ippsInvSqrt_32f_A21",
( const float* src, float* dst, int len ))
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSqrt_32f, "ippsSqrt_32f_A21, ippsSqrt_32f",
( const float* src, float* dst, int len ))
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvInvSqrt_64f, "ippsInvSqrt_64f_A50",
( const double* src, double* dst, int len ))
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvSqrt_64f, "ippsSqrt_64f_A50, ippsSqrt_64f",
( const double* src, double* dst, int len ))

IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvLog_32f, "ippsLn_32f_A21, ippsLn_32f",
( const float *x, float *y, int n ) )
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvLog_64f, "ippsLn_64f_A50, ippsLn_64f",
( const double *x, double *y, int n ) )
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvExp_32f, "ippsExp_32f_A21, ippsExp_32f",
( const float *x, float *y, int n ) )
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvExp_64f, "ippsExp_64f_A50, ippsExp_64f",
( const double *x, double *y, int n ) )
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvFastArctan_32f, "ippibFastArctan_32f",
( const float* y, const float* x, float* angle, int len ))

/* Error handling functions */

IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCheckArray_32f_C1R,
"ippiCheckArray_32f_C1R", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_OPTCV)*/,
( const float* src, int srcstep,
CvSize size, int flags,
double min_val, double max_val ))

IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvCheckArray_64f_C1R,
"ippiCheckArray_64f_C1R", 0/*CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_OPTCV)*/,
( const double* src, int srcstep,
CvSize size, int flags,
double min_val, double max_val ))

/* Affine transformations of matrix/image elements */

#define IPCV_TRANSFORM( suffix, ipp_suffix, cn ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvColorTwist##suffix##_C##cn##R, \
"ippiColorTwist" #ipp_suffix "_C" #cn \
"R,ippiColorTwist" #ipp_suffix "_C" #cn "R", \
( const void* src, int srcstep, void* dst, int dststep, \
CvSize roisize, const float* twist_matrix ))

IPCV_TRANSFORM( _8u, 32f_8u, 3 )
IPCV_TRANSFORM( _16u, 32f_16u, 3 )
IPCV_TRANSFORM( _16s, 32f_16s, 3 )
IPCV_TRANSFORM( _32f, _32f, 3 )
IPCV_TRANSFORM( _32f, _32f, 4 )


#define IPCV_TRANSFORM_N1( suffix ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvColorToGray##suffix, \
"ippiColorToGray" #suffix ",ippiColorToGray" #suffix, \
( const void* src, int srcstep, void* dst, int dststep, \
CvSize roisize, const float* coeffs ))



/* Matrix routines from BLAS/LAPACK compatible libraries */

IPCVAPI_C_EX( void, icvBLAS_GEMM_32f, "sgemm, mkl_sgemm", CV_PLUGINS2(CV_PLUGIN_MKL,CV_PLUGIN_MKL),
(const char *transa, const char *transb, int *n, int *m, int *k,
const void *alpha, const void *a, int *lda, const void *b, int *ldb,
const void *beta, void *c, int *ldc ))

IPCVAPI_C_EX( void, icvBLAS_GEMM_64f, "dgemm, mkl_dgemm", CV_PLUGINS2(CV_PLUGIN_MKL,CV_PLUGIN_MKL),
(const char *transa, const char *transb, int *n, int *m, int *k,
const void *alpha, const void *a, int *lda, const void *b, int *ldb,
const void *beta, void *c, int *ldc ))

IPCVAPI_C_EX( void, icvBLAS_GEMM_32fc, "cgemm, mkl_cgemm", CV_PLUGINS2(CV_PLUGIN_MKL,CV_PLUGIN_MKL),
(const char *transa, const char *transb, int *n, int *m, int *k,
const void *alpha, const void *a, int *lda, const void *b, int *ldb,
const void *beta, void *c, int *ldc ))

IPCVAPI_C_EX( void, icvBLAS_GEMM_64fc, "zgemm, mkl_zgemm", CV_PLUGINS2(CV_PLUGIN_MKL,CV_PLUGIN_MKL),
(const char *transa, const char *transb, int *n, int *m, int *k,
const void *alpha, const void *a, int *lda, const void *b, int *ldb,
const void *beta, void *c, int *ldc ))

