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1. 符号表的List链表形式实现

首先来看下接口函数的设置 list.h

#ifndef _LIST_H_
#define _LIST_H_
typedef struct ListNode
char*  key;
void*  value;
struct  ListNode* pre;
struct  ListNode* next;
} ListNode;

typedef struct List
struct ListNode*  head_node;
struct ListNode*  tail_node;
unsigned long uiNodeLength;
} List;
typedef struct List* pList;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

pList List_new( void );

void List_free( pList oList );

int List_getLength( pList oList );

int List_put( pList oList, const char* pcKey, const void* pvValue );
void* List_replace( pList oList, const char* pcKey, const void* pvValue );

int List_contains( pList oList, const char* pcKey );

void* List_get( pList oList, const char* pcKey );

void* List_remove( pList oList, const char* pcKey );

void  List_map( pList oList,
void (*pfApply)(const char* pcKey, const void* pvValue, void* pvExtra),
const void* pvExtra );
#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  //end of _LIST_H_



#include "list.h"  //“”意味着优先在当前目录下搜索库
#include <stdio.h> //<>意味着按照#include环境变量设置的绝对路径进行搜索
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>

* Use calloc to allocate the memory,
* because it will initialize all memory bits to zero.
* calloc函数相比于malloc函数最大的不同便是初始化操作,前者带有分配空间全部清空的操作
static void* MyAlloc ( unsigned long size )
void* tmp;

tmp = ( void* ) calloc ( size, sizeof ( char ) );
assert( tmp );

return tmp;

pList List_new( void )
return (pList)MyAlloc(sizeof(List));

void List_free( pList oList )
assert( oList );
ListNode* temp = oList->head_node;

while ( temp )
oList->head_node = oList->head_node->next;

if ( temp->key )
free( temp->key );
//if ( temp->value )  //value的释放不应该由List内部来实现,应该遵循着谁制造,谁负责的逻辑
//  free( temp->value );
free( temp );

temp = oList->head_node;
free( oList );
oList = NULL;

int List_getLength( pList oList )
return oList->uiNodeLength;

static ListNode* List_getKey( pList oList, const char* pcKey )
assert( oList );
assert( pcKey );

if (strlen(pcKey) == 0)
return NULL;

if ( oList->uiNodeLength == 0)
return NULL;

ListNode* temp = oList->head_node;
while (temp)
if( strcmp( pcKey, temp->key) == 0)
return temp;
temp = temp->next;

return NULL;

int List_put( pList oList, const char* pcKey, const void* pvValue )
assert( oList );
assert( pcKey );
assert( pvValue);

if ( strlen( pcKey) == 0)
return 0;
if ( List_getKey( oList, pcKey) )
return 0;

ListNode* new_node = (ListNode*)MyAlloc( sizeof(ListNode) );
assert( new_node );

char* key = (char*)MyAlloc( strlen(pcKey) + 1);
if (key == NULL)
free( new_node);
return 0;

new_node->key = key;
strcpy( new_node->key, pcKey );
new_node->value = (void*)pvValue;

if (oList->uiNodeLength == 0)
oList->head_node = new_node;
oList->tail_node = new_node;
new_node->pre = NULL;
new_node->next = NULL;
oList->uiNodeLength = 1;

return 1;
new_node->pre = oList->tail_node;
new_node->next = NULL;
oList->tail_node->next = new_node;
oList->tail_node = new_node;
oList->uiNodeLength += 1;

return 1;


int List_contains( pList oList, const char* pcKey )
assert( oList );
assert( pcKey );
if ( List_getKey( oList, pcKey) )
return 1;
return 0;

void* List_replace( pList oList, const char* pcKey, const void* pvValue )
assert( oList );
assert( pcKey );

ListNode* tempListNode = List_getKey( oList, pcKey );

if (tempListNode == NULL)
return NULL;
void* tempP = tempListNode->value;
tempListNode->value = (void*) pvValue;
return tempP;
void* List_get( pList oList, const char* pcKey )
assert( oList );
assert( pcKey );

if (strlen(pcKey) == 0)
return NULL;
ListNode* temp = List_getKey( oList, pcKey );
return temp ? temp->value : NULL;

void* List_remove( pList oList, const char* pcKey )
assert( oList );
assert( pcKey );

if ( strlen(pcKey) == 0)
return NULL;
ListNode* temp = List_getKey( oList, pcKey );
void* tempValue = NULL;
if (temp)
if ((temp != oList->tail_node) && (temp != oList->head_node))
temp->pre->next = temp->next;
temp->next->pre = temp->pre;
else if (temp == oList->head_node )
if (oList->uiNodeLength == 1)
oList->head_node = NULL;
oList->tail_node = NULL;
oList->head_node = temp->next;
temp->next->pre = NULL;
else //if (temp == oList->tail_node )
if (oList->uiNodeLength == 1)
oList->head_node = NULL;
oList->tail_node = NULL;
oList->tail_node = temp->pre;
temp->pre->next = NULL;

tempValue = temp->value;


oList->uiNodeLength -= 1;

return tempValue;

void  List_map( pList oList,
void (*pfApply)(const char* pcKey, const void* pvValue, void* pvExtra),
const void* pvExtra )
assert( oList );
assert( pvExtra );
assert( pfApply );

