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天人合一之毕设——准备阶段—— 2 函数调用图(call graph)

2018-01-28 17:09 2111 查看


Doxygen是源码文档化工具,也能绘制调用图。 绘图要借助于graphviz工具,首先到官网下载


对这个画图工具感兴趣,可以参考这篇博客 http://blog.csdn.net/lanchunhui/article/details/49472949


       先设置doxygen生成文档的工作空间,然后选择Project Name作为工程名称,将来会显示在文档的标题中;选择Source code directory,设置源代码所在目录,Destination directory设置文档的生成目录;选择Scan recursively则递归分析源代码目录中的子目录内的源代码。mode)中选择要处理的语言。在diagram选项里选择用graphviz里的dot工具,在下面产生选项勾住没有默认的几项(不太知道call graphs和called
by graphs和他有什么区别,先都勾住吧)





 点击run doxygen,在dictionary_8c.html里得到最后的call graph。经过我人工检验,调用关系没有什么问题。但是好像顺序有点不对,按理说是init、insert、value再deinit,可能是init里调用了deinit的缘故,所以抬到上面来了。




 动态分析也有两种方法,一是借助gprof的call graph功能(参数-q),二是利用GCC的


 GNU profiler(gprof)是GNU


 index  % time    self   children    called    name

  0.00    0.00       4/4           foo [4]
 [3]      0.0     0.00    0.00      
4         bar [3]

  0.00    0.00       1/2           init [5]

  0.00    0.00       1/2           main [45]
 [4]      0.0         0.00    0.00       2         foo [4]

                 0.00    0.00      
4/4           bar [3]

                 0.00    0.00      
1/1           main [45]
 [5]      0.0    0.00    0.00      
1         init [5]

                 0.00    0.00      
1/2           foo [4]

 从中可以看出,bar()被foo()调用了4次,foo()被init()和main()各调用了一次,init()被main()调用了一次。用Perl脚本分析gprof的输出,生成Graphviz的dot输入,就能绘制call graph了。这样的脚本不止一个人写过。

 This line lists:
     index  A unique number given to each element of the table.
    Index numbers are
sorted numerically.
         The index number is printed next to every function name so
         it is easier to look up where the function in the table.

  % time  This is the percentage of
the `total' time that was spent
          in this function and its children.  Note that due to
          different viewpoints, functions excluded by options, etc,
          these numbers will NOT add up to 100%.
   self  This
is the total amount of time spent in this function.

     children   This is the total amount of time propagated into this
             function by its children.

 This is the number of times the function was called.
 If the function called itself recursively, the number
 only includes non-recursive calls, and is followed by
        a `+' and the number of recursive calls.

     name    The name of the current function. The index number is
         printed after it. If the function is a member of a
         cycle, the cycle number is printed between the
 function's name and the index number.


编译的时候需要增加增加-finstrument-functions选项,同时增加 –g选项,生成符号信息


void __cyg_profile_func_enter( void *func_address, void *call_site )

 void __cyg_profile_func_exit ( void *func_address, void *call_site )

 例如,void f1( )  __attribute__ ((no_instrument_function));

 这里获得的是函数地址,用addr2line -f 可以找到地址对应的函数名称。



#include <stdio.h>

#define DUMP(func, call) printf("%s: func = %p, called by = %p/n", __FUNCTION__, func, call)

void __attribute__((__no_instrument_function__))
__cyg_profile_func_enter(void *this_func, void *call_site)
DUMP(this_func, call_site);
void __attribute__((__no_instrument_function__))
__cyg_profile_func_exit(void *this_func, void *call_site)
DUMP(this_func, call_site);


__cyg_profile_func_enter: func = 0x8048438, called by = 0x658dec/nHello World!
__cyg_profile_func_exit: func = 0x8048438, called by = 0x658dec/n




Run-time call-graph (most of tools listed are profilers with callgraph functionality)gprof : included in BSD or part of the

GNU Binary Utilities
callgrind : part of
KCachegrind : powerful tool to generate and analyze call graphs based on data generated by callgrind
Mac OS X Activity Monitor : Apple GUI process monitor Activity Monitor has a built-in call graph generator that can sample processes and return a call graph. This function is only available in

Mac OS X Leopard
OpenPAT : includes the
tool which automatically creates a

Graphviz call-graph picture from runtime measurements.
pprof, open source tool for visualization and analysis of profile data, to be used in conjunction with

CodeAnalyst from

AMD (released under GPL)
makeppgraph is a dependency graph generator (at module level) for builds performed with

Intel(R) Single Event API (free, open-source)
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