#define IPCV_DFT( init_flavor, fwd_flavor, inv_flavor ) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvDFTInitAlloc_##init_flavor, "ippsDFTInitAlloc_" #init_flavor, \
CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPS), ( void**, int, int, CvHintAlgorithm )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvDFTFree_##init_flavor, "ippsDFTFree_" #init_flavor, \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvDFTGetBufSize_##init_flavor, "ippsDFTGetBufSize_" #init_flavor,\
CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPS), ( const void* spec, int* buf_size )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvDFTFwd_##fwd_flavor, "ippsDFTFwd_" #fwd_flavor, \
CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPS), ( const void* src, void* dst, \
const void* spec, void* buffer )) \
IPCVAPI_EX( CvStatus, icvDFTInv_##inv_flavor, "ippsDFTInv_" #inv_flavor, \
CV_PLUGINS1(CV_PLUGIN_IPPS), ( const void* src, void* dst, \
const void* spec, void* buffer ))

IPCV_DFT( C_32fc, CToC_32fc, CToC_32fc )
IPCV_DFT( R_32f, RToPack_32f, PackToR_32f )
IPCV_DFT( C_64fc, CToC_64fc, CToC_64fc )
IPCV_DFT( R_64f, RToPack_64f, PackToR_64f )
#undef IPCV_DFT

#endif /*_CXCORE_IPP_H_*/

测试代码#include <STDIO.H>
#include <iostream>
#include "_cxcore_my.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "cxcore.lib")

#define icvGivens_64f( n, x, y, c, s ) \
{ \
int _i; \
double* _x = (x); \
double* _y = (y); \
for( _i = 0; _i < n; _i++ ) \
{ \
double t0 = _x[_i]; \
double t1 = _y[_i]; \
_x[_i] = t0*c + t1*s; \
_y[_i] = -t0*s + t1*c; \
} \

/* y[0:m,0:n] += diag(a[0:1,0:m]) * x[0:m,0:n] */
static void
icvMatrAXPY_64f( int m, int n, const double* x, int dx,
const double* a, double* y, int dy )
int i, j;

for( i = 0; i < m; i++, x += dx, y += dy )
double s = a[i];

for( j = 0; j <= n - 4; j += 4 )
double t0 = y[j] + s*x[j];
double t1 = y[j+1] + s*x[j+1];
y[j] = t0;
y[j+1] = t1;
t0 = y[j+2] + s*x[j+2];
t1 = y[j+3] + s*x[j+3];
y[j+2] = t0;
y[j+3] = t1;

for( ; j < n; j++ ) y[j] += s*x[j];

/* y[1:m,-1] = h*y[1:m,0:n]*x[0:1,0:n]'*x[-1] (this is used for U&V reconstruction)
y[1:m,0:n] += h*y[1:m,0:n]*x[0:1,0:n]'*x[0:1,0:n] */
static void
icvMatrAXPY3_64f( int m, int n, const double* x, int l, double* y, double h )
int i, j;

for( i = 1; i < m; i++ )
double s = 0;

y += l;

for( j = 0; j <= n - 4; j += 4 )
s += x[j]*y[j] + x[j+1]*y[j+1] + x[j+2]*y[j+2] + x[j+3]*y[j+3];

for( ; j < n; j++ ) s += x[j]*y[j];

s *= h;
y[-1] = s*x[-1];

for( j = 0; j <= n - 4; j += 4 )
double t0 = y[j] + s*x[j];
double t1 = y[j+1] + s*x[j+1];
y[j] = t0;
y[j+1] = t1;
t0 = y[j+2] + s*x[j+2];
t1 = y[j+3] + s*x[j+3];
y[j+2] = t0;
y[j+3] = t1;

for( ; j < n; j++ ) y[j] += s*x[j];

#define icvGivens_32f( n, x, y, c, s ) \
{ \
int _i; \
float* _x = (x); \
float* _y = (y); \
for( _i = 0; _i < n; _i++ ) \
{ \
double t0 = _x[_i]; \
double t1 = _y[_i]; \
_x[_i] = (float)(t0*c + t1*s); \
_y[_i] = (float)(-t0*s + t1*c);\
} \

static void
icvMatrAXPY_32f( int m, int n, const float* x, int dx,
const float* a, float* y, int dy )
int i, j;

for( i = 0; i < m; i++, x += dx, y += dy )
double s = a[i];

for( j = 0; j <= n - 4; j += 4 )
double t0 = y[j] + s*x[j];
double t1 = y[j+1] + s*x[j+1];
y[j] = (float)t0;
y[j+1] = (float)t1;
t0 = y[j+2] + s*x[j+2];
t1 = y[j+3] + s*x[j+3];
y[j+2] = (float)t0;
y[j+3] = (float)t1;