ListNode* temp = oList->head_node;
while (temp)
assert( temp->key );
assert( temp->value );
pfApply( temp->key, temp->value, (void*)pvExtra);
temp = temp->next;


2. 符号表的hash-table形式实现

首先来看下接口函数的设置 hash-table.h

#ifndef _HASH_TABLE_H_
#define _HASH_TABLE_H_

*插入冲突节点的可能性,这便是引入struct ListNode* next的原因
typedef struct ListNode
char* key;
void* value;
struct ListNode* next;

typedef struct ListAssociation
struct ListNode*   head_node;
struct ListNode*   tail_node;
unsigned long      uiNodeLength; //指明该链长度

typedef struct HashTable
struct ListAssociation**  bucketTable;//子表的索引入口
unsigned long      uiBindingsCount; //保存该hash-table所有有效子表的数目
unsigned long      uiBucketCount;   //保存当前哈希表内含的子表数目的上限
} HashTable;

typedef struct  HashTable* HashTable_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
HashTable_t HashTable_new( void );

void HashTable_free( HashTable_t oHashTable );

int HashTable_getLength( HashTable_t oHashTable );

int HashTable_put ( HashTable_t oHashTable, const char* pcKey, const void* pvValue);

void* HashTable_get( HashTable_t oHashTable, const char* pcKey );

void* HashTable_replace( HashTable_t oHashTable, const char* pcKey, const void* pvValue);

void* HashTable_remove( HashTable_t oHashTable, cosnt char* pcKey);

void HashTable_map(
HashTable_t oHashTable,
void (*pfApply)( const char* pcKey, const void* pvValue, void* pvExtra),
const void* pvExtra );


#include "hash-table.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>

#define ARRAY_SIZE 3

static const unsigned long kBucketCount[ARRAY_SIZE] = {1024, 2048, 666666};
static int giBucketCountIndex = 0;

static void* MyAlloc( unsigned long size );

*给定一个符号表组名称,和当前要查找的元素符号名key --pcKey,因为同样的符号名可能存在哈希冲突,故而应该
static ListAssociation* HashTable_getListAssociation (
HashTable_t  oHashTable,
const char* pcKey );

static ListNode* ListAssociation_getListNode (
const ListAssociation* pListAssociation,
const char* pcKey );

static ListNode* HashTable_getListNode(
HashTable_t oHashTable,
const char* pcKey );

static int ListAssociation_put( ListAssociation* pListAssociation,
const char* pcKey,
const void* pvValue );

static int Rehash( HashTable_t oHashTable );

static int ListAssociation_put_help_rehash(
ListAssociation* pListAssociation,
ListNode*  pListNode );

static int GetBucketSizeIndex( unsigned long uiBucketCounts );

int HashTable_hash( const char* pcKey, int iBucketCount )
int i;
unsigned int uiHash = 0U;
assert( pcKey != NULL);

for (i=0; pcKey[i] != '\0'; i++)
uiHash = uiHash * 66666 + (unsigned int)pcKey[i];

return (int)( uiHash % (unsigned int)iBucketCount );

HashTable_t HashTable_new( void )
HashTable_t temp = (HashTable_t) MyAlloc( sizeof(HashTable) );

struct ListAssociation ** pListAssociation = NULL;
temp->uiBucketCount = kBucketCount[0]; //初始将hash_table初始化为1024个节点
pListAssociation = (ListAssociation**) MyAlloc(temp->uiBucketCount * sizeof( ListAssociation* ) );

if (pListAssociation == NULL)
return NULL;
temp->bucketTable = pListAssociation;

return temp;

void HashTable_free( HashTable_t oHashTable )
assert( oHashTable );
unsigned long uiBucketCount = oHashTable->uiBucketCount;

struct ListAssociation* pListAssociation = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i<uiBucketCount; i++ )
pListAssociation = oHashTable->bucketTable[i];

if( NULL == pListAssociation )

