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2018_2_8_Questions and answers_sort

2018-02-08 08:17 302 查看
Questions and answers
Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 11525 Accepted: 6094
DescriptionThe database of the Pentagon contains a top-secret information. We don't know what the information is — you know, it's top-secret, — but we know the format of its representation. It is extremely simple. We don't know why, but all the data is coded by the natural numbers from 1 up to 5000. The size of the main base (we'll denote it be N) is rather big — it may contain up to 100 000 those numbers. The database is to process quickly every query. The most often query is: "Which element is i-th by its value?"— with i being a natural number in a range from 1 to N.

Your program is to play a role of a controller of the database. In the other words, it should be able to process quickly queries like this.InputThe standard input of the problem consists of two parts. At first, a database is written, and then there's a sequence of queries. The format of database is very simple: in the first line there's a number N, in the next N lines there are numbers of the database one in each line in an arbitrary order. A sequence of queries is written simply as well: in the first line of the sequence a number of queries K (1 <= K <= 100) is written, and in the next K lines there are queries one in each line. The query "Which element is i-th by its value?" is coded by the number i. A database is separated from a sequence of queries by the string of three symbols "#".OutputThe output should consist of K lines. In each line there should be an answer to the corresponding query. The answer to the query "i" is an element from the database, which is i-th by its value (in the order from the least up to the greatest element).Sample Input5
Sample Output121
SourceUral State University Internal Contest October'2000 Junior Session
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