for( ; j < n; j++ )
y[j] = (float)(y[j] + s*x[j]);

static void
icvMatrAXPY3_32f( int m, int n, const float* x, int l, float* y, double h )
int i, j;

for( i = 1; i < m; i++ )
double s = 0;
y += l;

for( j = 0; j <= n - 4; j += 4 )
s += x[j]*y[j] + x[j+1]*y[j+1] + x[j+2]*y[j+2] + x[j+3]*y[j+3];

for( ; j < n; j++ ) s += x[j]*y[j];

s *= h;
y[-1] = (float)(s*x[-1]);

for( j = 0; j <= n - 4; j += 4 )
double t0 = y[j] + s*x[j];
double t1 = y[j+1] + s*x[j+1];
y[j] = (float)t0;
y[j+1] = (float)t1;
t0 = y[j+2] + s*x[j+2];
t1 = y[j+3] + s*x[j+3];
y[j+2] = (float)t0;
y[j+3] = (float)t1;

for( ; j < n; j++ ) y[j] = (float)(y[j] + s*x[j]);

/* accurate hypotenuse calculation */
static double
pythag( double a, double b )
a = fabs( a );
b = fabs( b );
if( a > b )
b /= a;
a *= sqrt( 1. + b * b );
else if( b != 0 )
a /= b;
a = b * sqrt( 1. + a * a );

return a;

#define MAX_ITERS 30

static void icvSVD_32f( float* a, int lda, int m, int n,
float* w,
float* uT, int lduT, int nu,
float* vT, int ldvT,
float* buffer )
float* e;
float* temp;
float *w1, *e1;
float *hv;
double ku0 = 0, kv0 = 0;
double anorm = 0;
float *a1, *u0 = uT, *v0 = vT;
double scale, h;
int i, j, k, l;
int nm, m1, n1;
int nv = n;
int iters = 0;
float* hv0 = (float*)cvStackAlloc( (m+2)*sizeof(hv0[0])) + 1;

e = buffer;

w1 = w;
e1 = e + 1;
nm = n;

temp = buffer + nm;

memset( w, 0, nm * sizeof( w[0] ));
memset( e, 0, nm * sizeof( e[0] ));

m1 = m;
n1 = n;

/* transform a to bi-diagonal form */
for( ;; )
int update_u;
int update_v;

if( m1 == 0 )

scale = h = 0;

update_u = uT && m1 > m - nu;
hv = update_u ? uT : hv0;

for( j = 0, a1 = a; j < m1; j++, a1 += lda )
double t = a1[0];
scale += fabs( hv[j] = (float)t );

if( scale != 0 )
double f = 1./scale, g, s = 0;

for( j = 0; j < m1; j++ )
double t = (hv[j] = (float)(hv[j]*f));
s += t * t;

g = sqrt( s );
f = hv[0];
if( f >= 0 )
g = -g;
hv[0] = (float)(f - g);
h = 1. / (f * g - s);

memset( temp, 0, n1 * sizeof( temp[0] ));

/* calc temp[0:n-i] = a[i:m,i:n]'*hv[0:m-i] */
icvMatrAXPY_32f( m1, n1 - 1, a + 1, lda, hv, temp + 1, 0 );

for( k = 1; k < n1; k++ ) temp[k] = (float)(temp[k]*h);

/* modify a: a[i:m,i:n] = a[i:m,i:n] + hv[0:m-i]*temp[0:n-i]' */
icvMatrAXPY_32f( m1, n1 - 1, temp + 1, 0, hv, a + 1, lda );
*w1 = (float)(g*scale);

/* store -2/(hv'*hv) */
if( update_u )
if( m1 == m )
ku0 = h;
hv[-1] = (float)h;

if( vT )
vT += ldvT + 1;

if( n1 == 0 )

scale = h = 0;
update_v = vT && n1 > n - nv;
hv = update_v ? vT : hv0;

for( j = 0; j < n1; j++ )
double t = a[j];
scale += fabs( hv[j] = (float)t );

if( scale != 0 )
double f = 1./scale, g, s = 0;

for( j = 0; j < n1; j++ )
double t = (hv[j] = (float)(hv[j]*f));
s += t * t;

g = sqrt( s );
f = hv[0];
if( f >= 0 )
g = -g;
hv[0] = (float)(f - g);
h = 1. / (f * g - s);
hv[-1] = 0.f;

