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SATA 3.2协议 Error handing机制

2017-12-21 11:27 155 查看

1.SStatus register(32位只读寄存器,convey the current state of the interface and host adapter,目前只有用到低12位,高24位保留的。)

2.Shadow Register Block registers:are interface registers used for delivering commads to the device or posting status from the device.

一. Error handing architecture(SATA Revision 3.2版本15.1节)

二. 1.Phy error:(1)no device present;

(2)OOB signaling sequence failure;and

(3)phy internal error(loss of synchronization of communications link).

前2个错误都是存储在SStatus register里,第三个错误存储在SStatus register和SError register里。

2.Link layer error:(1)invalid state transitions;and

(2)data integrity errors.


3.Transport layer error:(1)internal errors;

(2)frame errors;and

(3)protocol errors & state errors.

传输层都会通知链路层所检测到的error(SStatus and SError registers里反映),链路层再通过每次frame传输完成后的R_ERR/R_OK来报告错误(不过R_ERR相较于D2B FIS不能指出错误的原因)。

4.Application layer error:(1)bad status in the Command Block Status register;

(2)bad status in the SError register;and

(3)command failed to complete.
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