ListNode* temp = pListAssociation->head_node;

while (temp)
pListAssociation->head_node = pListAssociation->head_node->next;

if (temp->key)
free( temp->value );
free( temp->key );

free( pListAssociation);
pListAssociation = NULL;

free( oHashTable->bucketTable );
free( oHashTable );

oHashTable = NULL;

int HashTable_getLength( HashTable_t oHashTable )
return oHashTable->uiBindingsCount;

int HashTable_put ( HashTable_t oHashTable, const char* pcKey, const void* pvValue)
assert( oHashTable );
assert( pcKey );
assert( pvValue );
assert( oHashTable->uiBucketCount ); //确保当前哈希表的子表数目不为0

if (0 == strlen( pcKey) )
return 0;

if (oHashTable->uiBucketCount < kBucketCount[ARRAY_SIZE-1] )
if (oHashTable->uiBindingsCount >= oHashTable->uiBucketCount )
if( Rehash(ohashTable) == 0)
return 0;

ListAssociation* pListAssociation = HashTable_getListAssociation( oHashTable, pcKey );
if (NULL == pListAssociation )
pListAssociation = ( ListAssociation* ) MyAlloc( sizeof(ListAssociation) );

if (pListAssociation == NULL )
return 0;

oHashTable->bucketTable[HashTable_hash( pcKey, oHashTable->uiBucketCount)] = pListAssociation;

if (ListAssociation_put( pListAssociation, pcKey, pvValue) )
oHashTable->uiBindingsCount = oHashTable->uiBindingsCount + 1;
return 1;

return 0;

int HashTable_contains( HashTable_t oHashTable, const char* pcKey )
assert( oHashTable );
assert( pcKey );

if(HashTable_getListNode( oHashTable, pcKey) )
return 1;
return 0;

void* HashTable_get( HashTable_t oHashTable, const char* pcKey )
assert( oHashTable );
assert( pcKey );

ListNode* pListNode = HashTable_getListNode( oHashTable, pcKey );

return pListNode->value;

return NULL;

void HashTable_map(
HashTable_t oHashTable,
void (*pfApply)( const char* pcKey, const void* pvValue, void* pvExtra),
const void* pvExtra )
assert( oHashTable );
assert( pfApply );
assert( pvExtra );

unsigned long uiBucketCount = oHashTable->uiBucketCount;
int i = 0;

if ( HashTable_getLength( oHashTable) == 0)

for ( i = 0; i< uiBucketCount; i++)
ListAssociation* pListAssociation = oHashTable->bucketTable[i];
if (pListAssociation == NULL)

ListNode* pListNode = pListAssociation->head_node;

while (pListNode)
assert( pListNode->key);
assert( pListNode->value);
pfApply( pListNode->key, pListNode->value, (void*)pvExtra );
pListNode = pListNode->next;


void* HashTable_replace( HashTable_t oHashTable, const char* pcKey, const void* pvValue)
assert( oHashTable );
assert( pcKey );

void* value = NULL;
ListNode* pListNode = HashTable_getListNode( oHashTable, pcKey);
if ( pListNode )
value = pListNode->value;
pListNode->value = (void*)pvValue;

return value;
void* HashTable_remove( HashTable_t oHashTable, cosnt char* pcKey)
assert( oHashTable );
assert( pcKey );

ListAssociation* pListAssociation = HashTable_getListAssociation( oHashTable, pcKey);
if (pListAssociation == NULL)
return NULL;

void* value = NULL;
ListNode* temp = pListAssociation->head_node;
ListNode* pre_node = NULL;

if (temp = NULL)
return NULL;

//1. 链表首项就是要查找的元素项,则需要额外处理,因为涉及到pListAssociation->head_node等组织信息的更新
if( strcmp(pcKey, temp->key) == 0)
value = temp->value;
pListAssociation->head_node = temp->next;


pListAssociation->uiNodeLength = pListAssociation->uiNodeLength - 1;
oHashTable->uiBindingsCount = oHashTable->uiBindingsCount - 1;

return value;

while (1)
pre_node = temp;
temp = temp->next;
if (temp == NULL)
return NULL;

if ( strcmp(pcKey, temp->key) == 0 )
pre_node->next = temp->next;  //链条串起来不能断
if ( temp == pListAssociation->tail_node )
pListAssociation->tail_node = pre_node;

value = temp->value;

free( temp->key );
free( temp->value);
free( temp );

pListAssociation->uiNodeLength = pListAssociation->uiNodeLength - 1;
oHashTable->uiBindingsCount = oHashTable->uiBindingsCount - 1;

return value;

return NULL;

static void* MyAlloc( unsigned long size )
void* temp = (void*) malloc( size*sizeof(char) );

return temp;

static ListAssociation* HashTable_getListAssociation( HashTable_t oHashTable, const char* pcKey)
assert( oHashTable);
assert( pcKey);

if ( strlen(pcKey) == 0)
return NULL;

int iHash_key = -1;

iHash_key = HashTable_hash( pcKey, oHashTable->uiBucketCount );
assert( iHash_key >= 0);

return oHashTable->bucketTable[iHash_key];

//1. 将符号名哈希后得到下标位置; 2.在下标位置上遍历链表进一步找到匹配的符号名项
static ListNode* ListAssociation_getListNode(
const ListAssociation* pListAssociation,
const char* pcKey)
assert( pListAssociation );
assert( pcKey );

if (strlen(pcKey) == 0)
return NULL;