/* update a[i:m:i+1:n] = a[i:m,i+1:n] + (a[i:m,i+1:n]*hv[0:m-i])*... */
icvMatrAXPY3_32f( m1, n1, hv, lda, a, h );

*e1 = (float)(g*scale);

/* store -2/(hv'*hv) */
if( update_v )
if( n1 == n )
kv0 = h;
hv[-1] = (float)h;

a += lda;
if( uT )
uT += lduT + 1;

m1 -= m1 != 0;
n1 -= n1 != 0;

/* accumulate left transformations */
if( uT )
m1 = m - m1;
uT = u0 + m1 * lduT;
for( i = m1; i < nu; i++, uT += lduT )
memset( uT + m1, 0, (m - m1) * sizeof( uT[0] ));
uT[i] = 1.;

for( i = m1 - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
double s;
int lh = nu - i;

l = m - i;

hv = u0 + (lduT + 1) * i;
h = i == 0 ? ku0 : hv[-1];

assert( h <= 0 );

if( h != 0 )
uT = hv;
icvMatrAXPY3_32f( lh, l-1, hv+1, lduT, uT+1, h );

s = hv[0] * h;
for( k = 0; k < l; k++ ) hv[k] = (float)(hv[k]*s);
hv[0] += 1;
for( j = 1; j < l; j++ )
hv[j] = 0;
for( j = 1; j < lh; j++ )
hv[j * lduT] = 0;
hv[0] = 1;
uT = u0;

/* accumulate right transformations */
if( vT )
n1 = n - n1;
vT = v0 + n1 * ldvT;
for( i = n1; i < nv; i++, vT += ldvT )
memset( vT + n1, 0, (n - n1) * sizeof( vT[0] ));
vT[i] = 1.;

for( i = n1 - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
double s;
int lh = nv - i;

l = n - i;
hv = v0 + (ldvT + 1) * i;
h = i == 0 ? kv0 : hv[-1];

assert( h <= 0 );

if( h != 0 )
vT = hv;
icvMatrAXPY3_32f( lh, l-1, hv+1, ldvT, vT+1, h );

s = hv[0] * h;
for( k = 0; k < l; k++ ) hv[k] = (float)(hv[k]*s);
hv[0] += 1;
for( j = 1; j < l; j++ )
hv[j] = 0;
for( j = 1; j < lh; j++ )
hv[j * ldvT] = 0;
hv[0] = 1;
vT = v0;

for( i = 0; i < nm; i++ )
double tnorm = fabs( w[i] );
tnorm += fabs( e[i] );

if( anorm < tnorm )
anorm = tnorm;

anorm *= FLT_EPSILON;

/* diagonalization of the bidiagonal form */
for( k = nm - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
double z = 0;
iters = 0;

for( ;; ) /* do iterations */
double c, s, f, g, x, y;
int flag = 0;

/* test for splitting */
for( l = k; l >= 0; l-- )
if( fabs( e[l] ) <= anorm )
flag = 1;
assert( l > 0 );
if( fabs( w[l - 1] ) <= anorm )

if( !flag )
c = 0;
s = 1;

for( i = l; i <= k; i++ )
f = s * e[i];
e[i] = (float)(e[i]*c);

if( anorm + fabs( f ) == anorm )

g = w[i];
h = pythag( f, g );
w[i] = (float)h;
c = g / h;
s = -f / h;

if( uT )
icvGivens_32f( m, uT + lduT * (l - 1), uT + lduT * i, c, s );

z = w[k];
if( l == k || iters++ == MAX_ITERS )

/* shift from bottom 2x2 minor */
x = w[l];
y = w[k - 1];
g = e[k - 1];
h = e[k];
f = 0.5 * (((g + z) / h) * ((g - z) / y) + y / h - h / y);
g = pythag( f, 1 );
if( f < 0 )
g = -g;
f = x - (z / x) * z + (h / x) * (y / (f + g) - h);
/* next QR transformation */
c = s = 1;

for( i = l + 1; i <= k; i++ )
g = e[i];
y = w[i];
h = s * g;
g *= c;
z = pythag( f, h );
e[i - 1] = (float)z;
c = f / z;
s = h / z;
f = x * c + g * s;
g = -x * s + g * c;
h = y * s;
y *= c;

if( vT )
icvGivens_32f( n, vT + ldvT * (i - 1), vT + ldvT * i, c, s );

z = pythag( f, h );
w[i - 1] = (float)z;

