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OrientDB console drop database case sensitive('remote')

2018-01-27 17:19 134 查看
在控制台删除OrientDB 数据库时 remote 关键字大小写敏感,小写有效

orientdb {db=org_768710292}> DROP DATABASE remote:localhost/org_768710292 root root

Disconnecting from remote server [remote:localhost/org_768710292]...
Disconnecting from the database [org_768710292]...OK

Database 'remote:localhost/org_768710292' deleted successfully
orientdb>remote 大写失败
orientdb {db=org_768710292}> DROP DATABASE REMOTE:localhost/org_1285196402 root root

Error: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Cannot check the existence of a database in a remote server. Please use the console or the OServerAdmin class.
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标签:  OrientDB drop database