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正则化技术(分类识别):PatchShuffle Regularization 论文阅读笔记

2018-01-08 16:49 417 查看
PatchShuffle Regularization论文下载:https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.07103



由于PatchShuffle只是被应用在全部图像或者特征图中占很小的百分比,且生成的图像或者特征图共享原始图像的全局结构(局部区域像素的行列变换而weight sharing),所以作者认为该方法归于正则化更贴切。应用在image上时,相当于数据增强;PatchShuffle当被应用于特征图上时,相当于model ensemble。这实际上, locally shuffling the pixels within a patch is equivalent to shuffling the convolutional kernels given unshuffled patches. PatchShuffle can also be considered to enable weight sharing within each patch. By shuffling, the pixel instantiation at a specific position of an image can be viewed as being sampled from its neighboring pixels within a patch with equal probability。

Improving the robustness of CNNs to data that is noisy or losses partial (如椒盐噪声和遮挡)information。PatchShuffle relates to two kinds of regularizations:model ensemble和weight sharing。


Xu Shen, Xinmei Tian, Shaoyan Sun, and Dacheng Tao. Patch reordering: A novelway to achieve rotation and translation invariance in convolutional neural networks. In Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, February 4-9, 2017, San Francisco, California, USA., pages 2534–2540, 2017(该论文重排块,打乱了图像整体结构,采用启发式搜索ranking,聚焦于旋转和平移变换,这不同于作者的工作 )


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涉及数据增强的文献:Data augmentation(flipping,translation, cropping, etc)

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等换网络:Transformation equivariant and invariant networks.

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PatchShuffle on images在图像上做块的打乱操作

PatchShuffle on feature maps



:PatchShuffle creates new images and feature maps, which increases the variety of the training data。但也引入CNN更多的bias,因此应用PatchShuffle 的图像或者特征图要占小的百分比!



实际中,这个shuffle probability




四个图像分类数据集:CIFAR-10, SVHN, STL-10 and MNIST.

patch size Hp × Wp and shuffle probability  的超参数影响和选择:

In fact, within an extent, the increase of both parameters improve the variety of training sample without introducing too much bias. But under larger values, the benefit brought by diversity is gradually overtaken by the classifier bias, so error rate increases.


Classification Performance w/wo PatchShuffle




The five-bit binary code denotes on what stages PatchShuffle is applied. The first bit denotes the input layer, and the other four bits correspond to four residual stages

在MNIST数据集上 & Robustness to the Noise

Salt-and-pepper noise is added to the image by changing the pixel to white or black with probability τ1. For the occlusion,each pixel is randomly chosen to be imposed by a black block of certain size centered on it with probability τ2. The size of the block adopted in our experiment is 3 × 3.

These results indicate that Patchshuffle improves the robustness of CNNs against common image pollutions like noise and occlusion.
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