/* rotation can be arbitrary if z == 0 */
if( z != 0 )
c = f / z;
s = h / z;
f = c * g + s * y;
x = -s * g + c * y;

if( uT )
icvGivens_32f( m, uT + lduT * (i - 1), uT + lduT * i, c, s );

e[l] = 0;
e[k] = (float)f;
w[k] = (float)x;
} /* end of iteration loop */

if( iters > MAX_ITERS )

if( z < 0 )
w[k] = (float)(-z);
if( vT )
for( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
vT[j + k * ldvT] = -vT[j + k * ldvT];
} /* end of diagonalization loop */

/* sort singular values and corresponding vectors */
for( i = 0; i < nm; i++ )
k = i;
for( j = i + 1; j < nm; j++ )
if( w[k] < w[j] )
k = j;

if( k != i )
float t;
CV_SWAP( w[i], w[k], t );

if( vT )
for( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
CV_SWAP( vT[j + ldvT*k], vT[j + ldvT*i], t );

if( uT )
for( j = 0; j < m; j++ )
CV_SWAP( uT[j + lduT*k], uT[j + lduT*i], t );
static void icvSVD_64f( double* a, int lda, int m, int n,
double* w,
double* uT, int lduT, int nu,
double* vT, int ldvT,
double* buffer )
double* e;
double* temp;
double *w1, *e1;
double *hv;
double ku0 = 0, kv0 = 0;
double anorm = 0;
double *a1, *u0 = uT, *v0 = vT;
double scale, h;
int i, j, k, l;
int nm, m1, n1;
int nv = n;
int iters = 0;
double* hv0 = (double*)cvStackAlloc( (m+2)*sizeof(hv0[0])) + 1;

e = buffer;
w1 = w;
e1 = e + 1;
nm = n;

temp = buffer + nm;

memset( w, 0, nm * sizeof( w[0] ));
memset( e, 0, nm * sizeof( e[0] ));

m1 = m;
n1 = n;

/* transform a to bi-diagonal form */
for( ;; )
int update_u;
int update_v;

if( m1 == 0 )

scale = h = 0;
update_u = uT && m1 > m - nu;
hv = update_u ? uT : hv0;

for( j = 0, a1 = a; j < m1; j++, a1 += lda )
double t = a1[0];
scale += fabs( hv[j] = t );

if( scale != 0 )
double f = 1./scale, g, s = 0;

for( j = 0; j < m1; j++ )
double t = (hv[j] *= f);
s += t * t;

g = sqrt( s );
f = hv[0];
if( f >= 0 )
g = -g;
hv[0] = f - g;
h = 1. / (f * g - s);

memset( temp, 0, n1 * sizeof( temp[0] ));

/* calc temp[0:n-i] = a[i:m,i:n]'*hv[0:m-i] */
icvMatrAXPY_64f( m1, n1 - 1, a + 1, lda, hv, temp + 1, 0 );
for( k = 1; k < n1; k++ ) temp[k] *= h;

/* modify a: a[i:m,i:n] = a[i:m,i:n] + hv[0:m-i]*temp[0:n-i]' */
icvMatrAXPY_64f( m1, n1 - 1, temp + 1, 0, hv, a + 1, lda );
*w1 = g*scale;

/* store -2/(hv'*hv) */
if( update_u )
if( m1 == m )
ku0 = h;
hv[-1] = h;

if( vT )
vT += ldvT + 1;

if( n1 == 0 )

scale = h = 0;
update_v = vT && n1 > n - nv;

hv = update_v ? vT : hv0;

for( j = 0; j < n1; j++ )
double t = a[j];
scale += fabs( hv[j] = t );

if( scale != 0 )
double f = 1./scale, g, s = 0;

for( j = 0; j < n1; j++ )
double t = (hv[j] *= f);
s += t * t;

g = sqrt( s );
f = hv[0];
if( f >= 0 )
g = -g;
hv[0] = f - g;
h = 1. / (f * g - s);
hv[-1] = 0.;

/* update a[i:m:i+1:n] = a[i:m,i+1:n] + (a[i:m,i+1:n]*hv[0:m-i])*... */
icvMatrAXPY3_64f( m1, n1, hv, lda, a, h );

*e1 = g*scale;

/* store -2/(hv'*hv) */
if( update_v )
if( n1 == n )
kv0 = h;
hv[-1] = h;

a += lda;
if( uT )
uT += lduT + 1;

m1 -= m1 != 0;
n1 -= n1 != 0;