ListNode* pListNode = pListAssociation->head_node;
while ( pListNode )
if ( strcmp( pcKey, pListNode->key ) == 0 )
return pListNode;
pListNode = pListNode->next;

return  NULL;

static int ListAssociation_put(
ListAssociation* pListAssociation,
const char* pcKey,
const void* pvValue )
assert( pListAssociation );
assert( pcKey );
assert( pvValue );

if (ListAssociation_getListNode( pListAssociation, pcKey ))
return 0;
ListNode* new_node = (ListNode*)MyAlloc( sizeof(ListNode) );

char* key = (char*)MyAlloc( strlen( pcKey) + 1);
if (key == NULL)
return 0;

new_node->key = key;
strcpy( new_node->key, pcKey );
new_node->value = (void*)pvValue;

if ( pListAssociation->uiNodeLength == 0)
pListAssociation->head_node = new_node;
pListAssociation->tail_node = new_node;
pListAssociation->uiNodeLength = 1;

return 1;
pListAssociation->tail_node->next = new_node;
pListAssociation->tail_node = new_node;
pListAssociation->uiNodeLength += 1;

return 1;

static ListNode* HashTable_getListNode( HashTable_t oHashTable, const char* pcKey)
assert( oHashTable );
assert( pcKey );

if (strlen(pcKey) == 0)
return NULL;

ListAssociation* pListAssociation = NULL;

if (HashTable_getLength( oHashTable) == 0)
return NULL;

pListAssociation = HashTable_getListAssociation( oHashTable, pcKey);

if (pListAssociation == NULL)
return NULL;

return ListAssociation_getListNode( pListAssociation, pcKey);

static int Rehash( HashTable_t oHashTable )
assert( oHashTable );
assert( oHashTable->uiBindingsCount >= oHashTable->uiBucketCount );

giBucketCountIndex = GetBucketSizeIndex( oHashTable->uiBucketCount );
assert( giBucketCountIndex >= 0);
if ((ARRAY_SIZE-1) == giBucketCountIndex )
return 1;


unsigned long uiBucketCounts = kBucketCount[giBucketCountIndex];

struct ListAssociation** pNewListAssociation = NULL;
pNewListAssociation = ( ListAssocaition**)MyAlloc( uiBucketCounts * sizeof( ListAssocaition*) );
if (pNewListAssociation == NULL)
return 0;

unsigned long uiOldBucketCount = oHashTable->uiBucketCount;
unsigned long i = 0;
for( ; i < uiOldBucketCount; i++ )
struct ListAssociation* pOldListAssociation = NULL;
pOldListAssociation = oHashTable->bucketTable[i];

if ( pOldListAssociation == NULL )

ListNode* pTempListNode = pOldListAssociation->head_node;
while ( pTempListNode )
int iHash_key = -1;
iHash_key = HashTable_hash( pTempListNode->key, uiBucketCounts );
assert( iHash_key >= 0 );

ListAssocaition* pListAssociation = pNewListAssociation[iHash_key];
if ( pListAssociation == NULL)
pListAssociation = (ListAssocaition*)MyAlloc( sizeof(ListAssocaition) );
if (pListAssociation == NULL)
return 0;

pNewListAssociation[iHash_key] = pListAssociation;

pOldListAssociation->head_node = pOldListAssociation->head_node->next;
if (ListAssociation_put_help_rehash( pListAssociation, pTempListNode )  == 0)
return 0;

pTempListNode = pOldListAssociation->head_node;

free( pOldListAssociation );
pOldListAssociation = NULL;

free( oHashTable->bucketTable );

oHashTable->bucketTable = pNewListAssociation;
oHashTable->uiBucketCount = uiBucketCounts;

return 1;

static int ListAssociation_put_help_rehash(
ListAssocaition* pListAssociation,
ListNode* pListNode )
assert( pListAssociation );
assert( pListNode );
assert( pListAssociation->uiNodeLength >= 0 );

if ( ListAssociation_getListNode( pListAssociation, pListNode->key) )
return 0;
if (pListAssociation->uiNodeLength == 0)
pListAssociation->head_node = pListNode;
pListAssociation->tail_node = pListNode;
pListAssociation->tail_node->next = NULL;
pListAssociation->uiNodeLength = 1;

return 1;
pListAssociation->tail_node->next = pListNode;
pListAssociation->tail_node = pListNode;
pListNode->next = NULL;
pListAssociation->uiNodeLength += 1;

return 1;

static int GetBucketSizeIndex( unsigned long uiBucketCounts )
int i = 0;

for ( i=0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
if (uiBucketCounts == kBucketCount[i])
giBucketCountIndex = i;
return giBucketCountIndex;

return -1;
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