/* accumulate left transformations */
if( uT )
m1 = m - m1;
uT = u0 + m1 * lduT;
for( i = m1; i < nu; i++, uT += lduT )
memset( uT + m1, 0, (m - m1) * sizeof( uT[0] ));
uT[i] = 1.;

for( i = m1 - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
double s;
int lh = nu - i;

l = m - i;

hv = u0 + (lduT + 1) * i;
h = i == 0 ? ku0 : hv[-1];

assert( h <= 0 );

if( h != 0 )
uT = hv;
icvMatrAXPY3_64f( lh, l-1, hv+1, lduT, uT+1, h );

s = hv[0] * h;
for( k = 0; k < l; k++ ) hv[k] *= s;
hv[0] += 1;
for( j = 1; j < l; j++ )
hv[j] = 0;
for( j = 1; j < lh; j++ )
hv[j * lduT] = 0;
hv[0] = 1;
uT = u0;

/* accumulate right transformations */
if( vT )
n1 = n - n1;
vT = v0 + n1 * ldvT;
for( i = n1; i < nv; i++, vT += ldvT )
memset( vT + n1, 0, (n - n1) * sizeof( vT[0] ));
vT[i] = 1.;

for( i = n1 - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
double s;
int lh = nv - i;

l = n - i;
hv = v0 + (ldvT + 1) * i;
h = i == 0 ? kv0 : hv[-1];

assert( h <= 0 );

if( h != 0 )
vT = hv;
icvMatrAXPY3_64f( lh, l-1, hv+1, ldvT, vT+1, h );

s = hv[0] * h;
for( k = 0; k < l; k++ ) hv[k] *= s;
hv[0] += 1;
for( j = 1; j < l; j++ )
hv[j] = 0;
for( j = 1; j < lh; j++ )
hv[j * ldvT] = 0;
hv[0] = 1;
vT = v0;

for( i = 0; i < nm; i++ )
double tnorm = fabs( w[i] );
tnorm += fabs( e[i] );

if( anorm < tnorm )
anorm = tnorm;

anorm *= DBL_EPSILON;

/* diagonalization of the bidiagonal form */
for( k = nm - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
double z = 0;
iters = 0;

for( ;; ) /* do iterations */
double c, s, f, g, x, y;
int flag = 0;

/* test for splitting */
for( l = k; l >= 0; l-- )
if( fabs(e[l]) <= anorm )
flag = 1;
assert( l > 0 );
if( fabs(w[l - 1]) <= anorm )

if( !flag )
c = 0;
s = 1;

for( i = l; i <= k; i++ )
f = s * e[i];

e[i] *= c;

if( anorm + fabs( f ) == anorm )

g = w[i];
h = pythag( f, g );
w[i] = h;
c = g / h;
s = -f / h;

if( uT )
icvGivens_64f( m, uT + lduT * (l - 1), uT + lduT * i, c, s );

z = w[k];
if( l == k || iters++ == MAX_ITERS )

/* shift from bottom 2x2 minor */
x = w[l];
y = w[k - 1];
g = e[k - 1];
h = e[k];
f = 0.5 * (((g + z) / h) * ((g - z) / y) + y / h - h / y);
g = pythag( f, 1 );
if( f < 0 )
g = -g;
f = x - (z / x) * z + (h / x) * (y / (f + g) - h);
/* next QR transformation */
c = s = 1;

for( i = l + 1; i <= k; i++ )
g = e[i];
y = w[i];
h = s * g;
g *= c;
z = pythag( f, h );
e[i - 1] = z;
c = f / z;
s = h / z;
f = x * c + g * s;
g = -x * s + g * c;
h = y * s;
y *= c;

if( vT )
icvGivens_64f( n, vT + ldvT * (i - 1), vT + ldvT * i, c, s );

z = pythag( f, h );
w[i - 1] = z;

/* rotation can be arbitrary if z == 0 */
if( z != 0 )
c = f / z;
s = h / z;
f = c * g + s * y;
x = -s * g + c * y;

if( uT )
icvGivens_64f( m, uT + lduT * (i - 1), uT + lduT * i, c, s );

e[l] = 0;
e[k] = f;
w[k] = x;
} /* end of iteration loop */

if( iters > MAX_ITERS )

if( z < 0 )
w[k] = -z;
if( vT )
for( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
vT[j + k * ldvT] = -vT[j + k * ldvT];
} /* end of diagonalization loop */

/* sort singular values and corresponding values */
for( i = 0; i < nm; i++ )
k = i;
for( j = i + 1; j < nm; j++ )
if( w[k] < w[j] )
k = j;

if( k != i )
double t;
CV_SWAP( w[i], w[k], t );

if( vT )
for( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
CV_SWAP( vT[j + ldvT*k], vT[j + ldvT*i], t );

if( uT )
for( j = 0; j < m; j++ )
CV_SWAP( uT[j + lduT*k], uT[j + lduT*i], t );

void cvSVD_my( CvArr* aarr, CvArr* warr, CvArr* uarr, CvArr* varr, int flags )
uchar* buffer = 0;
int local_alloc = 0;



CvMat astub, *a = (CvMat*)aarr;
CvMat wstub, *w = (CvMat*)warr;
CvMat ustub, *u;
CvMat vstub, *v;
CvMat tmat;
uchar* tw = 0;
int type;
int a_buf_offset = 0, u_buf_offset = 0, buf_size, pix_size;
int temp_u = 0, /* temporary storage for U is needed */
t_svd; /* special case: a->rows < a->cols */
int m, n;
int w_rows, w_cols;
int u_rows = 0, u_cols = 0;
int w_is_mat = 0;

if( !CV_IS_MAT( a ))
CV_CALL( a = cvGetMat( a, &astub ));

if( !CV_IS_MAT( w ))
CV_CALL( w = cvGetMat( w, &wstub ));

if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( a, w ))
CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "" );

if( a->rows >= a->cols )
m = a->rows;
n = a->cols;
w_rows = w->rows;
w_cols = w->cols;
t_svd = 0;
CvArr* t;
CV_SWAP( uarr, varr, t );

flags = (flags & CV_SVD_U_T ? CV_SVD_V_T : 0)|
(flags & CV_SVD_V_T ? CV_SVD_U_T : 0);
m = a->cols;
n = a->rows;
w_rows = w->cols;
w_cols = w->rows;
t_svd = 1;

u = (CvMat*)uarr;
v = (CvMat*)varr;

w_is_mat = w_cols > 1 && w_rows > 1;

if( !w_is_mat && CV_IS_MAT_CONT(w->type) && w_cols + w_rows - 1 == n )
tw = w->data.ptr;

if( u )
if( !CV_IS_MAT( u ))
CV_CALL( u = cvGetMat( u, &ustub ));

if( !(flags & CV_SVD_U_T) )
u_rows = u->rows;
u_cols = u->cols;
u_rows = u->cols;
u_cols = u->rows;

if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( a, u ))
CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "" );

if( u_rows != m || (u_cols != m && u_cols != n))
CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, !t_svd ? "U matrix has unappropriate size" :
"V matrix has unappropriate size" );

temp_u = (u_rows != u_cols && !(flags & CV_SVD_U_T)) || u->data.ptr==a->data.ptr;

if( w_is_mat && u_cols != w_rows )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, !t_svd ? "U and W have incompatible sizes" :
"V and W have incompatible sizes" );
u = &ustub;
u->data.ptr = 0;
u->step = 0;

if( v )
int v_rows, v_cols;

if( !CV_IS_MAT( v ))
CV_CALL( v = cvGetMat( v, &vstub ));

if( !(flags & CV_SVD_V_T) )
v_rows = v->rows;
v_cols = v->cols;
v_rows = v->cols;
v_cols = v->rows;

if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( a, v ))
CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "" );

if( v_rows != n || v_cols != n )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, t_svd ? "U matrix has unappropriate size" :
"V matrix has unappropriate size" );

if( w_is_mat && w_cols != v_cols )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, t_svd ? "U and W have incompatible sizes" :
"V and W have incompatible sizes" );
v = &vstub;
v->data.ptr = 0;
v->step = 0;

type = CV_MAT_TYPE( a->type );
pix_size = CV_ELEM_SIZE(type);
buf_size = n*2 + m;

if( !(flags & CV_SVD_MODIFY_A) )
a_buf_offset = buf_size;
buf_size += a->rows*a->cols;

if( temp_u )
u_buf_offset = buf_size;
buf_size += u->rows*u->cols;

buf_size *= pix_size;

if( buf_size <= CV_MAX_LOCAL_SIZE )
buffer = (uchar*)cvStackAlloc( buf_size );
local_alloc = 1;
CV_CALL( buffer = (uchar*)cvAlloc( buf_size ));

if( !(flags & CV_SVD_MODIFY_A) )
cvInitMatHeader( &tmat, m, n, type,
buffer + a_buf_offset*pix_size );
if( !t_svd )
cvCopy( a, &tmat );
cvT( a, &tmat );
a = &tmat;

if( temp_u )
cvInitMatHeader( &ustub, u_cols, u_rows, type, buffer + u_buf_offset*pix_size );
u = &ustub;

if( !tw )
tw = buffer + (n + m)*pix_size;

if( type == CV_32FC1 )
icvSVD_32f( a->data.fl, a->step/sizeof(float), a->rows, a->cols,
(float*)tw, u->data.fl, u->step/sizeof(float), u_cols,
v->data.fl, v->step/sizeof(float), (float*)buffer );
else if( type == CV_64FC1 )
icvSVD_64f( a->data.db, a->step/sizeof(double), a->rows, a->cols,
(double*)tw, u->data.db, u->step/sizeof(double), u_cols,
v->data.db, v->step/sizeof(double), (double*)buffer );
CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

if( tw != w->data.ptr )
int shift = w->cols != 1;
cvSetZero( w );
if( type == CV_32FC1 )
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
((float*)(w->data.ptr + i*w->step))[i*shift] = ((float*)tw)[i];
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
((double*)(w->data.ptr + i*w->step))[i*shift] = ((double*)tw)[i];

if( uarr )
if( !(flags & CV_SVD_U_T))
cvT( u, uarr );
else if( temp_u )
cvCopy( u, uarr );
/*CV_CHECK_NANS( uarr );*/

if( varr )
if( !(flags & CV_SVD_V_T))
cvT( v, varr );
/*CV_CHECK_NANS( varr );*/



if( buffer && !local_alloc )
cvFree( &buffer );
inline void cvDoubleMatPrint_my( const CvMat* mat )
int i, j;
for( i = 0; i < mat->rows; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < mat->cols; j++ )
printf( "%lf ",cvmGet( mat, i, j ) );
printf( "\n" );
void SVD_my(double *SA, double *SW, double *SU, double *SV)
CvMat A, W, U, V;
cvSVD_my(&A, &W, &U, &V, CV_SVD_U_T);
cvDoubleMatPrint_my( &A);
cvDoubleMatPrint_my( &W);
cvDoubleMatPrint_my( &U);
cvDoubleMatPrint_my( &V);
void main()
double A[16]={1,1,1,1,
0,0,0,0}, W[16], U[16], V[16];
int i,j;
SVD_my(A, W, U, V);

参考代码:#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <io.h>
#include "highgui.h"
#include "cv.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "cxcore.lib")
using namespace std;

inline void cvDoubleMatPrint( const CvMat* mat );
void SVD(double *SA, double *SU, double *SS, double *SV);
int main()
double A[16]={1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0}, U[16], S[16], V[16];
SVD(A, U, S, V);

for(int j=0,i=0;i<16;i++)

return 0;
inline void cvDoubleMatPrint( const CvMat* mat )
int i, j;
for( i = 0; i < mat->rows; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < mat->cols; j++ )
printf( "%lf ",cvmGet( mat, i, j ) );
printf( "\n" );
void SVD(double *SA, double *SU, double *SS, double *SV)
CvMat A, U, S, V;
cvSVD(&A, &U, &S, &V, CV_SVD_U_T);
cvDoubleMatPrint( &A);
cvDoubleMatPrint( &U);
cvDoubleMatPrint( &S);
cvDoubleMatPrint( &V);
1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2.324366 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 1.147184 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.530368 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
-0.846041 -0.192165 -0.497279 0.000000
-0.226091 -0.715409 0.661115 0.000000
-0.482801 0.671761 0.561818 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
-0.363988 -0.197084 -0.910314 0.000000
-0.446662 -0.820705 0.356281 0.000000
-0.577930 0.379210 0.148985 0.707107
-0.577930 0.379210 0.148985 -0.707107
Press any key to continue
A =

1     1     1     1
0     1     0     0
0     0     1     1
0     0     0     0

>> [S V D]=svd(A)

S =

0.8460    0.2261    0.4828         0
0.1922    0.7154   -0.6718         0
0.4973   -0.6611   -0.5618         0
0         0         0    1.0000

V =

2.3244         0         0         0
0    1.1472         0         0
0         0    0.5304         0
0         0         0         0

D =

0.3640    0.1971    0.9103         0
0.4467    0.8207   -0.3563         0
0.5779   -0.3792   -0.1490   -0.7071
0.5779   -0.3792   -0.1490    0.7071
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